Please change the gleambow timers

Haha no prob! :slight_smile: Even gleam and glass, if I see anybody there, generally will just take a bit or step aside. :smiley: The Cuttle sacs and Oort alone make it well worth it!

I understand that they want to give a challenge to those who do great in order to give a better chance to those who don’t.

But the challenge becomes a punishment when you don’t stand a chance to overcome that challenge


Be nice if the player(s) that triggered the meteor had an indicator… maybe a small rainbow over their head. Not sure how that would actually work with so many players running the planets. Usually several meteors spawning when there’s lots of activity. But might help players figure out the timer better if they know which one they triggered.


Yah, but it’s ok, it’s ok if I spend almost 1h runing around, and the only meteor I get is one from another person. It’s not like there is a timelimit on the event, you can do it anytime, I can even lvl up an alt in a week or so and do the event with him, or spend hours more to reset my timer by runinng around and missing meteors.

Sarcasm mask off.

Tried to change planet, no effect, btw. This is tilting.

Now I am really sorry for making fun of you @Sujimichi88

I forsee that this will happen to me now


This you mean?

Last year the devs seemed to relent and make some changes to the timers. Whatever they did it relaxed a ton, I never saw one over about three minutes but saw reports of over 7 minutes, and I think a screenshot of an 11 minute timer on a quiet planet.

Anyways tons of people said it was ‘too long’ and they ‘wanted some challenge’ so things got reset and suddenly the timers were brutal with <15s meteors on tons of planets.

This is a case where players have complained when it was too short then immediately went “holup” when it got ‘too long’ so at least for the last event, they cranked it to hard mode and left it. You could however see the timers relax based on a given planet’s activity levels.

I think this personal timer is a new thing, just because it was never mentioned in explanation of previous events. Maybe it needs to be weighted in differently. Fingers crossed that after last time they’ll try some mid-event tuning if this is not how they wanted it to play out.


I disagree with “tons”.

IMO the devs continue to cater to a highly vocal minority who want the game to be hardcore, and in reality at least 75% of people enjoy boundless as their “chill/relaxing” game. However, those people aren’t hyper vocal, and the devs seem unable to tell the difference between a vocal minority and an actual majority. Boundless continues to lose casual players and become more and more hardcore with each update, adding grind in lieu of adding actual endgame content.


I can confirm somehow this behaviour today at Circa.
Yesterday on Boori the timer always was as intended, but today at Circa the timer seems to be odd.
Some seems to be normal, some not even reachable, if they hit the ground right in front of you.
I know Level 1 Meteors have less timer, but i had today one that was just a grapple length away, when it was hitting the ground it was like 7 Seconds left.
And i am a PC Player, so, no excuse :wink:

Edit: I got the feeling today, that the timer of the Meteor already starts before it is hitting the ground. Can it be it is messed up since today?

I wish you could prove that.

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Yes, more than half the time I lose a gleambow do to the world not generating fast enough for me to get there. I’m on PS4

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I will confirm that now it is not worth trying for them. I have consistently today had them 30 seconds or under. Never got to any of them most had 2-3 seconds on them as I was getting close.

I get the whole timer thing but this is just stupid. It should reset after like 8 hours regardless of how many you get. Guess I got my one day in on the event.


I had two meteors landing right in front of me, a distance of two or three grapples, by the time I got there the timer was once around 5 seconds and once 10s. Both of them I failed despite them crashing basically in front of me. I had meteors a bit further away with the same low timer, but there I wasn’t too surprised. The close one should have been easy to get.

I can’t speak to everyone’s situation, but if you’ve done a bunch and are getting short timers on every planet, it could be that this is intended as balance to allow for more players to participate. In my situation, I change planets, if it’s the same I either take a break or go do something else. When I come back my timer is back up. Again, one data point without a ton of testing. If you’re getting low timers when not having gotten a bunch and the same on each planet, then agree that something may be bugged. I’m just not seeing that


After 3 hours of failing, purely solo, my timers were still 5s. So it’d be great if it worked like that, but unfortunately it clearly doesn’t when you hunt in a succesfull group :confused:

Judging from responses here, others are starting to run into this issue too. Guess i was the frontrunner.

I love this event but these timers leave a very nad taste in my mouth.

I understand fixing draw distance is most likely a bigger fix than WS can do for this. But 2 things should really happen:

  1. Have a look at the algorithm that decides timers. Clearly its not working in my case, as surely it should relax my timers after 3 hours of failing.

  2. Increase the minimum time a GB meteor is alive. 5 seconds is not enough. Especially for ps4 players who essentially have to guess where a meteor is.


Should just change them to regular functioning meteors. Waves of enemies, meteor completes then collect blocks.


After 2 or so hours I hit some as low as 10-15 second… haven’t gotten anything lower on my end.

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My main is just as suji. Had to use another alt which not everyone can do.

I spent probably 6-7 hours all up before my timers hit 5 seconds. Mostly in groups.
You’ll unfortunately get there :confused:

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I’m surprised the low counters are lasting that long for you… They usually reset themselves and then you start to see 50sec to 1min 25 (ish) seconds. When the timers get to low I just jump onto the next planet until I tire them all out.

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Yeah its extremely frustrating. I dont mind it being a race, i dont mind missing a few to balance things out. But 3 hours over 4 planets and failing them all and still getting 5s timers is not fun.

And the last 1.5 hour i spent totally alone and know for a fact i spawned all the meteors myself. Still 5s.