Price manipulation?

Maybe it’s their fee for forcing the exploit to be fixed?

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I get you are joking. But i think it was /is Major issue When People are making MILLIONS of coins next to no effort.

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Buying cheap items from shop stands, in hopes of making immediate profit does not always work out. Many times I’ve bought out massive amounts of kindling seeds to resell later. Then, like recently, a pile of exos show up with kindling everywhere. Now the market has a glut. Or, request baskets get filled before you get to them. It’s a risk. I also believe this is fair play. Hiding shop stands / request baskets is not.


Newer player here - definitely got tricked by an offer that looked too good to be true regarding Rough Oortstone. They had it in there for like 2 coins each, and after running the 1800m to get there, I was greeted by “GOTCHA, APRIL FOOL’S!” and the items weren’t able to be bought :slight_smile:

Was a bit salty but let it go pretty quickly… If people are doing that to manipulate prices that’s pretty lame =/


You can report them.
Just report the beacon that basket/stand is in.

Its shame newer players get into this too as they dont know better

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Yeah… I was just introduced to BUTT recently, kinda glad I took a look at this thread before trying to do any trade runs xD

If you like it… Thats fine.
It has it flaws. I personally dont like it Or use it.

It has been a real game changer for me. Figuring out where to buy/sell stuff is a pain doing it by trial and error. Almost all of my experiences so far have been positive. There will always be a few exceptions, but that tool combined with the Portal Seeker’s network and a map of the portals has made the huge world feel much smaller and way more accessible. When I started I was limited to DK’s Mall because that’s the only thing I really knew how to get to… Now I can just go to wherever is best - very liberating :stuck_out_tongue:


When that happens, you report that ■■■■ immediately.

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Problem I find is that nothing happens if you do, or don’t report it. Moderation by staff is a bit errr…thin on the ground recently

I heard that the PS Network is shutting down. You may have to find an alternative.
If you need help finding stuff, or have questions, just ask. A lot of people (like myself) will help you.
You can message me here or in game on the character Aenar.

Well I haven’t done it recently, but every time I’ve reported one, a dev has shown up every time. Longest I ever had to wait was an hour.

TNT has kinda took over the monopoly on networks I use, as it has with a lot of others. Can see why PS might have had enough, especially with the leaders taking a break or quitting

8 days and counting :rofl:

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I can meet you in game and report it as well. It tends to get noticed the more people report it.

Not at home, and the main stand that was taking the @#$# is gone. Guessing they saw the thread lol


We are not shutting down, i dont know who started this rumor. There is still players active in the guild and taking care of the network.

If we would have to shutdown we would make a post about it.


Just keep in mind that the best deals are hand to hand trades; when you’re counting pennies or moving a lot of stuff it adds up. Plus you recognise each other later :smiley:

I swear this rumor goes around like once a year, but you’re actually building up your hubs! Selfishly I’d hate to lose your collective shop too, fabulous prices on stuff I use a ton of.

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People do learn things by reading the forums, congrats on being a teacher.