/ POLLS / Most wanted features V2

Another QOL thing I would like to see is a RESET chisel! I have lost count the amount of times I chisel something and knock out the wrong portion of a block. Having a reset chisel which resets the block to it’s original form would save from having to smash and replace the block each time.


hehe yes ^^

An ‘undo’ or ‘ctrl-Z’ option would be awesome. I don’t know how many times I hit ctrl-Z during building out off habbit. :flushed:


I voted on “No wait time when changing skillsets”, but I would be very ok if the cooldown free-zone was extended to, instead of just home beacon: any beacon, only friend’s beacons, or a friend’s home beacon.

My alts is living with my main and if I’m going to change spec on my crafter quickly to queue a recipe that it can’t do in the current spec, I have to leave “home” to go to its home beacon, then return, do the thing, go back to the home beacon, then return and continue what I was doing.

I would also be content with being able to set a friend’s beacon as your home beacon, but that sounds like it could potentially have weird consequences.


Dude stop falling off your build;)
Unless your death was caused by lag(which is not solved by reducing or removing the penalty), I dont see any reason why there should be no penalty for dying inside your beacon. You messed up and died. You should get the penalty.
If it were up to me, the death penalty would be as follows: 1. All items are dropped on death AND receive 25% durability loss, and 2. You are forced to warp to your home beacon, at the same cost as a normal warp. All along side the xp penalty. You would be given a small time frame to retrieve your items before they become public and anyone can pick them up.
So i think the xp penalty is far less severe than that already. And is far less severe than it should be. Currently it is at the middle ground for players who want a high penalty and those who do not want one at all and is completely fair in my opinion.

Old school Runescape does an ingame poll system that works quite well. So its definitely doable. I think it is a great way to go about making changes to the game.

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Franticly clicks everything in number 1


Can you change the ‘Free warp to home if within 300 blocks’ to ‘Free warp to home if on the same world/planet’? Cause I hate having to digging for resources, going through multiple caves, through many thousands of blocks. Only to either dig my way back out and run home, or forced to pay money to warp home.

If it’s on another planet/world, I can understand. But if your on the same world as your home beacon, you should be able to teleport back to it for free. As it just cuts walking time. Where as stuck on another planet has you walking to a portal, and trying to find your way back to your planet.

And if ‘On the world’ is too big, then within a VERY large radius. Like 100k blocks.

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If it were up to you, many of us would no longer enjoy the game.

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It only costs 100 coin to warp back home when on the same planet.

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True, but it’s 100g EVERY time you want to go back. What about the people exploring, or harvesting resources and run out of inventory space and want/have to go back for a bit, then go back out again. What about the people that only go harvesting for an hour, come back to set up the smelting and crafting, then go back out for another hour and repeat.

Unless you have a very big and dedicated shop you run, you’re only ever making money through missions/quests, and they can get very specific after a while.

I just made a brand new crafting alt and he made 5k coins in a few hours. While my 3 day old alt is very lucky to make 100 coins completing a mission in a single day, by me specifically going out of my way to do the quest to get the money to buy a new hammer.

Said hammer costing slightly over the price of a Warp. Not everyone can make money in the game. Especially when most of the shops in the major hubs are dead and the request baskets don’t have any budgets anymore. Or they asking for so little, they are practicly scamming you out of your time and resources for very little money.

(I mean seriously, people are paying 3g per iron ore, when it costs 140g for an iron tool to mine said ore. They are literally scamming you out of resources so they can make thousands of coin of your stupidity)

100 coins isn’t much for someone set up in a shop, happily scamming people to make money. But for Hunters, Crafters, Builders, and Gatherers that can’t setup a good shop, and get customers? For people not willing to be scammed out of their hard earned money by shops only willing to pay pennies for their time and work? They can’t afford 100g warp 5+ times a day.

Yes and if it were up to that group of people I would not enjoy the game. Which is why I said the way it is now is a good middle ground between hardcore and casual. I’m not asking them to make it worse. But everyone needs to stop trying to reduce the current penalty. That is already not that bad.

I’ll say this much, we would never force what we want on you. All we want is options for different game styles.

I think the poll should reflect that. We want choices, not to force you or anyone else to play a certain way.

Be it PVP, easier tradin’, penalties, or anythin’ else, we want OPTIONS, and thus you could continue to play the way you like, and we could play the way we like.

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@Karokendo You missed clothes, actual character customization (more then one face?), water buckets (real ones)

And this:


You get 100 coins a day from playin’ on each character, so that’s a free home warp every day.

Don’t go harvesting for only an hour. Clear out your inventory and leave only tools. Go out and get all the plants for several real-life hours, then come back and you’ll be set for a good while.

When I go mining I have several full stacks of rocks and ore before I return. I travel all over the planet for hours then warp back. If I have’to take a break, I log out where I am and don’t warp home yet.

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That’s kinda my point. YOU don’t only harvest for an hour. But some people aren’t that dedicated. Again, especially if they aren’t just the Gatherer, but also the Crafter as well. Because to be the most efficient, is not to harvest then crafting. But to harvest WHILE crafting, since Crafting takes time, a lot of time.

Ever make a few stacks of Mass Refine Wood or Stone? 25m per 50 refined block. That’s a lot of time to wait. So it’s more Effiecient on time, to go out gathering, then come back and start crafting, then go back out and gather while it’s waiting to craft, and repeat.

And not everyone likes making 10+ Workbenches or Refiners or forges to make more items at the same time, cause you’re wasting resources crafting extra workbenches, you probably won’t even need to use anymore.

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I agree options are good. But options on the death penalty essentially nullifies the penalty all together. You shouldn’t be able to choose a lower penalty option. This isn’t a game where you get to select your difficulty at the start. If its optional the vast majority of people will just choose to have the lowest/no penalty. This would only work if there are other penalties for choosing low/no death penalties. Such as reduced xp or resource gain. Which is obviously ridiculous and i doubt many people will want it that way.

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If you don’t want to gather for a few hours, then that’s your choice to be inefficient. You can’t really blame the game for that.

25m per mass craft of refinery, correct. I mass crafted refineries, so what I do is go mining for a day, get several stacks of ore and rock, then I put them all equally in the refinery, and log off. By the next time I play, it’s all crafted.

You should be usin’ your off-time as the time for craftin’, it’s easier to start a whole bunch of crafts then log-off for the day.

You’re not wastin’ resources crafting extra workbenches, there’s INFINITE resources in the game, and workbenches are really cheap.


why so much hate against the merchants kek
100c per tp is nothing.
You can literally sell 100 sap in 10 min and you have enough coins for 10 trips.
You can boost xp farming white gleam in kada1 and sell them like 3-5 eo.

If you want to make some coin.
Don’t focus on quests.
Play the game.
What is selling hot?
What are the commodities?
This shop is selling iron ore at 3c and this shop is buying at 5c.

Make your own iron tools then.
It only costs 1 crafting point.
Maybe you can gather your own ores and sell the weapons too.

As a shop(s) owner I do not scam people.
I only add value to the TIME.
Do you need some cogs but you don’t want to wait?
I can give you some NOW but at a price.


Again, you’re proving my point.

What is selling hot? I don’t know, I’m out mining. What are the commodites? I don’t know, I’m out mining. This shop is selling iron ore at 3c and this shop is buying at 5c. That would be nice to see, but it’s so very rare to even SEE a shop selling Iron Ore, but there are plenty of abandoned shops begging for Ore but having no money.

Do you by chance live and visit near one of the Portal Hubs? Cause the one my town’s connected to leads to about 30 dead shops, and the ones not dead sell expencive items and request very cheap, ripping you off if you actually know how much goes into crafting another item.

Oh, that would be nice! I go out mining a lot, I have lots of Copper and Iron ore, and rocks. Even some trees nearby to make sticks for the handles.

Too bad it also requires Sackcloth, a resource so very rare to find, people will pay more for it, than for diamond ore in most shops. Then there is glue. No idea where to get glue. Never seen glue. Never even seen any other crafting item that needed glue.

As far as I know, Glue doesn’t exist and people are just cheating to get it some how, cause I haven’t seen any way to make it, and it’s probably very complicated and something a miner can’t do. Also NO ONE Sells Glue in this game. Trust me, I’ve looked before a few days ago for 3 hours straight. Only dead shops, or people just not selling it.

Oh, let me add in how rare Coal is to find, and the little bit you do find, is never enough to smelt all the ore you find as well. I mean seriously, I have entire stacks of Copper Ore, well over 1200, that I can’t do anything with, cause I just keep finding hundreds of them, but only 5-10 soft coal which only smelts a very small ammount of copper. And those are BASIC Beginner resources I might add.

There are MULTIPLE layers of issues, where people literally have to do everything them selves. They have to Mine, they have to dig up dirt, they have to chop all the trees, they have to find glue somehow, they had to stumble across the single instance of the rare plant that drops the leaf to become sackcloth once in the whole world.

On top of that, Both Each of the ‘Gathering Jobs’, Mining, Tree Cutting, and Dirt Digging, have special skills to make them less a chore, but you can only pick 1 to be good at. And crafting, is a whole other dedication of skills. So you need TWO characters at the very least, leveling up at the same time, doing different playstyles, switching back and forth as needed.

That’s nice. But you’re 1 shop, out of thousands, across many worlds, many hubs, and many settlements. YOU don’t scam people. But everyone else does. After all, if they aren’t scamming people, they are actually losing money to those that do.

All over Level 1 and 2 worlds, but there’s a resource patch incoming with the server fixes that is going to make them respawn more often.

Sap and bone in furnace. You can check the recipe in the “knowledge” tab.

Endless amounts on Level 3 Coal Worlds in caves. Also, wood can be used as fuel.

In Level 3 metal worlds, often in caves, or around 25 depth I find it pretty frequently, along with silver rarely.

Correct, but to level up a crafter takes very little time, just do the intro tutorial and in 4 hours you’ll have a crafter leveled high enough to unlock most of what you’ll need.

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