Private Servers, and general questions

Hi there. After having searched the forums and read the faqs, to answer my questions, I have discovered that I still have a few left.

First of all, will there be private servers? Because this is game breaking for me. I don’t want to know if I can rent a server, I want to know if I can run a home server that other players can connect to on a global white list.

I would also like to know if there will be a blacklist on creative modes, or if there will even be creative modes at all. I don’t want to take my time building, and invest time and money into making my work better, if someone on another server can simply float into the air and place unlimited blocks.


Private servers will be a thing at some point but they will be disconnected from the main world. (I do not know what the plans of connecting to other private servers though)

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It’s been a while since private servers have been discussed, but my understanding is that they would fall into three categories.

Private rented servers that a single player or group of players rent and host on Wonderstruck machines. The renters of said servers may set up all access restrictions including black listing and white listing. These servers follow official OO rules for ore distribution, dificulty, etc and as such any progression made on this type server can carry into the public online realm. You can set who has build permissions globally or regionally. Excellent for guild HQ for power players. Basically, these are private islands attached to the main network of the game.

Private hosted servers that have any mods the host wants to install. These servers can be set up to connect to the official network, or disconnected and accessed via direct connect, but inventory and progression does not pass between the two worlds. The host can white / black list access as they wish.

Public creative servers connected to the OO universe, but inventory and progression does not carry between it and other worlds, except possibly some sort of blueprint tool that would allow a player to build a structure in creative mode, copy a schematic of it and bring it back to a survival world to be rebuilt in survival mode. This would allow you to plan intricate builds quickly, then just follow the plan in survival.

It’s been ages since this topic has been discussed in depth.


What Havok said. This isn’t true of all forms of private server rental.


Please correct me if I´m wrong, but I think we only know that there will be rented servers not how they´ll work, so everything is pure speculation.

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Corrected. Expand the quote from James.


Ah but it was true in the case of what @CommissarMouse asked.

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According to the above quote, which I’ve linked to a few posts above, it seems like access is something that can be controlled in level 2, which has two sublevels. So his question applies to both sublevels. And it further seems like your post is incorrect in the case of level sublevel 1, Worlds complying with the rules of the MMO, so I wanted to provide clarification. Sorry for any confusion! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


But the private server he wanted to host would be home run meaning that it would need to be controlled in the 3rd level.

My answer was not very explaining and I forgot to add that you can pay for a private server hosted by wonderstruck, which have seemingly caused some confusion.

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Ah yep, it did cause some confusion indeed haha. Glad we got everything cleared up though. Personally can’t wait to get a level 2 world, it’s going to be a dream come true.


I admit there is a fair bit of speculation about creative worlds, but everything else I mentioned is confirmed by devs either in older forum posts or live streams, neither of which I can provide links to at this time. I’ll try to remember to link them after work, or perhaps somebody here can help me out?

@Clexarews already posted a link.

I just hope that it wont become standard that every guild rents a type 2 world to raid/build privately while the main/official servers die out.

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As far as I can tell, the link I provided has the most comprehensive information on the differences between different worlds, what’s possible, and what the tech requirements are (hint: tbd).

I didn’t find much (after an admittedly short search) on dev responses to creative public servers with blueprints except for the below quote from Ben.

Hmmm, but with portals between guild alliances, I don’t think the overall game will die out? Plus depending on the popularity of the game and the number of worlds, this may be a nice way for guilds to establish a controllable presence. Before joining a guild in Crowfall, I had toyed with the idea of having a guild in Oort that would have portals to different guild HQs and at least two of each of the different tiered worlds possible. Seems like the connection between worlds, both private and public, will make it hard to determine if the main public servers ever really die out.


Oops! Didn’t notice the above post by @Clexarews, just responded to my own reply. Have a like, Clexarews!

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True, if people want to play on guild owned worlds, then these worlds will be (in) the main game.
If not then people will be on the “default”/main worlds.
Either way, the game won’t die.

It’s only problematic if people rather play on disconnected worlds than on connected ones.


My plan is to simply commission an Uber build for an obscene amount of currency on a public world, base my guild out of that, then build a small public settlement for trade and tourism around that. Inside the guild fort, I would have a gated portal to a type 2 rented world exclusively for guild members to mine uncontested by others.