/ POLLS / Most wanted features V2

Well it seems you just had a bad experience with shops.
I have only 1 char and I can do almost everything with a reasonable efficiency.

Running a shop is not easy.
It’s too much time consuming.
Sometimes commodities sell too fast to even replenish stock.
And if you gather your own resources to sell at the shop, it’s nothing compared to what you earn with meteor hunting/bomb mining.
So most people just do the most hr/coin activity.
And build some empty shops to earn football coin.

Anyways you can find all that items on my shop in the Gyosha Ophin Portal Seekers Gateway.
I will set up another in Xa Fran soon.
We can drink some brews and talk better.


I’ve seen a few rio-off shops that buy something for <10c and sell that same thing for 150c. I see that price gap and I walk out. Those shops tend to have a lot of stock because their prices are very bad. I assume only people who can’t find active shops will go to them. Shops with good pricing, but less active shop keepers tend to get cleaned out while the keeper needs to take some time to craft and restock.

To other points, fiberous leaves make cloth in a refinery. No, you will not find them mining, so if you insist that you only mine and never do anything else you won’t find it. Not many shops will sell it because it’s not generally considered very valuable.

Shops don’t sell glue (again, made from sap and bone in a furnace) because there isn’t a great economy of scale to leverage from manufacturing it in quantity. It’s basically just the cost of the raw ingredients (which includes heat).

Finally, there are a lot of heat sources that are not coal! I don’t usually run my furnaces on coal. I normally run them on peaty soil, compacted peat, timber, or lastly coal. Compacting your fuel is your best option. Peat is a by-catch of my clay mining operations.

Btw, clay is something that some people buy, and are at times willing to buy a lot of. Lots of shops that sell clay for under 5c will sell out. I have 10k in a request basket buying clay at 3c. An iron shovel and some generic mining abilities can also power through soils.

Why Move-able, placeable liquids is not an option?

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It’s obvious everybody wants them, still they are not implemented. That’s why I did not include them in this poll.

Yeah. This poll is horribly biased in how it’s presented.

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When the devs introduce restraining orders they’ll add that. You’ll just have to stay at least 10 plots away from any primary-tier planets.

One of my choices was “other” as in multi-dimensional beacons which can repel mobs with the right crafting and ingredients. Also interactive items beyond doors which will allow for the building of dungeons, escape rooms, etc.

I’d like to add a feature to the list:

  • Automatic doors.

Too many people leave my doors open and I don’t want to block them with a lock.



No…but some moveable blocks or binary blocks would be cool. Push a button, block changes.


Something I honestly want more than anything else is a Boundless version of Minecraft’s Redstone. Redstone opened up a practically infinite amount of clever, fun, and useful contraptions, helped with things such as Slime Blocks and Pistons. Some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Minecraft was just creating things with Redstone.


Absolutely, it opens up a huge amount of potential creativity, especially in a pve focused, player driven mmo!
It could even work its way into the skill options, some sort of electrician specialist.

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World bosses or titans as people have mentioned above. That would be brilliant, also armour aswell with ability to enchant to ward against different effects. Just .my two cents!

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OP, you forgot one important thing:

Creature taming.

I want to be able to trap and tame creatures so they can be plot pets (roam around the plot they are placed in, or beacon they are placed in) OR Pet Battle Arena with betting system!

I bet my Spitter and destroy your Cuttletrunk!

Other stuff I want:
Clothes/armor options
Show Trophies on belt (predator style)
Automatic Closing doors
Coin Operated Doors
Fireman Poles (ladders that go down, but super fast)
More ways to Display Trophies
More weapons! Crossbow and Fister is good, but I want some sort of Laser Machine Gun or Laser Shotgun

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You know that the game can’t support it, right? Some basic stuff maybe, like auto-closin’ doors, but nothing big.

That’s the argument I hear every single time this is brought up. There are always ways around it, though. The best way could be actual better servers, but…

I notice that assets for the ladders, fences, and poles/posts are already shipped with the game. My guess is they’ll drop first.

Just waiting for banners and other decorations like the hanging spitter carcass in the artwork posts.

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Glue is quite easy to make, simply sap and bones in a furnace. As for sackcloth, I have several hundred and would love for you to point me towards the people that are buying it for more than diamonds!

As for your continuous complaint about “dead shops”, come by General Store in Black Light on Pheminorum. South side of town, on the main road, easy to find. It’s not dead at all! I do my best to keep it stocked and to keep coin in all my request baskets. Like @shap3d said, I also do not scam people. I keep my prices competitive. And since my town sees a lot of traffic from new players, I even have request baskets for things that allow the newer players to make some coin early on just to help them out!

It’s only fair in certain circumstances and conditions. It’s not fair when death happens (often repeatedly in a row) as a result of an unstable connection and rubber banding!

I agree but that is not a problem with the death penalty and removing it is not the solution to lag.
The death penalty us so minor as it is. I think it should be more harsh for death. But it’s fair right now because its a middle ground between those that want a real penalty and those that think there shouldnt be any difficulty in the game.
The lag will be addressed and then what will the argument be for removing the penalty?
Not only that, but happening multiple time in a row is annoying but the penalty doesn’t stack so that isn’t effected by the death penalty anyway…

Or as Decuire keeps saying to me, ground switch closing doors :wink:

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