Prestige buffered regen

Maybe not, but if has been stated the builds can be scavenged by other players then a player comes back to no build or maybe half a build with all the valuable blocks taken or the entire build regened so they come back to nothing and are frustrated and leave the game. So you do not keep players this way either.

If the builds exist forever then we run out of space. You end up with the developers running servers with planets covered in abandoned builds and who is going to pay for running those? The players that have left or the ones still playing?

Where is the happy spot where every player gets to keep what they have no matter what and the planets do not run out of space?

I think there needs to be a new beacon/plotting system. The current one is causing way too many issues, even after all these years. It’s running off new players. It’s a huge cause of stress in more ways than one. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Sorry for the confusion but that comment I made was about things before a regen bomb. Things would not ever regen because a person would run by and and the tree parts wouldn’t return. Regen was stopped when a person ran by within 8 plots originally I think… they shrunk that some to less plots. Now obviously things are different with regen bombs allowing us to speed up that process.

Personally I am more worried about the holes and floating stuff and other junk that would be left than a few pieces here and there… It is the huge messed up terrain that bothers me most… if that filled in and the floating stuff went away then I would be more open to leaving stuff around.

I understand this, but we have this now…even without slow regen, ruins, etc.

Meanwhile, I’ll stick with saying that I’m not arguing for the removal of world-regen, even though some of you keep simplifying the Ruins idea as such.

There could be potential for some abuse.
But I would think that if you do that, you’re aknowledging that it’s fair game for anyone to take over the ruined plots you left.

Pardon my ignorance, but what’s the #s? Is that some indication of the number of players?
It was @AvaDancer who wrote in another thread the Steam charts :

Those are launch #s verses now #s —the ones I’m talking about are
EA #s were below 50-100…we are approaching those #s

For four to eight hours but not 12-24-perm or whatever the new system might be set at.

People need to understand though that regen is 1 server layer that controls everything. I don’t know if they will or can find a way to split up the regen into 2 layers and handle “resources” in one and “player junk” in another.

It still seems the better approach to “ruins” should be player or dev assets that are introduced on worlds as something we can explore instead of “stuff left over” from players that left the game.

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This I agree with. The campfire is useless noise as a precursor for beacons for a new players and adds no value (except when used by players in builds). Maybe they remove beacon fueling entirely and as long as a player logs in every x months their beacon is fueled. I would keep players from having to keep a calendar of when they needed to refuel. You also do not have to go to each beacon you might have to refuel. Just log in and you renew all your beacons for the full time. Gleam club can extend this. But in a persistent universe something has to happen when a player quits the game and probably most players that quit do not bother to delete their character, they just stop playing so that is not a solution.

I agree, but how long until that would happen? Meanwhile, people go play other things.

I think this would help a lot and is more in line with what a player would expect to have to do to maintain a build.

There is no way for a game to know when a player has quit…unless it is a subscription model (no pay, no play). I don’t think there’s a way to guess and I think it’s really bad for a player’s build to regen in hours…if you want to run people off, delete their stuff. No one likes that. Some people take longer breaks than others…sometimes they are unexpected breaks. Deleting someone’s stuff because someone else doesn’t want to look at it or thinks they took too long…es no bueno.

I agree, it happened to me. When I started and I found my first wall of difficulty for not having the right tools and I got bored cutting trees to finish my construction, I was thinking of quitting the game and spent almost more time reading this forum than playing; I found a building that was decomposing, a part someone had protected it, but there were still plots are plotting that were being lost, with a lot of wood already refined of the color I was looking for, that allowed me to move forward and have fun. The excitement of picking up those materials in addition to the joy of avoiding all that wood collecting routine made me think that this game could have fun and if I learned to choose my activities and routines well, choosing the ones that I had the most fun and buying the materials that I found tedious to get, the game was more fun than it looked when I was facing the wall of difficulty. xD

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Kinda what I wrote somewhere above :

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Its a tough thing to balance. Give them stuff vs leaving their builds alone. Honestly the blueprint idea won’t work either to save large builds either, since some are based on specific landscape.

One of the things that people forget is that none of the ideas they are putting out are new. I haven’t seen a new idea on these forums in a long time. A lot of the questions we are asking aren’t meant to be dismissive but in the hopes they have a new thought that will create a need for the change they want. Unfortunately, many don’t really answer the questions and assume if we aren’t with them, we must be against them.

I’m not against changing the game and think the game needs radical changes to become popular. I’ve even posted a few ideas myself. I don’t care if the changes drive 90% of the current “harcore” playerbase away that are here now as long as it opens up the game to more people.


I think blueprints would make a nice addition to the game, but I agree-it wouldn’t keep/bring in players.

I don’t think EA folks (or us launch date pheasants lol) are against all changes, but it is disheartening to look back and see the same things from years ago…still not resolved.

I think many things are disheartening but we do need to understand why on many levels they don’t change - time, player complaints, and how it would effect existing game playing.

The complaints and the effect on the existing game is the larger of those two issues. Unless people are willing to come on board with major change or some “transition type plan” to get to where the game needs to be we won’t see change come easily. It is a huge block on the dev side this challenge. How do you move the game forward without hurting the existing players.

I would love that too. The devs came up with a great way to play in a market, protect our land and make money. Genius! James is probably pulling his hair out if not losing it. :laughing:. If people let their builds go that is usually there fault. I think a bad glitch happened once with beacon fuel. Lack of preparing is no one fault but themselves. I don’t see why any one else has to deal with change to benefit the irresponsible. If you lack playing that much then you lose your stuff. It’s a game! If you can afford this game you can afford a alarm clock. If you can comment on this post you have a functional brain and a opinion. Fuel your darn beacon! If I let mine go take it! Dance in the rain, jump up and down. Lol. Not directed at you Major. Just general speak. Lol.

I like the idea of ​​the ruins. I do not think that ugly and untidy ruins of land are a big problem because guilds dedicated to searching, selecting interesting ruins, cleaning up disastrous areas, events dedicated to finding these ruins, treasure hunts, etc. will appear.

I would like something like this to be done:

Once the beacon has expired, it enters a state of “private ruin.” In this state, the construction loses the reserves of nearby plots, weeds begin to appear from the walls and roof, the grass grows and a block or two of soil appears on the ground. All this progressively during that first week. All the belongings of the owner are still protected and he can still recover his construction where he will only have to clean a little.
In the beacon it shows you the time left for it to enter the next state, public ruin.

After the week, the beacon enters a state of “public ruin” here the beacon is released for anyone to claim or to be looted. Here the global regeneration begins but it is somewhat slower than now. The objective would be for the decomposing construction to last at least another week, at least. In the decomposition you can lose the things that are on shelves but not those that are in the storage boxes that would be permanent and public until someone claims them. I don’t know how it could be done, if I link it to the prestige of the blocks, for example, where the blocks with less prestige are lost first to those of more prestige, because they are more “durable” and of better materials or materials that have been worked on.

If something technically feasible, it would be a possible solution. The owners and good Samaritans would have a week of extension to protect or recover their things, the pirated looters unused because we could all see that this construction is a private ruin and see the time left to notify the owner, those who want ruins would have time to find them, with the surprises of the chests or storage boxes that would be permanent. Those who do not want “garbage” (for using the term they have said before so that everyone understands me xD) in two weeks have disappeared, or in one with the regeneration pumps, also happy. xD

*Sorry for my translator English

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What if players could build ruins using a new type of “Dungeon” plot? They would decay over time, maybe a period of 2 weeks, and special things would happen as they decay. You would get an xp bonus for building a ruin, and it could have a like/upvote system… The dungeon isn’t live until you activate it so it won’t decay before it’s ready.

A dungeon on a T1 world would be ‘meh’ with ‘meh’ rewards but T6 would be challenging and rewarding.


What if there was a feature that allowed us to get in a Sanctum-like zone where we can go in creative-mode and create a dungeon, and submit the file to devs. They look at it, and if they like it, they make some tweaks (adding creatures and loots) and they add it to a list of possible dungeons.

Meanwhile, on live, players could open special warps using a new token as cataclyst to go to these dev/player-made dungeons! The token would bring you to a random dungeon.

THAT could be super awesome.
In CV, there are two blocks that could totally be interesting. One is a creature spawner, and the other is a loot spawner. Though in CV, the ‘adventure-maker’ has to provide the loot of creatures/chests.
Still, things like that could be super interesting in Boundless.

Oh boy I love this train of thought we’re on.

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This I could get on board with because it is “Active playing” not playing based on a past player that quit in most cases.

This was actually talked about before and has been communicated as one of the options at some point with the sanctum creative area – the ability to submit assets to the developers.

Dungeons are slated on Exo’s right now… im not sure if sanctum would work.