Release 197 - Report issues here

I got the same.
1 beacon and it say Beacon bridge two settlements

When I got back to the Boundless after about a year break when the 1.0 worlds got released, I got this feeling like there was something off with the graphics the below screenshot is taken with all graphic settings maxed and on.

After playing around with the settings and disabling smooth normals and per-pixel lighting(also anti-aliasing and depth of field but they don’t affect the look of the Graphics as badly as the two others) I got the look to the game I were more used to, a clean detailed view for as far as the graphic draw, not the mush as in the first screenshot.

So I’m wondering is this intentional that if you have all the settings maxed and switched on that the game actually looks far inferior that with some of the settings turned off? For instance I’d like to have the per-pixel lighting on but it does affect the Graphics in a negative way, not as bad as the smooth normals, but noticeably enough.

Did you have a target FPS? The game will throttle some settings like terrain detail if your FPS is below the target


In fact I did have target minimum set and it seems that lowering it/disabling it does in fact boost the fidelity of the graphics.

Thanks for pointing that out.

I’m having the same issue with the world order and another objective that requires you to give permission to a player

Here comes another big reply. As usual, if your post has been accidentally left out, let me know.

We found the crash dumps that you have both submitted, but we haven’t been able to reproduce this so far. Can you give as much information on what you were doing at the time so that we have some kind of reproducible method in order to fix this bug? For example, perhaps you had a smart stack of specific items and / or a smart stack of atlas. Maybe the smart stack of items was maxed out and so on.

All red planets, or just some? Do you have screenshots of examples where it’s particularly strong?

Thanks for the extra information, l’ve added these to the database.

If you place 2 of them into your inventory, then the total should increased by 2. So it didn’t do that in your case?

Oh, so they’re overlapping in this case? Can you submit a screenshot showing this?

It would still be useful to get coordinates so that we can go and look at them for ourselves.

What are the approximate coordinates for where you saw this?

Thanks for the confirmation, I’ve added it to the bug database.

Thanks for the reply. Eventually I have seen this myself, although not with the Warp Conduit seen inside the sanctum.

Thanks for the update, we’ll have to take another look at it.

Yes, it’s true that items are automatically collected from blocks after mining. What you can do to get around this is to drop the items. The items on the ground will not be collected automatically unless you moved your character away further enough before going towards. Then you can get something like this:

Here, I was standing close to these without picking them up.

I was a bit confused when you said lightning (as in during a thunderstorm), but I think you probably meant to say lighting. So I sent the comments over to the art team. The issue here is that the specular is just a little high, which probably explains why the sap can look very bright sometimes.

If you see this again after deciding to create another character, make a mental note of the approximate selections so that we can try and pin the issue down.

Thanks for the screenshots. This is currently on our to-do list.

Let us know of all the objectives that are not completed after items are adding to the inventory, so that they can be added to the database for us to fix

Please do. I’ll check the Basic Boulders, although I’m only getting Flint rock drops so far.

There was an issue where the luck was tiny, so we doubled its effect on the recent patch. Does it feel improved since then?

I gave this a try and it seems fine for me. Did you place the door pieces quite close by or far away from one another?

Okay, so you were using Storage in this instance, in which case it is an issue in game, as another player had reported this in a previous release.

Thanks for the update, I’ve added this to the bug database.

You can also check your list of completed objectives to find the name there.

There’s also a sign module in addition to the normal sign, hence why I mentioned the latter. Certainly I can pass your feedback onto the designers about this.

Fair enough comment about the dual functionality. As it stands, the option is set to X:


Would you like it to be similar to how the Interact and Open Inventory functions are setup? Here is what those are assigned to:


So these are separate functions, although the Interact function does double up as an Open Inventory function. I can pass your feedback onto the the designers.

As for making it clearer when something is in the atlas, this is how it currently looks in game. When the Atlas has no Augment, it has colour:

When it has an augment, it goes grey with the following text:

Notice the Eject option that now appears at the bottom.

I’m not sure what you mean by setting budge to 0, but aside from that, yes those steps you’ve listed are the same ones I used. Looking at your screenshots, it looks like (correct me if I’m wrong) the issue you’re having is that the actual physical item is not appearing in the Request Basket (unless the value is 1c or higher). I can confirm that here, so I can add this to the database. The functionality for donating items without receiving coin is working (for me at least). Just to double check, can you confirm that other players definitely cannot donate items due to the fact that they cannot see the items in the Request Basket?

No, it’s a bug.

Ah, that sound. In all honestly, because I’m only testing with a couple of characters, it’s kind of hard to imagine how it might sound like when many characters are chatting in game. If you are able to provide a video, we can take a look.

I looked into this for one and this was the response from one of the engineers:

‘It’s because it’s “not” designed to track settlements you visit, you have to explicitly track a settlement, and is only done automatically for settlements you “own” a beacon in.’

We are, however, going to change the text to make things clearer.

There’s a thread about adjusting Chunk Cache Size and Chunk Download Rate:

Although you did say that you have experienced disconnects rather than lag, it’s worth posting your results here if adjusting those options made little difference.

Some players have previously mentioned this. As mentioned in post #333, we’re going to look into it.

Out of interest, can you show how the items are arranged in both hands? In addition, do you have Item Selection Radial Switching set to the Primary Hand or Both Hands?

@Zina originally mentioned this in post #215, but we should have a fix for this soon.

Does it apply to any forged tools, or certain ones?

I’ll pass your comments along to the designers.

We’ll have a look at the crash dumps submitted. What are the coordinates for the affected portals?

In post #287 I mentioned about being unable to find certain resources on worlds, so that would include Olivine Fragments.

That was also related to the above, although I acknowledge that I should have make it clearer that it was also added to the bug database, to which it has now, cheers!

You don’t have to spend cleanse points, as this issue was already reported by @Phoenxflame and @No-Face in posts #65 and #74 respectively and has been added to the bug database.

Thanks for the reports. I’ve added these to the bug database for someone to investigate.

Would that be related to the same ‘whooshing’ sound that @Ghostwish mentioned in post #355?

I’ve hit the 32,000 character limit again. Therefore, here’s the second part:

Can you clarify further? Do you mean when you’re swinging back and forth without using the F and R keys to wind grapple in or out?

You’re right. I’ve added this to the bug database.

Thanks for the report, I’ll add this to the bug database.

There was a method that @Simoyd reported in the previous release where carrying out a certain method would reproduce it every time. So if we fix this, it might fix the issue you’re having.

Was the name of the task ‘Add the Basic Beacon Fuel to activate the Beacon’?.What happens when she adds the beacon fuel to the beacon? Does it say something like there are no plots available? In this case, has she tried opening some of the coffers from the Exchange and using cubits to get more plots?

That’s quite a lot of characters. Does it only happen with 7?

Does this happen anywhere or just in the locations shown in the screenshots?

I’ve added this to the database.

Thanks for the report, I’ve added it to the bug database.

Did you get around to emailing this?

What do the blocks looks like? Are there any examples of areas where it’s likely to occur more often?

It’s a known issue.

I’ll pass on your feedback to the designers.

Even when some characters have recipes that others do not have?

If I recall, we did fix the issue about the Bulk Craft text not being necessary, but not the text about size of the queue. I’ll add a note to the database as a reminder for someone to have another look at it

When you say ‘escaping out’, do you mean you were pressing the Esc key? Also, how big was your location list at the time?

Is this more to do with the colour simply changing after crafting blocks into refined ones?

Probably the same issue reported by @OmniUno in port #320.

Thanks for the report, I’ve added this to the bug database. Out of interest, what are the coordinates of where this is location? Also, are the machines still receiving spark this way?

That’s an interesting discovery. I’ve added it to the database for someone to look into.

Considering that the embargo has now been lifted, it’s definitely okay now.

We definitely want to know about text issues, so it’s worth reporting on.

Based on your description, is this Z-fighting?

What do the layouts look like?

Are you still unable to connect?

@vdragon no it have not changed. Still getting max 3 coal. 2 dias
 fixpls needed. Theres no real reason to not increase the amount. I mean just by 1 or 2 would be enough but atm im juat seeing wasted points for being full miner.

I just tried this once. When and If i get the time, I’ll try some more in other places :slight_smile:

On here at the first one it’s all as you’d expect.

Now here’s what happens when you expand the chat and yes I still have pinned objectives.

And it stays so even after closing the chat(still haven’t removed any of the pinned objectives).

Collapsing the chat window would bring me back at what it looks like in the first screenshot.

Yeah, I mailed it to, was that not the correct address?

I think it most usually happens with blocks that have different elevation points, so sloped etc. and this can happen pretty much any where, it probly feels like something related to latency or synchronization with the server to client, but haven’t been running around with debug info view so can’t tell if there has been spiking or something involved while this occures.

Yes, as I could go as far as just screenshotting all the recepies and viewing them on a second screen so sharing the unlocked recipies between all the characters doesn’t really seem to me as game breaking or giving any unfair advantage over not having it.

I got discnnected 2 times during the whole day and got that problem and haven’t gotten disconnected today yet so can’t really say if it was something just yesterday or is this somehing more pesrsistent, but i’ll keep you updated if I do get disconnected.

Not sure is there is a color change, looks like the blocks have some kind of metallic effect that makes them look so weird. Something similar was happening with the old black refined igneous. After the color update, before the reset, it started to look great, black and without any shining effect. And now it’s happening again with most of the refined igneous and meta. Bricks are all ok, so I think I will need tons of clay :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do not think so. The refined blocks are more reflective. We were picking out colors for a build and the refined Metamorphic and Igneous, would pick up the color of the sunset. The sunset was pink, the blocks turned pink. The metamorphic seems to keep its color better even with changing light conditions. Quite frankly, we are not going to use any metamorphic in the build due to this. They are not just a lighter color, they are too different to be usable in that form. This really limits choices of stone to use in builds.


Yes, and around 20-25 i guess.
I removed landing spots to different planets to, do not know if it have anything to do with it.

Yeah I think some other function like the E / I could work. As for the look of the Atlas when it has an item in it - I do see the text entry for Power Up. Personally I would have it say “Search For” or something that is a bit more along the lines of what we are doing. We aren’t really powering it. I think the issue I had was the Atlas was solid white and looked blank. Not all will be fully explored. So it was a bit confusing having a bunch in my hand between not explored, partial explored, and then items in them for searching. It would be easy to drop the wrong one because the X was used for two actions.

This is obviously a preference and I will leave it up to the designers on how they want the play to be. But just please understand it is confusing for new players and imaging trying to empty out the iron ore from an Atlas and putting the wrong one in and dropping it
 and that wrong one was very important to you - like one you bought because you didn’t have all regions discovered, etc.

Yes that is the issue. I see no item displaying in the basket. So no one would know what item they can put in as they walk by. As for people donating - I have confirmed a person can still donate and gets 0 coin in return if that is the setting.

So it just looks like it is a display bug in the item not showing.

Maybe I wasn’t explaining it correctly.

I crafted 2, placed them inside my plot, crafted another 2 and also placed them inside my plot.
That’s a total of 4 which somehow didn’t count as acquired for the objective.

Crafting 4 new ones and placing them into my inventory did.

Should a Lvl ONE meteor spawn Mighty Corrosive Cuttletrunks?! I mean Im all alone on an island i look up and here comes this meteor and im like cool hopefully it spawns some hoppers or i can die quickly and get this over with, but Noooooooooo, The strongest critters in the game come popping out like, “Yo! I heard you were talkin smack about my peeps, Whats good?” So, now im in a death loop until i spawn far enough away(in an OCEAN) to place a warp, or can return to sanctum without being one-shotted by OP lvl 1 critters :tired_face:

I didnt even get two shots off


On a much less upsetting note :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:More water glitch

Okay, I’ll bounce this back to the designers for them to look at again.

Thanks very much for the screenshots, I’ve added these to the bug database.

We have, but the one you have used should be fine.

I’m not sure how this would work when you have many characters, but I can pass on your feedback to the UI designer regardless.

Thanks for the replies. This is little bit related to the issue early on in this forum topic where some people reported with the sap looked a bit bright in some case. As with my reply to that, there is a general issue with the specular being high and reflective across many areas in game, including the blocks that you have described. So it’s something we’re looking to address.

I’ve not been able to reproduce this so far. When you said that you removed landing spots, are they listed as Landing Sites or Warp Destinations on your Locations list?

Okay, I’ll add a note to the database about separating the controls for the designers to consider.

Also, dropping an item doesn’t mean it’s necessarily gone forever, although yes, it does mean it needs to be picked up again.

Wouldn’t the doors need to be placed into the inventory first before you get to put them down within a plot?

In any case, we are going to make changes to the objective so that it hopefully won’t be an issue for anyone else trying to complete it.

Looking at the information in the screenshot, you’re on a Tier 5 world, aren’t you?


Not doors, Storage Blocks.

 is it even possible to place something inside your plot without having it in your inventory? :sunglasses:

I don’t know if this helps any further, but I noticed that during the night, if I could avoid the specular light (using the same angle as in this screenshot), they looked pretty much like they had the same color. Once the sun rised, they became pretty crazy.

Edit: Turning off per-pixel-lighting turned the the refined metamorphic blocks reeal crazy. Note that those blocks are supposed to be the same color as the middle right row in above picture.