Post Your Screenshots!

Worst thing is when you’re in your own workshop which has a nice roof and walls and all that and you can’t see much due to fog somehow coming in when the rain is really bad outside…

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Hi guys, I have a question.

I want to build a maze in the “Bastion” that I’m building before I cover it up and start the next level . How wide should the maze be ( I was thinking 3 wide ) and is light coloured brick best. Here is a long distance shot so the internal dimensions are visible . Thankyou.

I think it all depends on the “vibe” you wish to create. 1 block wide would make the user feel claustrophobic and give a more menacing feel, 3 wide would make it feel more comfortable but possibly give the illusion of it being a much bigger maze than it actually is.

Dark blocks again might give a more menacing feel, lighter blocks may give a more hopeful feel. Maybe just build yourself a couple of test corridors with a single turn in them to see what you feel works best.


Excellent points , thank you .

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Probably obvious, but if you have a limited number of plots to work with, 3 wide makes your maze a lot simpler/easier than 1 wide would.

@Kaplah has a nice hedge maze on Kada (he is the TNT Kada portal) you might want to check out, it’s 2 or 3 wide (or more, I forget). And @Adrageron has a few 1-wide mini-mazes in his Treasure Hunt, you can get there from my ultima tree.

I’ve been contemplating mazes myself, will probably add one soon!


I could show you the Reapers Labyrinth.

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My dimensions are odd but to give you an idea a little over 7K bricks were used to do the floor .

Yeeeeessssss go into the dungeon with this stranger you met online :wink:


Thanks , hopefully tomorrow , I’m just starting to bevel chisel the outside wall . Gonna be a while lol.

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I would most definitely recommend taking @georgegroeg up on his offer. His maze is the work of an evil genius, guaranteed to break a person’s spirit.


My recommendation for any maze is the to keep either the roof low or the walls narrow, one or the other at least. The reason is that if a player gets frustrated they can return to sanctum and be booted from the maze.


Alder pooping magical pixie dust on the Sanctum.


Just a update,this build is unplanned or rather planned as I go along , still considering a maze though.


for a good laby, go for 4-5 levels with many up and down features, if you know what i mean

I knew when I saw the pics of Utopia on Xa Frant in another thread, I’d have to pay it a visit myself and give it some love in this thread! :heart_eyes: :+1:


It’s not as good as the others here but here’s my little settlement “The Little Homstead” at Boori that organically grows as functional building needs arises. (Some are from old pics of the settlement and sorry for the long screenshot dumps!)

My Home:

Boat is currently under maintenance (Due to new portal for shop)



Centraforge in our tunnel system (due to space requirements of coils!)


For those sweet exps

And the last addition, our shop:
Quick plug. Please buy/sell from us :joy:

I even sell authentic hopper toys:



Sorry it’s out of stock right now. The accidental Hopper Trapper system hasn’t been doing very well lately. :joy:


I’m on Boori @Lawrey
Like the style of your base. :sunglasses:
Wondering how far you are from mine. Care to share coords?

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don’t put yourself down. This is a neat build. I like how you used the landscape. It is easier to make something big look detailed than it is when you build small. Great job!