Colours of the Boundless worlds

Glacier and ice are slightly different colors in inventory, but the difference is very slight in most cases. It’s a bigger difference that that between white metamorphic rock from different planets (which I can’t tell a difference in AT ALL, even with thousands and thousands of them laid out in front of me).

I guess devs would know best if they have different colors once laid out outside of inven.

Edit: Guess I wasn’t wrong. Ice and glacier have apparently become tinted since then, lucadeltodecso?

It’s subtle in the ice, but the glacier is plain as day.


Yeah, we recently changed ice and glacier to be tintable but the current range of ice tints is small so it’s difficult to tell.


Yeah, I know, thank you.

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Made my own natural block display (near to my Gleamtower on Therka in the desert):

Order from left to right: Starters(Therka+Solum+Berlyn+VenaV), Septerfon(EUMoon), MunteenVII(EURing), Epsilo(USEMoon), Vulpto(USERing), Elopor(USWMoon), Nasharil(USWRing), Andoweem(AUSMoon), Alturnik(AUSRing)

Mostly based on this:

The problem is that I cant find ‘growth’ on Elopor, anyone know where to search for it? Or it is non-existent?

And anyone found ‘glacier’ on Vulpto or Alturnik? Of course there are other blocks that are missing, but they are non-existent for sure (until someone prove the opposite).

Oh and one more thing: can someone sell me one compact amethyst? Please? :blush:


You can find growth east of Elop Portas in the forest :wink:


Found it, thanks! :blush:


:smile_cat: :mushroom:

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@Kawwak this is the best! Good form sir! You should do a display of just all the wood tints and close up, I’d pay thousands of coins for that! I’ll even buy compact gems for you!

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Lucky @Kawwak, he just told me he needed the Amethyst and here you are offering some :o

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Cough cough, I expect my compact amethysts by yesterday. :joy:


Maybe you and Kawwak can split one in half somehow :joy:

@Dzchan94 you are my favorite now, but @Pseudonym84 will have to provide the gems :wink:


Well @Arkefyre, I just finished:

Left section are all the natural blocks (and compact gems) by planets, and right section are all the natural blocks by color.

But yes @Dzchan94 was the first! :smile:

Anyway still needs a ‘compact amethyst’ or 10 ‘rough amethysts’. :sweat:


Finished for now, got all the known natural blocks and props, and all the compact gems except for the amethyst one.

Oh and can we get the textures for the natural crystals please? :blush:


Dear mr. Developers…

can we please have more color variatons?

I can understand that at least the tier 1 worlds should have at least similar colors, but would be cool if it where differend grey tones for metamorphic stones etc (on all tier 1 worlds)
so we can mix up with 4 grey tones for the bricks and such if we travel all worlds to gather that things.

Also the tier 2 and tier 3 worlds should differ more in color…
why is vulpto red and munteend boring grey?
could we have another color on all Tier 3 worlds or something?
Green, blue, yellow etc
or “not so” intense colors maybe on tier2 like “realistic” stone colors for reddish, blueish etc

the game was advertised with the feature of the blockmap to mix any color, but this feature is not really in use :frowning:

just my suggestion, i think the biggest problem with this game is that its hard to be creative and alot things on the world looks same because there is not so much choice in textures, so maybe give us more colors to have more variation and creativity when creating things.


Well, new worlds are coming, which will bring more colours :grin:

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We’re working on it…


Procedural palettes! That’s honestly unexpected, and super exciting :smiley:

preemptive request: LAB color space!

edit: no scratch that, I need to read up more about HSLuv—seems to have a lot of the same perceptive properties as LAB


Spoiler^^ decorative woods :grin:


Oh man, so much excitement about this!