please do keep in mind how small a team this is, and that its not going to be tab target combat like GW. making it harder to make good skills
for the post, i considered making one about Elite worlds, but it fits well here so i will just post it here.
I think we should have a certain amount of tiers and they should get better stats and different formations (at first tiers enemies stand alone, but as you get higher up they start to stand in groups or clusters with a few melee and a few ranged) the higher you go, so lets assume there are 10 tiers. every tier you go up the enemies becomes a bit harder but they can still be done with solo players, as when you hit max you are so to say ‘‘max level’’ and you have the ‘‘max level’’ gear, however you dont need the best gear to be on tier 10 worlds, a normal decent player with high level gear can survive, not mindlessly, but he can survive.
then they should add 10+ and 10++ worlds, only a few, 10+ would be twice or thrice as hard as the tier 10 world, everything hurts alot. you would need a group of 4 or 5 people working together with higher than normal gear just to take down normal creatures. there would be something like +materials on world.
tier 10++ would be something like a world where there are no normal creatures, all creatures would be buffed boss creatures from the previous worlds, mearning that if you have an area with 50 wolves, its 50 wolf bosses gathering around. this world would require 10 - 15 people with insane gear and teamwork to just get around without dying, maybe also a harder death penalty. this world might only be accessed once every day, and if you die you get thrown out of it. this would have ++materials that would make the absolute best gear in the game.
there is a gaming quote saying ‘‘never underestimate gamers to beat what the devs think is unbeatable’’ this is for the truly truly hardcore players, and might just be 1 or 2 worlds.
so again for the question.
‘‘max’’ world (tier 10) should not be easy, but it should be soloable with highlevel gear. and then there would be + world and a ++ world for the truly hardcore gamers.
EDIT: for those who are going to ask ‘‘why not just call that tier 11 and tier 12 worlds’’ its for the endgame.
everybody who have played mmo’s know what endgame is, its the point when you reach max level and you start to do dungeons and raids. now. if we say tier 10 is max and then we have harder tier 10 worlds, the + and ++ people will accept tier 10 as max and see the + and ++ as endgame content. if we call it tier 11 and tier 12, people would only see tier 12 as '‘end game’ and they would say it was impossible to get there.
it would be like playing wow, getting to level 80 and then not being able to level in any zone other than level 60.