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Decided to try my hand at creating a Dragon in game, something to play with some of the cool colors I have gotten both from Exo’s and Gleambow.

This took me about 2 full days of figuring it out, but overall I am quite pleased with it!

This is a Dragon I made 100% freeform. He is located on Refgar in GlitchWorld over in the SIlver District. I would love suggestions for him, maybe even a name. :smiley:


total gleambow devastation


10 char

have started sorting my Lake reclaim blocks into main colour sets, with darker hues at top leading to the lightest hues at bottom.
Gonna make it a lot easier picking colours out for use in building :ok_hand:
shout out to @Lorgar and their amazing Goo Gel spray store for having all the colours I needed.


Is that even possible o_O wouldn’t it create like infinite combos and make too much lag or something o_O I love the idea, I would love it in the game. I didn’t think it was possible.

I doubt it’s going to be possible.
For the way things seem to work they would need to increase the grid size per block and that would increase the number of combinations that each block can have

Maybe it is blue prints then or they are amazing and somehow figured out how to do it :slight_smile:

I’m enjoying the theories :zipper_mouth_face:

But it is the start of a giant sofa, might show off more later


Furniture update confirmed :grin:

I work in sofa company… better be good BOI!


Not gonna lie, kinda cheated and i’m using a DFS sofa i found online as the reference.

For anyone who isnt from the UK, DFS is this sofa store that has ended up as this joke everyone knows that they have an eternal “THIS IS THE ULTIMATE BIGGEST SALE” and will run TV ads like that all year round.


Dont worry we have that kinda companies too in Finland :grin:


A start to Gleambow Gardens :slight_smile:


This would be some revolution/amazing thing in the genre.


there’s a game that did that actually. called Planet explorers ( failed early access title) but they had such thing (editor where you can build in game items out of tiny blocks)
and also Chisels and bits, a Minecraft mod ( microblocks and blueprints)

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oh right i forgot about chisel and bits! would be the same but with chiseling i guess. which add another level of details.

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Gorgeous work, love it!! :heart_eyes:

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I measured a block on my screen at 14" and then used a lattice chisel on it. At the smallest increment it was 1/14th the block! Coincidence?


? What does this mean?

Really nice build for the tnt hub on Antar VI