Private World Grievances, Feedback and Suggestions

I agree with a lot of this but I can not over emphasize how much I agree with No. 3.

Had I known that either one or more of the biomes I chose (I still do not know which ones) would cause it to rain constantly with merely a few seconds between downpours, I would never have chosen those biomes for my Sovereign World.

Detailed information on each biome should have been given well in advance of this update in my opinion. It would have allowed us to make informed selections.

Based on this, I would like to request that Weather Control be added in a future update and become, part of the color selection options upon each billing period, for both Creative and Sovereign Worlds. Separate weather from the biomes and make it it’s own controllable entity. I really don’t want to have to reroll my world in a months time and have to go through the whole process again. Thanks Devs.


I think this SHOULD be priority number 1 especially now that there’s creative like you said. Furniture NEEDS to happen ASAP.


As someone that is going to reroll my planet due to the biomes, I do agree with number 3 and number 4.

If I am renting a planet to build then snowfall in particular is really annoying. Even while testing. when it snowed we just had to stop and wait for it to be done to do any more work. I am good with an off on switch or at least more information on which biomes produce which weather. I have a desert planet and snow just does not fit into what I had in mind. .

I also agree it is hard to understand exactly how the biomes spawn and how they are going to affect each other. I had avoided any biome with mountain in the description and still ended up with a very mountainous planet. I really do not want to have to start removing mountain ranges and using plots to do it in order to build.

I do not mind to much rerolling the planet, but it does seem like a waste of developer time if a lot of players start doing this.


I personally don’t mind mountains, but I did mess up by selecting 2 or 3 icy biomes among the 33 of my world. It creates snowfalls far too often, and that was ruining my experience on my world.
Next time, no bullsh!t, I just go for forest & grassland biomes and maybe one or two mountain biomes.

Thing is, I could buy my new world now. But I want the devs to make some changes first. I want a better ‘buying’ experience first. I want them to fix #3, the Biome informations. Not gonna buy a third world if the second one craps on me too, I’ll just stop playing Boundless altogether.


IMO weather options should be added to sovereigns. If you want it to never rain or snow on your planet that should be an option.

Snow was super cute for like 2 days back in 2018 when it was added for xmas but I’ve never liked it since then.


I knew there was an annoying thing from my Creative World that I forgot to add to this thread, and I couldn’t remember what it was. @majorvex reminded me with her thread.

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Everything is all a bit “whatever” because I too am butt hurt. The price is shocking considering the player cap which absolutely destroys my plans of taking my hunts to our sovereign. People suggesting they could make us pay for capacity upgrades but honestly, $40 for 40 people is extortionate.


I have to agree, we were excited for this and then when we made our first world we chose a lava on lava with small rivers and instead got oceans of lava with the gleam bls hovering over it. So we tried again and this time it was way better, but come on the pics were so small to see and not very detailed so it was a gamble to get the right look.

Now also if we’re gonna pay for it then by God we should have total control of it. I mean granted there’s creative but if I wanted that I would’ve chosen it but world control means WORLD CONTROL. I’m also forced to agree with @Bethlehem why should we have to buy the large world just to up the player cap?


And what is total control?

How about getting 2 planets used for hunts and when you gather up the hunt have 2 hunt leaders, and split the people in half?

So just use 2 sovereign planets any that want to set up hunts

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That’s 80 a month tho…


I’m not saying it should be paid for by 1 person many got a 6KM one
I’m even willing to setup warps or platforms in all 64 regions to be used for hunts

if this helps any hunts

then just split the hunts into 2

problem solved

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Total control, is pretty much like creative without giving you everything i.e. Weather control, meteor frequency, full color spectrum not just a handful of colors etc…

But why spend the extra cash to do that when current perma world’s don’t have any issue hosting 40 people.? Although it’s leggy as all get out for some. But I purchased a permanent world size and am only allowed 20… why the cap, why pay more for what already is there

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I paid for a 6km world 40$ and was ready to spend 10$ per month to keep it alive for a year or so (spent 40$ expecting 4 months of world fuel, got 1 month), but say I invite 10 or 15 friends on it, I don’t think many/any of them would pay for it or help me pay it. The 40$ price tag on the game is already enough for them.
That’s why I would tend to laugh at someone saying "why don’t you take 2 6km worlds and have your friends help you pay for it.

If we all the things listed in my OP were resolved, sure, maybe. But as it is, WHY?
Why even pay for that at all, if you can do hunts with more people on a regular survival world, then?
Let’s be honest, there aren’t that many people who would want to pay for something you already have for free.

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Because I have an established hunt group, they enjoy hunting together. Would hate to have to send some elsewhere and how would that be governed? How do I decide who goes where?

We are a big group but we are a close group and we have been hunting together for months. Not splitting up the family.


i understand , just trying to come with some solutions


this has already been changed on the website

And when you select one of the fuels it tells you exactly how long they last depending on your world’s size


I’m confused about your point about the crop control. Is it because you would have wanted to plant inorganic crops in the daylight? If that is it, you can do what everyone has been doing on permament world, which is putting a structure around them while they grow and then take the structure out. Otherwise, I guess you just have to wait for crops to grow. Most of the crops will be full grown within a 48h period.

The only thing I didnt see coming about this is the player cap on planets. Which kind of make sense the more I think about it.

Although I wish we could see more of the biomes when picking them, I am pretty happy with the whole picking process and I have been very happy about my picks so far and I get quite excited about going out to explore my planet to see how it turned out with the biomes I picked.

Most important, I am very happy with how many new colors are now available. Although, one might notice that new colors of metamorphic rocks are still pretty rare compared to the sedimentary rocks lol.

Another thing that could to be added to the world picking part of the process is that I think that some terrain caracteristics are linked to the type of world being chosen. Like, most T6 coal worlds will have holes bringing you all the way to lava. And T6 toxic worlds seem to have the underground tunnels that are good for goo harvesting in exo worlds. That would have to be confirmed by a dev, as it is only an observation I made while exploring my sovereign worlds and from my experience with permanent and exo worlds.


Absolutely appreciate the suggestions. It’s just a shame. Really disappointing.


Height ranges would be nice too, so buyers could know should they want a high altitude planet.

Or beach planets

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