Rentable Planets [Taboo Topic?]

Just a small question, and I haven’t been able to see an answer [There may not be one yet]

My understanding is that at SOME POINT there will be rentable planets. The ones that are Private planets-- I assume these are locally run installations, will they be more creative mode for playing so the blocks cannot come in/leave?

And for the ones Publicly available I.E. Guild worlds, or planets-- What is to happen with those blocks, will they be available to come/go from the planet? Or will they be locked down?

Next question is this: Lets say you rent a planet and it’s auto generated, does that ID get stuck with your account? or can I re-rent another planet after the first fades to get ‘better colors’? I.E. is it a fully random selection, or is it more of a Once you get one thats your color set?

I know Founders who paid money early of certain levels get to design a world-- will obtaining those worlds be like how normal ones go in? Where we have to have so many active beacons/players on the planets and ‘filling them up’ before a new planet gets released? Or will they be put into the game and made available after they design them?

I am no founder, but I am sad I missed the opportunity to help this game grow from the start and missed this opportunity. I have a lot of missing information but more curious as I know several of my guild mates are looking to the private worlds, or are curious about how the Founder worlds will work.

If there are no answers yet to these questions I can accept this as well. I was more just looking for information to see-- are these things I can look forward to for alternative colors, and how much overlap it will have over the RNG or events, or EXO options we have.

Thank you sincerely for making this an amazing game! I am excited to see all the new things coming. :slight_smile:


We dont have many info on this but i think the planet will be rentable via their servers so its not a local installation.

Then depending of the rules set on your world, it will determine if its connected the Live universe or not.


Thanks for the reply!

I didn’t think much information was available, but was worth asking to see if any sort of info was out there. I am happy either way. :slight_smile:

Supposedly we are supposed to be getting new info soon about rental planets. At least from a comment made by @james which was either in the testing release for chiselable glass or the actual release notes for that. But it was a comment not in the actual notes section so might have to do a little digging to find it. Hopefully it’ll be at the start of the new year when we get more info about when and how it’s going to work.


This might be the comment you’re referring to:


Yea that’s the one. Thanks! Just woke up so wasn’t in the digging mood yet :sweat_smile:

This might help some but some of this isn’t 100% set and finalized code and more the preference they are going toward (e.g. subject to changes as final coding goes in):

First and foremost certain planets play by current Universe rules and those with customization would have severe restrictions on how they interact with the current Universe.

  1. Rent planets are still on roadmap in a private planet and public planet mode. Public lets blocks go both ways. Private likely at most would allow blocks to go into the private planet but not other way. Rent planets require the right infrastructure to be in place and cost/benefit type stuff.
  2. Rent planets would be server based and not local installs for public planets that are part of the universe because of hacking. Creative mode would be a local install if they finalize that design. Private could go that route but it could also be server based.
  3. Planets would come with a base layout but allow you to “rebuild” them for the private/creative stuff. I would expect public rent planets would probably have a more “color template” type thing where you could select preferences and then generate it until you are happy. Note that generating a planet is a big amount of work. It takes a while so the might limit that feature but they wouldn’t ever let it be a “you get what you got” type situation. There will be some level of customization because too many people want that. A lot to the menu and design in this are isn’t done at all last I heard.
  4. People could submit their planets at any point if they have one and it would likely be added to the Universe when needed. I’m not sure they would have the amount of time to work with a person but at one point I did ask and was told I could reach out about doing it. They would come when the Universe needs it and not just introduced unless you likely tied it to the planet you rented.
  5. You could aways reach out to a Founder and work with them to help design a planet. I know a few people that plan to work together for this.
  6. Exo will be the main content branch area since the existing planets cannot be modified on many levels without recreating them. They have looked into ways to introduce things into existing planets but a lot of the plots cause a bid issue around that because it limits the space of the planet.

I hope that helps some…


While I understand why this might be true I find it very depressing that a lot of the new content is going to be locked behind a coin paywall in order for players to acquire/access it. Sure does make it harder to enjoy the content without being forced into participating in the economy or for new players who do not have a lot of coin to spare.


We are slowly getting there I think :slight_smile: Just got some new settings in the sanctum edit which I think is a sign of them working on player settings for planets ;D


even if it is private, the owner of the world or the one who pays for the rent, I understand that you can grant permits to other citizens, to build a settlement or store, in private worlds, the percentage of taxes that the person will receive will be paid owner of the capital city of all sales made on your planet, there is no more information and of course it is not definitive, since developers can change what they want at will, so maybe what we know so far , is not fulfilled

Economy is not bad. Have you played any Asian pay to win MMO? Those really have a rigged economy.

But we are probably getting private worlds soon so we can finally stop arguing about this and let those who want it play alone and let the rest of us enjoy the community part of the game


Yeah, I’ve argued about these enough. Hit me, devs :joy:

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Be interesting to see how many players abandon the current worlds and form their own communities.


Me too it’s always the same, I can’t wait for this. So we can finally have nice things without some one starting a war because they don’t want to be social lol (or the opposite too)


This is one reason I heavily was pushing for an Oort based player warp model. Removing coin and bringing things in line with the current other warp ways. Also why I was trying to push mineable Oort in hopes to ease the acquisition challenge by some of it. I get some disagree but the basis I was trying to push was easing access to materials for all people especially new/casual people.

I know they have tried to find ways to adjust existing planets for content. It might still happen but I am not sure the investment will happen with how much is on their plate. If Exo’s do become the “method” (outside of some player created private planet content) I expect that myself and a few others will start to really push for “free access” to Exo or at least my last idea to James:

Maybe a token that allows you to pay once but go over and over? Like a “season pass” we see for parks where you pay for it once and then you can go as much as you want. I could see that for an Exo. Even for me with the costs at the current rate if I knew that I could just go back again then I would be fine with them.

It seems for many the cost hurts in multiple visits most. So I would hope something like that could happen or at least “special content” could be behind a free portal warp or portals that show up on a planet to get people to the place.


I don’t see this happening because of the mixed views of people on prestige and footfall. Taxes hasn’t been passed out yet and it probably going to become a pretty ugly forum fight if they consider turning it on.

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Unfortunately I fear nothing will change because people that leave won’t let their existing Universe plots expire. Things are still like in EA where people refuse to let stuff go for the 4 coin they might get a month in foot fall.

I get holding land you might use but there are many cities that should just die but people don’t let go of plots.

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On a private or rental planet Xalda I say the tax is actually a real possibility… but on normal worlds probably long shot

And the tax is already collected and goes poof… so why not have a fraction go to viceroy? Doesn’t take a single additional coin from anyone.

Well Axon is going no where… Biitula is Homeworld.

On a private planet that is not connected to the game Universe people can do what they want. But Universe connected planets need to play by game rules so far. So I don’t see it happening because of the advantage private planet people might get over others.

Nothing should go to the viceroy in this game because you don’t have to do much at all to become a viceroy. Plus prestige doesn’t have anything to do with taxes. Not to mention if we think prestige wars are bad now imagine how toxic this game will get with plot and prestige stuff if any Tax is shared out.

That is not a smart decision in any way… the current “capital” and “viceroy” titles should go away or at best just stay as a leaderboard for the vain people that must do everything possible to get them.

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