Then the bot will rely on info relayed by players and will still ping everyone…
I’d be happy if they gave us it as a farm item, it appears by trees etc why can’t we use resin trappers at some stupid low rate, say one resin per tree per 7 days, I’m not the maths guy
Petrolim could be a mini pump jack in gravel or something like that with a silly low drop rate as well
I think if the builders had more blocks to build with, more colors, more options, etc this kind of reaction wouldn’t happen everytime we have an EXO or special event like Gleambow.
I’d expect now that farming is basically done (minus one more update) that we likely will start to see some new assets.
But, you could also say if we didn’t have money greedy people we would have plenty of blocks people could mine… So I’m not sure if the economy model is helping us or hurting us more in the game currently. This rare/common model certainly is.
I would again say this isn’t a people/player problem, it’s a game problem and this is called supply & demand. Demand is high, supply is low. The game made the resources rare, which is good - we need rare items & some people will get less/none, by design. Some people want it for farming, some want it for their builds.
I just wanted to collect a few pieces so I made a shovel, paid the coin cost, traveled to an exo, spent hours & found a few pieces. If people prefer to buy resources than to collect them, that’s up to them. If I think the price is too high for something, I can choose not to buy it. I’ll wait or go get it myself.
I’m not sure either.
I just want to add that I remember how people were in a rush to find/buy all of the rare Gleambow gleam. I’m sure people “over-paid” for some of it, but that’s between them & the person they bought it from. No one forced anyone to pay 1000c for one piece of gleam. The people that sold it for 1000c aren’t evil, greedy people. People really wanted those items for their builds. People are still “over-paying” for items from the Valentine’s event too. They really want them for their builds.
If we had more items/content for the builders, I think this would simmer down a bit.
It is a player problem that they decide to take all the resources and try to sell them even when they have lots of money. But, to clarify, I don’t fault them for that decision. The Devs put nothing in the game that requires people to take everything and leave nothing or barely anything for other people. That is the sole responsibility of the person that chooses how they want to play this game.
Outside of how they play, I still do hole the Devs accountable for creating a rare/common design and then putting limitations and other things in place that either 1) allows people that way 2) or rewards them for playing that way.
It is these core game mechanics (that many of us in EA said would cause problems once we scaled) that are starting to fall down or cause continued conflict or bad press or yucky feelings or whatever for people that are trying to play the game.
The devs need to fix it, but those playing the game can either be nicer and share things or make things harder for everyone. This is more what I meant by “greedy people.”
This type of way that people played made Gleam be seen as “super special” which then was one of the reasons that resulted in us not having the ability to color Gleam in Farming. So while the Devs are ultimately responsible, I will always continue my narrative that the players of this game have a big responsibility on how we have ended up where we are.
I do agree more assets are needed… From what I understand they do know that. The question is how will that be implemented.
What if the landscape refreshed or changed a little every couple of hours that an EXO was in existence?
For example…when it 1st appears, everyone runs to collect petro, glowing shrooms, etc. After an hour or two, new pools of petro would pop up in places different than before. That way no one could camp out or save a location to “farm” it (which is what would happen if were to regen). This would also help out folks when an EXO doesn’t spawn at a good time for them.
You can’t alter society & force people to do what you want them to. People will be people.
EXOs aren’t a one time thing. There will be more. Just because you didn’t get petro today, doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get some on the next one. There are no rules saying you can only take 10 and have to leave the rest.
I am not sure how this is even a question. It is absolutely not a player problem. Blaming people who don’t play the game the way you do is unfathomably stupid. There isn’t one way to enjoy a game and the mechanics encourage resource acquisition.
Demand is high and supply is low on one, very rare resource. In nearly every other resource the resources are in over-abundance. It sounds an awful lot like buyers and sellers need to be more effectively connected. Additionally, the supply is low because of logistical failings of the game mechanics, ie: finding goods to buy.
The economy drives player participation or isolation (if it is working well or poorly). Without the economy there is no point in having coin for the most part. So how do we stimulate economic activity?
If your response is “I don’t want to participate in the economy”. That’s fine! You don’t have to. Any economic stimulus can benefit everyone. Contraction of the economy through supply-side restrictions, ie: item rarity, will only lead to future issues unless the player base grows exponentially. Demand-side (getting players to consume more resources) is the only fix. A rising tide lifts all boats.
I was just about to say the same thing. Blaming people for farming a resource to sell is stupid ideology.
Btw. Best name award goes to you. Had a good chuckle @LyndaFromHR
In a couple months everyone is gonna have all the resin they need for farming then itll be decorative.
But its precisely reasons like this I quit the game. I’m a fan of Minecraft style seclusion. I don’t want to deal with a bunch of strangers who take literally all new resources and then charge for them.
MMO = people
I think BL could probably sell a lot of local-only copies where people could download it & play by themselves. I personally love the MMO factor, but I know it’s not for everyone.
I am also assuming that farming will be further expanded with beans for example.
And any future mats can be added in a similar fashion as well.
You both clearly miss the point of my message. There is no need to direct personal attacks either by calling a person stupid. It really is uncalled for and is on the edge on being abusive. You are more than welcome to not take any responsibility for your life and actions but that does not remove the mature mindset and social responsibility of learning how to take responsibility for yourself.
As clearly communicated the issue goes beyond “economy” and has no relevance in a game system where economy is an “option” and not a “requirement.” So continued efforts to drive people and force them into an economy discussion as well as using that as primary reasons for a rare item is not helpful at all in moving a conversation forward. Just like not respecting that some people actually have views and there is no need to call them stupid even if you disagree.
I never cater towards forcing people since only people have their own responsibility and ability to change themselves. But, you can limit the victim mentality and hold people accountable. There is not reason to provide game systems that enable bad behavior and create poor social or game interactions. You can take the high road in any situation as well as chose to provide game play that shows people a better way than interact instead of the younger child based mindsets of “this is mine while playing in a sandbox” or “you’re stupid.”
Or… just maybe, they could include decorative beans to further drive up the demand without changing the supply. Like they did with oort.
Calling an idea stupid is not aiming it at you personally? And I’m sorry if you took offense by my comment.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And the reason this community is so amazing, is because we can come together to discuss how to improve the game, or at least try.
Time out in the thread.
Please let us not deteriorate into whacking each other.
Use PMs if you want to do this.
This thread started out discussing a genuine issue with resources in the game. Useful. Interesting. Helpful.