Colours of the Boundless worlds

Hello everybody!

One of the most useful feature of Boundless is a blocks tinted in different colours. Well, in which colours actually?

I made a sheet with most part of Therka’s blocks. This sheet represent all colours of Therka:

It would be very helpful to have sheets for all worlds. But I need some help with this mission. Let’s create such sheets together: we need it for Solum, Berlyn, Vena V, Epsilo, Elopor, Septerfon, Andooweem, Alturnik, Vulpto, Nasharil and Munteen VII.


on Septerfon most is the same, but gravel is blue - ish; and theres white-gold gleam of course

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here’s screenshot of them too

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And Lustrous Wood is more light when on Therka.

just noticed you put flowers too - on Septerfon one of the flowers is different, having red stems and leaves if I remember correct; not sure but it was flower 4 being different

@Okkelinor, your sheet looks great. I hope it is not a problem for us to share this on our FB and Instagram. Thanks


indeed very nice and good looking sheet;

just remembered ice and glacier have different colors on Septerfon too- my memory is kinda slow but when it starts… :blush:

I might take a trip and collect one of each when I have a chance and post screenshot of the collection here if you want Okke

Great sheet, @Okkelinor you should post your co-ords, that way people could perhaps donate 1 of each block to you from different worlds?

Will try to do one for Vulpto and Solum, will add in decorative and bricks, glacier and ice if you don’t mind.

I sure I have a gravel from Septerfon and it exactly such as from Therka. I think your gravel not from Septerfon.

I’ll send to you picture without redundant draws. You are free to share all pictures I posted / posting / will post on forum.

It’s not easy. Experiment will not be clear: how you can sure what the block from exactly this world not another?
And we havn’t donation box yet :stuck_out_tongue:
Well, if you sure about this sheet in north-east from Лежбище on Therka (780, -1260). Assumed coords is (830, -1300)

Glacier and ice (as well as a dirt) aren’t a tintable blocks. They has only one colour for all worlds.
My sheet isn’t included blocks like growth, tangle and mould - they a pretty rare. If you will add they, it will be great.

Decorative blocks are not so different, but about bricks I don’t know.

hmmm…must be from Munteen so, my memory not so good lol

I could swear I saw different colors - but that could be down to different lighting on planets

Wanted Lustrous wood from Munteen VII

I’m almost ready to make such sheet for Munteen VII because of @Togar’s portal. But did someone see Lustrous trees on Munteen?
I crossed around all world from south to north but really didn’t find no one Lustrous tree there.

dirt is a tintable block, ice and glacier as it stands have no tints.

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I have some. I’ll be online in about 5 mins and can meet you in Therka market if you want

May you tell me where it can be found?

Sure - If you go to Miners Bluff, there are some just across the bridge a short distance

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I made picture for Munteen VII. Picture for Therka changed for more blocks.
It still not so good, but will be better with each new iteration :stuck_out_tongue:

As you can see, on Munteen VII has follow changes instead of Therka:

  • Gravel is white
  • Barbed grass is green
  • Lustrous wood lighten
  • Gnarled grass darken
  • Dirt lighten

Did anyone found tangle or thorns blocks on any worlds?

Don’t think so. It must be in early prefabs, but I don’t remember any such things.

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