Release 197: New Universe, New Worlds, and New Characters!

Updated OP for details of Release 197.1.


Journal Objective New World Order (Tier 3 Core Objective) tell you now correctly to Craft a Warp Augment using a Workbench but when you do craft it at workbench it still does not register.

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how do we change the text chat color??? (after getting the gleam club)

Also is it supposed to auto fuel others beacons that are associated with your purchase?

:scream: the animation for returning to sanctum has changed :cry: :sob:


I would very much like to know this as well ;o

Instead of using health on biitula and other t3s toss 4 points into kinetic armor and you will be immune to everything except the explosions.


Are there any other things being planned to be added to Gleam club or The Exchange besides what’s listed? Inventory expansions like in other MMOs? Notification system for when materials are done being crafted?

Do I need to buy a tint package on the Exchange to use the advanced Gleam Club Tinting?

Do my beacons have to have fuel in them for them to autorefuel?


I am curious about how this works too.

Yes, currently you have to add fuel first. Then the amount of fuel is equal to the time left you have in your GC subscription.


Much obliged!

NOW they fix luck, after I have spend 3 days grinding diamonds super hard XD

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Well you certainly aren’t the only one. We have had 3 people grinding all the gems so we can complete our full set of all the machines today. So we feel ya…


I feel like 800 cubits/£6.38 to reset your skills once is far too expensive.

Cosmetics etc. yeah in the Exchange I can see that but skill resets being that costly seems unnecessary.

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Well you are getting cleanse points and free resets. If you use them smartly instead of just burning through things that could make it so resets aren’t bought often. People shouldn’t need to reset skills often and instead use skill sets once they’ve earned the points.

Yep I took that into account before making my comment. The freebies seem like they are there for new characters who make mistakes. Regardless of whether they exist, the price still seems high. If we assume we’re in a position where we need to buy them, the past freebies are irrelevant to the current price we face. Just putting it out there, it seems a lot for a game mechanic.

I see there was a patch today of ~100MB… but I don’t see any patch notes?

More people would buy resets if the price was lowered, to experiment more n’ more. Should be at least half the cost IMO.

They’re in the original post.

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Just have a look at my radar: :joy:


When i get killed in my base by a sneaky cuttle, or spitter, i am respawn away from my beacon.
With the very low hp/sp after death i easy get killed again when i try to run back to my base, and then get throw even farther away with more deaths as result.

Can i please respawn in my base if i get killed in my base?