I’m still new to the whole prestige system, but I’ve been doing some digging with the help of @Dzchan94 and @Spoygg, and we’ve sort of figured out at least some aspects of how the algorithm works, though obviously not entirely.
It’s safe to say though that certain blocks are spammable to a certain extend - and will grant you high amounts prestige. Gem Blocks are one of such blocks, and on the flip-side; blocks like natural wood, sand and rock builds won’t net you a whole lot of prestige, so correct me if I’m wrong, but settlements made from expensive materials will be considered capitals over say examples like underground rock settlements, forest settlements or ancient builds made from sand and stone?
If my informed assumption here about the algorithm is correct, a giant world tree, reaching to the heights of 256, with hanging homes made of wood and leaves, would add almost nothing to prestige when weighed against say a tower of gem blocks.
I’m not for abolishing the current prestige system, but I would like to offer an addition;
Players could earn ‘tribute’ by simply playing the game (like experience) - a fixed amount over a period of time. And would be able to spend this ‘tribute’ as they would ‘likes’ on a forum (or social media) They’d simply step onto a beacon they like the look of, and /praise or whatever to add their stamp of approval to a build.
Players wouldn’t be allowed to /praise their own creations, and they’d be rewarded small amounts of experience for spending these points (to incentivise it) - you could even implement quests to ‘praise’ a certain amount of builds.
Players would also have a fixed amount per week or month, to stop them from just praising everything they see.
Tribute (or praise or whatever) would add to a builds prestige value, along with the current system.
Just my rambling thoughts as usual. Any feed-back or ideas would be welcome - along with any clarification or insight from the developers on future plans for the prestige system; @luke-turbulenz, @james