Plot protection abuse

I don’t buy that. I just don’t. I think it’s a cop-out from actually moderating the game of toxic players. I’m tired of playing a game where the rules are being constantly changed and different people penalized based off changing criteria. I’m in the process of deleting my beacons. I’m just done. It’s been a year and nothing has changed. I appreciate your faith in things but I’ve lost mine. Continue to enjoy the time you spend here.

You have the plots, you own the land. Plain and simple. You reserved using roads, and at the time that was allowed, you were in the right - also plain and simple.

The road rules are changing, so “eventually” road plots won’t be reserved - I’d say hustle with the plotting since the clock is ticking but it could be as soon as Tuesday or as late as several months from now - who knows.

At any rate, I want to see this build and think it’s safe to say there was no bad intent here. Just a player and their plots at work.


Why is this an issue at all? Was OP actually planning on building here? There was no real explanation to why to even bring this drama up again. Its been talked about in a few different posts.

Or… is someone jelly they dont have the plots?


Same. BL actually needs huge builds/projects and players with ambition like this to show potential players the possibilities - they LOVE seeing builds/projects. Give streamers and YTers more to talk about :wink:


It’d be different if they were deleting or boxing in diamond spawn locations or something, which is “allowed”


As a fellow seggi, if you need help reserving plots when the patch hits, let me know.


Meh I will buy the PS5 Deluxe Edition then in November 2020! :slight_smile:

And then I also do not need char transfer I hope since the PS5 version will spin circles around the PS4 and might be as good as my current PC…

And the Super Duper Limited Edition of the PS5 version will include a free rental planet of course!

So all solved in November 2020!! Yay!

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thanks, but it won’t be necessary :slight_smile: the noodles will soon loose their purpose anyway and the rest is being worked on at a more relaxed pace now (yay pre-next-update noodles)

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The problem is the use of the
Word ROADS is being used to describe spaghetti plotting 1 plot wide to purposely lock down large regions…which is the abuse the Devs are addressing…

THEN you have a vocal tiny group trying to implement their antiroad agenda trying to change the roads that are legitimate and multiple plots wide into “a bad thing” … but here is the thing these roads are actually built or being built, not some attempt to hold land with empty plots… not only that but this use is 100% under the TOS… AND I have probably spent a hundred of hours planning and building the roads, bridges, tunnels, etc… now this vocal tiny minority wants to in essence to remove plot buffers, connect & cross the roads without being being part of the town that built them. Talk about feeling entitled or having your cake and eating it! Lol

In my humble opinion those of us building roads are providing a service to our respective planets…

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I agree with your post except for this, roads are fun to make, they look nice too and big ones are a personal challenge too but they really do not serve much purpose at the moment.

I did read a nice idea earlier which I liked where you get a speed buff when walking on roads (or basically anything that has been oortian made) then they will be useful! Tho bridges of course are too, but just roads at the moment not so much.

Also hoping for mounts or other ways of transport to make them more usable in future!

PS Agree with the flagging shenanigans, would love to know who is doing this, especially since they only seem to do certain ones, it’s very inconsistent…

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It’s possible that multiple consecutive quick posts are autoflagged for spam


Whoa there, indeed they are flagged ridiculously fast and sadly, non mods can do this too these days with the new forum software…

(I saw your post appear and before I finished reading the 2 sentences, poof flagged)

The city is going to be a chiseled heaven.


I fear that a buff would increase building in this area of confrontation too. I’d stay away for anything that gives people more reasons to build stuff that ends in fights. It is very hard when footfall and prestige dumping and other things link to stuff people try to build. These systems cause conflict and then the “intentions” behind the person doing them cannot always be understood and that leads to more conflict.

For a number of years I played a game called Wurm Online, where every material had a walking speed modifier, mud and swamp slowed you down while cobbled stone was lightning quick, etc. It had a really nice effect of clustering players in little communities without jamming them together, and people were happy to be near a road since they could get around faster. Mounts could ignore some of the speed penalties of terrain which gave them a reason to exist for off-road exploration.


This is precisely why I and so many others have zero interest in sharing a world with anyone other than close friends.

I cant choose neighbors in real life but at least I can choose them in Minecraft Trove No Man Sky and Creativerse.

I eagerly await the possible day I can spawn my own worlds and have my own adventures without worrying about drama.


could work if the road was a separate beacon. beacon that is ‘road’ gives speed bonus on player built structures, doesn’t generate footfall money ( or generates less), doesn’t allow shop stands… for example


I’m wondering if this entire situation(plots/beacons/roads/buffers/settlements) will get better or worse with more players. If it will continue to cause so many bad feelings/fights/problems, perhaps some large changes should be considered, for the future health of the game?

No one wants to deal with fighting about where they build, where their base is, if someone will over-take them in some way…

Plotting is fun, so I’d hate for that to be taken away. Perhaps it could be regional or pre-determined available areas, or something. I dunno. I’d also hate for the only option to be waiting for rental planets.

Plotting is allowed in many games, not sure why it’s causing so many problems in this game. I’ve never experienced these issues before - except in ones that also have PVP and people can take your stuff.


Footfall money is created out of thin air from the game and has not taken from any player. With that being understood you believe that if somebody build something for the convenience of other people that they should be denied the foot fall for that? Of course they deserve the foot fall for that


Oh wow, check that screen shot out! :scream: Must be a pretty big project someone has planned!

So what?

Every time I see a post like this pop up I think to myself, “great, only a matter of time before they sharpen their pitchforks and come for me…” It’s honestly extremely discouraging.

I’ve often thought of just abandoning my home & project I’ve been working on for nearly a year now… Just tear everything but my workshop down until each of my alts has 4000+ plots and I can actually accomplish exactly what I want to accomplish.

The ability to dream big is what lured me in to Boundless and hook-in-mouth, I’ve stayed true as an arrow fighting against time, real life and x-factors trying to finally see my original dream come to fruition. Stuff like this just throws sand in the eyes.

I get the need to regulate/ monitor and I support it, but honestly when are we the players going to learn to just stay in our own lanes and let eachother do whatever we want to do with our own time & money? It’s not up to us to police the game or the system; the devs make the decisions and those decisions are final.

Our ‘job’ as players is to play a game and enjoy it the best way we see fit. When someone else truly interferes or harasses, then that’s when it becomes a problem and it needs to be dealt with.

Anyways, /endrant. This topic is getting a little too hot for me so I’m out.


Hope everyone finds peaceful resolutions here.