Rentable Planets [Taboo Topic?]

Taboo topic is going off rails



If it is fair, what happens is that not everyone builds by filling in the plot as much as possible to obtain more prestige than others, some people prefer to build, beautiful or copied cities of minecraft and so you do not get so much prestige, you must decide what you want and what else it benefits you, instead of criticizing how others play or decide to play

in the specifications of the game clearly puts pvp and the only pvp that is inside the game is the competition for being the viceroy, absolutely nothing else is competed, quite the opposite, the rest of the game is totally cooperative or solitary, it depends on what you decide do.

So starting from that base, I don’t understand how you decide to buy a game with which you totally disagree.

I’m a really nice person and I like to think that I am a pretty kind person to others and being viceroy has not changed that.

As Biitula being a public planet, Yes it is. This means if it is Unplotted it is fair game to plot.
So I plotted these roads with my plots on Unplotted land… if you had wanted them you should have plotted them…everyone has access to a beacon and plotter!

If you want me to be a villian how about this:No matter what changes you dream up… nothing will change how Biitula has developed…that page in history has passed… in 2025 the roads will still be there. I cannot imagine how many numerous Districts will be added … new roads…etc…Axon/Iconicsburg will still be there…nothing will change.

Is that what you want me to say?

Personally, I welcome neighbors and friends to Biitula…

Yes some of us play without caring about prestige. Many of us also don’t care what people do unless they build that prestige build beside us, or take over our settlement to use our prestige for themselves. There are a few of us that fight those things pretty seriously because we believe that while everyone has a right to build and do what they want, there needs to be better rules and ways to protect people from other members that do stuff to take advantage of people or try to troll people.

If we want the game to grow we need to make sure people stay and have options. Not be force to deal with some build beside them because some person must be the capital or is mad at that user and just wants to troll them.

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If you do not want somebody to plot next to your build then have some plots and create your own buffer. Otherwise as you so eloquently pointed out earlier public planets are public. If you have the plots and want to plot somewhere that is your choice. It is none of your neighbors business… that is the game mechanics as a player it is the reality we live in.

This is about how Viceroy and Capital is obtained. Not about nice people or not. I never said you were not nice in any post.

What I wanted you to say was to have the conversation without bringing up Biitula. My conversation is about a game system not a planet.

On that planet we see that game system play out in people being forced to be part of a city they don’t want, roads blocking off people from expanding, and game play that makes people on that planet feel like that are a “district” of a city that is on the other side of the world.

That is an example of a game play that happens in many places of Boundless. That game play drives people away that don’t like conflict. Yes some stay that do like conflict. Some of us just want to promote conflict free zones.

So back to the original topic we don’t want rented planets where people get advantages over other people because that creates conflict. We have enough strife in the world and don’t need a game that echoes it. That is all I’m trying to promote.

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Xaldafax, this is the Christmas season I really do not feel like boxing with you over all these topics. It does nothing. It is clear that you are rigid in your position and that’s fine. This discussion is going grossly off topic. If you wish to continue this discussion I am willing to do it in voice in Discord. Otherwise Merry Christmas!


I am a supporter of private worlds, because that way you avoid what you say, near and annoying settlements, that unite without permission, or even empty plots, in the middle of your constructions, it would be the only way to avoid trolls, it would benefit a lot, they would return to play a lot of people, I have friends waiting for private worlds and they will buy the game, as long as they can’t play comfortably and without annoying people, they don’t care, so I understand that you don’t like it, but many others do, I also know people veteran, who want to plan an entire world for themselves, there is so much variety, to decide, I don’t see any difference, the only thing if you want to have a private world you pay for it and that’s it, if not, you can always ask permission to build in a private world its owner and if you do not want, then you calmly let those who want it, get it quietly and enjoy, that after all it is just a game.

Isn’t boxing day on christmas season?


I’m not a fan of Exo, and I purposefully avoid them because I dont enjoy my fully stealthed character attracting everything hostile. And I also avoid temporary things in games. Exos are temporary. I dont like being unable to get the blocks I want, so I stick with the persistent worlds. I look forward to these player-decided-color permanent-planets for additional colors not yet in the game.

I’m a peaceful minecraft player. Dealing with hostile NPC’s is not enjoyable for me in a building game, not fun for me in any way shape or form.

If I could be fully undetectable, then I’d go to exo’s. But at this time, I only go to exo’s if my friends have already made a cave that I could safely warp to… but even then, surface creeps light up on the radar and it makes me far too anxious.

If any of you think I can learn to get used to game hostiles, please be aware I am over 4 decades old, playing online games since 2000’s, so “getting used to” has already been tried, and over the years, my efforts have not brought me to a point where in-game hostiles dont cause me a great deal of physical pain, adrenaline hurts like a mother trucker and I avoid it as much as possible.

I wish there was an option for players who dont enjoy getting attacked by other entities, but totally get into building and crafting and can enjoy that non-hostile building for decades to come.

I am totally looking forward to these player-made planets, thanks Nonie for showing me this post.


There is this underlying assumption that players want everything handed to them and I think that is not only unfair but untrue. Its interesting that this always gets brought up as some zero sum game. Either it takes no time and everything is free or it takes the time it does now in game. That is an oversimplification. Less time is not necessarily zero time so players that advocate to lower the level of grind are not always saying it should be instant and essentially creative mode like test or Sanctum. That kind of response is as bad as me saying that players that do not want to ease the grind all want it to take 20 hours to get a smart stack of diamonds.

Maybe we should look at players that think because they have 5 plus hours a day to play the game that game play/mechanics should be oriented around them. If they are a small portion of the current population (or the gaming population as a whole for all games) maybe they should be the ones to rent private planets and if they want to make it require 10 hours of mining to get a smartstack of some item then modify the rules and do it. If you want more grind or feel more rewarded if resources are rarer than they are now, then rent a planet and make it happen.


I know at least two gaming friends who only buy games with private worlds and/or they control who gets access to where they play.
The introduction of private Boundless worlds is desirable by some for sure, including myself :slight_smile:

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On a T1 or T2, just turn on Stealth epic skill and max that generic one that helps with stealth as well, not sure on top of my head which one that is, then you can build and craft without getting attacked.

Also, if you plot any and all spawn area, ie. flat surface, there won’t be any creatures spawning there that you might accidentally anger…


I have max stealth. Exo exclusives I need for many builds, they are much higher than T2.

Max Stealth + innocuous brew you will be safe even in lucent worlds (most of the time)


But you said:

Hence why I assumed you just wanted to build and craft on your homebase…


Exactly. It’s not 100%

That cement looks so gorgeous! I want to build with it, but oh, exo exclusive.
Wax I need so much of, farm it with amber, exo exclusive.
change block colors with goo, exo exclusive.

Super bonding agent, diamonds, emeralds, so much is in the higher worlds.
I’d be so very limited on block options if I never went to planets above T2.

AeneaGames, I appreciate the effort for the info, I am aware of all of it. I do craft and build at my home base which is on a T1. I’m in a town where I see gorgeous blocks I want to build with, like cement, only available with Eco-Exclusive materials (or from shops). Amber, for example, was not available in any shop. I bought some primordial ooze somewhere (exo exclusive) and asked a friend for a solidifer.

drools at the sight of cement blocks

There isnt enough people selling the stuff I want in Industrial quantities, andI like being able to collect everything myself. Private worlds are my desire, but not being able to choose the effects or colors is a bit frustrating to me.

I love breaking blocks for hours, and I want so many colors that come from Exo Worlds. The mobs hanging around spawn near me and quickly 1-shot my character when I am on the surface to collect desired materials like white Twisted Wood. I wish I could apply enough stealth to make the hostiles on a t7 100% nonreactive to my presence.

Concrete Complete at Nova Golda Market has 88 colours and usually a selection of exo colours on top of it! I try to have at least 200 of each colour in stock of the less desirable colours (heck of some the original 200 are still in there from when I opened!) but of the colours that actually sell I try to have as many as possible, as much as my kindling farm allows me…

Great prices! And the owner, me, hehe, can make large orders on request.