It’s barely a block above the battlements. And if this is what is happening then it still needs fixed, yeah? I mean, if it’s happening it means that mobs are spawning mid-air. If it were a bird, that’d be great. But wildstock can’t fly. Yet. XD
The further the warp destination, the more expensive it gets
New controls. Grapples can be independently controlled with the left and right trigger/bumper buttons (+ d-pad down to release the oldest grapple) on a pad, and pulled/relaxed with ‘r’ and ‘f’ respectively on a keyboard.
“R” is not working for me. “F” is working.
EDIT: Working again. But curious that it didnt work.
A spitter is shooting at @yota and the stones (or whatever he shots) are stuck in the air or stuck at stones.
@yota is actually the Boundless equivalent of Neo… he is the one and can stop spitter shots mid-air!
I am the one Well, we did see this bug few days ago… Interesting… we will look into this.
Not sure if this is where this goes, but I can’t connect error 25 etc. Is the game down?
I just found out how this glitchy GUI works
You can see it clips to the icons on the compass
I hope this gets fixed for me
EDIT: Esc or inv fixes it (most of it but not all)
I experienced a glitch today. When I placed a few plots, the text for them overlapped and became unreadable. It then persisted that way for 1-3 minutes or so.
Also had this one multiple times, gets worse if you try to remove a plot that it won’t let you
Do players get trader XP from only buying and not selling or is that a bug?
I sell many items and materials via selling plinth but it doesn’t look like I’m getting XP for that.
Trader XP doesn’t seem to work on anything other than direct trading for me
Edit: Nope! It does work at other people’s buying plinths, but that seems to be it
World Builder seems to be bugged…
I’ve opened a previous config from last release (I think) and any time I try to place a block, remove a block or change the colour palette, I get moved away from the prefab to a fixed position a short distance away, and am then unable to move in any direction (although I can still look around with the mouse). I can only quit and restart to continue.
I’ll try again shortly with a newly created config and see if it is still happening on there as well.
Not sure if this hand bug has been reported but i’ll post it anyways
Not sure when the bug happened but I think it was the bow or the hook
It also works for all items
We’ve not been able to reproduce either of those two issues as shown in the videos. Are you able to remember anything else in regards to what you were doing before the issues happened and have you managed to get it to occur a few times after that?
Definitely still getting creatures spawning inside my beacons.
Plot is way up in air, getting wildstock trapped at the top of my towers!
@jsouthworth knows my place if you need to check the plots
I am unable to add the plat at -453 76 2077 on elepor. It tells me “plot would not be joined vertically to another plot”. I own all the plots around it but cant buy this plot and it is key to my newest round of upgrades to my build.
I have had many beacons here in the early days but took them out when my builds finally merged.
On berlyn there is a plot I cannot remove. In that location I also had multiple beacon plots that merged together with time.
Any help would be appreciated immensely
@vdragon this is the plot I canot add. I own moste of the plots around it.
Its an old known bug, but not fixed yet.
ok good to know. thanks
Just want to throw out that I have tried right and left hands and remapping my grappling hook but I have yet to be able to ascend. I can jump to move up a bit but nothing after. I have tried jump/R and moving the grapple to different slots and hands. I cannot go up at all.