It would be very helpful to have sheets for all worlds. But I need some help with this mission. Let’s create such sheets together: we need it for Solum, Berlyn, Vena V, Epsilo, Elopor, Septerfon, Andooweem, Alturnik, Vulpto, Nasharil and Munteen VII.
just noticed you put flowers too - on Septerfon one of the flowers is different, having red stems and leaves if I remember correct; not sure but it was flower 4 being different
I sure I have a gravel from Septerfon and it exactly such as from Therka. I think your gravel not from Septerfon.
I’ll send to you picture without redundant draws. You are free to share all pictures I posted / posting / will post on forum.
It’s not easy. Experiment will not be clear: how you can sure what the block from exactly this world not another?
And we havn’t donation box yet
Well, if you sure about this sheet in north-east from Лежбище on Therka (780, -1260). Assumed coords is (830, -1300)
Glacier and ice (as well as a dirt) aren’t a tintable blocks. They has only one colour for all worlds.
My sheet isn’t included blocks like growth, tangle and mould - they a pretty rare. If you will add they, it will be great.
Decorative blocks are not so different, but about bricks I don’t know.
I’m almost ready to make such sheet for Munteen VII because of @Togar’s portal. But did someone see Lustrous trees on Munteen?
I crossed around all world from south to north but really didn’t find no one Lustrous tree there.