Pricing Metal/Gems

What are people’s opinions on the price hierarchy of metal prices?

In my opinion I’d pay more for ore than I would bars due to the extra xp you get from smelting.

Also I think that compact should cost more than refined that should cost more than machined etc. The same for gems.

I mention this because I came across a shop selling compact, refined and deco blink with compact being the most expensive and deco being the least. Which makes sense because of how much deco you can get compared to the amount of compact from the same amount of gems.

I do understand that spark needs to be considered into the equation, but because you’re yielding more product for each stage of crafting, I think it at least counters the cost of spark.

So my questions are:

Do you think Ore should cost more than Bars?

Do you think Compact Metal/Gems should cost less/more than Refined?

Think @RedY3 had good pricing when it came to metals


While the xp is really nice, i dont mine. So im chronically lacking spark/fuel. I like buying bars :slight_smile:


Good point, didn’t take that into consideration :slight_smile:

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Bars should be more than ore. Makes up for spark cost. But not significantly more.

Prices on compact>refined>machined should lower in price as you go forward but obviously still account for spark.


If you’re not built and buffed and equipped for efficient crafting then you need equivalent of 1.5 soft coal per iron bar for smelting. 6 soft coal to smelt a titanium. So you find a lot of people that aren’t crafters or XP hounds just selling the ores.

Personally I don’t sell ores. And I add a little premium to the bars over what I see in the market for ores. I’ve been consuming everything I mine lately but the only metal I ever had sit around long was titanium bars.

Personally I think a lot of the pricing on compact/refined/deco materials that I see in the market just relies on people not understanding the math. Or just bluntly pricing off of a single craft where 1 compact = 1 refined = 1 deco + processing time/cost?

A deco block requires roughly half the materials of a compact block in pretty much every case, of you mass craft every stage. Even with processing costs it should definitely be cheaper.

From what I can tell spark cost seems to be calculated from coal, at least soft coal. I wonder what people’s view on the cost would be if they used compact Peaty Soil? No need to go mining and real easy to get.

Maybe the initial spark cost of the compacting of peaty soil makes the whole deal harder to calculate?

it’s obvious that refined and machined can get cheaper than compact, as you get 50 for 36 input each step of the way - although some people might like to ad some fuel/time cost I guess (although that shouldn’t make the higher tier of processing more expensive)

or maybe some people just don’t do any calculations and they assume that every next processing step should make the resulting item to be dearer

as for ore vs. bars - this may vary a lot; the xp factor doesn’t seem to be affecting how people price those; and to be true I’m fine with them two having the same price (or even bars being slightly dearer), however I wouldn’t agree with bars going for way more than ore


I agree with you on this for sure…xp for me is my number one…I buy alot of raw materials at its base so I can get the max xp.


You can get the spark usage down a lot with titanium furnaces, efficient crafting epic and maybe even the spark & wear guild buff.

This is without the guild buff, using compact peat with peat valued at 1c.



Oh wow, is this info from an external tool? Or did you just whip that up?

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Just finished the spark value addition yesterday, it’s the Shopkeeper's Price Calculator / Recipe Browser


Yo that’s awesome, good work!


What about if you dont have the guild buff?

It wasn’t active in that screenshot

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Are there instructions on how to use the calculator?

Not really, just punch all the buttons and see what they do :smiley: It won’t break anything.


I think price should be about same with ores and bars, when there is need to craft fast bars etc. are better and when having time xp is better :smiley:

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If you enter 9009 or 7734 on the calculator and turn it upside down, wonderstruck will censor the results :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Wow so we are not even profiting at 8c each bar.

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