and this is the biggest issue (currently) - with having essentially unlimited plots (already) don’t forget we keep earning them PAST level 50 (this should stop imho - after level 50… no more plots for you sir!)
Currently… one single person (if they have been playing since the start and saved all their plotts… i know someone with over 1400 already) could… if they truely desired to… own an entire planet and kick everyone else out…
not only this… a lot of communities in game actually share plots with each other so they can extend them (how do you think the road was possible?)
Maybe within the next few updates (as we are pushing to release) we shhould experience plot limitations… like say… a caped total of 3-500 (and then anyone who wants to be a community would need to ask dev permission for MORE… because they are a guild etc)
this is the only truely fair way i see this being done…
I think it’s fair to correct some statements first. As more players and people want to join a settlement, they will have to expand and thus create roads. Roads as a form of transportation, are not useful, but they provide a sense of belonging and orient the player, when kept to the boundaries of its cities and it’s not a explosive expansion, but more of a progressive one.
Just to defend the persons I consider friends. Pixel gate nor elop portas had a massive road expansion and I don’t think they ever annexed other settlements to them. There wasn’t settlements at the time, if I’m not wrong. Pixel gate grew by people wanting to join and not us creating roads to making people join. As messy as pixel gate is, nobody that it’s considered pixel gate, didn’t choose to be there. As for the elop portas matter, @Graham-B I believe you joined after we posted out plans publicly on forums and videos. We didn’t force elop portas upon you.
If you want to be “fair” just limit their presence on one planet instead of setting a limit on plots. It would absolutely suck to have nothing to work for after 50. Not everyone places all of their plots on one single planet. Some do yes. My post was to illustrate the discussion that the devs will have after looking at their data.
LOL I just had the thought that if the devs needed funding, “For a small donation, you can purchase your own planet to build and improve upon. Build your own metropolis now!!”
Watch the language man! Jeez hahaha we’re all talking honest facts and opinions here. Nobody’s trying to boast how big their junk is.
But this is the point. You try to build something because you want to make an impact on the society! You try to help new players because your intentions are in the right place. Some people will have their own opinions but ultimately every player should have the ability to express themselves!
This post is starting to sound like a Facebook comment feed. Anymore and Im out.
lol i am just making a point, as i say… its a very mixed bag… i LOVE being a community as i say… i LOVE also playing solo…
the biggest point here is …
Where to draw a line… how to figure a fair balance good for everyone…
the sware words are there for an example (i can say ■■■■, ■■■■, ■■■■, ■■■■ as much as i want… its your choice to click on the black squares… you are not being forced to… but how to get rid of the fact that some people feel FORCED into joining a community… which is actually part of @ComplexRogue7 orioginal point - her and myself have discussed this a few times
point is this is planned come release… rent a server …
well sure… if i have server cash (when a standard server costs anywhere from 50 - 200 a year in up-keep) this is MY game is it not… can i not build solo WHEN i want… can i not be part of a community WHEN i want?
if we are forced either way… then im done simple fact…
is the tag line of this game NOT play your game… your way?
Yes, Graham and I have discussed this several times. It would be nice if players could let each other play how they would like to, but obviously when a player wants to dominate a very large portion of the planet it becomes problematic.
My intention was not to make this a post where we all shout at each other, but airing how we feel is essential on the road to development.
I’m a fairly new player. My daughter and I play it together and we like to be left mostly alone with the exception of people popping in to say hi sometimes, which is nice. But we chose somewhere way, way out of the way and if we were to be taken over we’d be pretty upset. I understand the intention of @the-moebius isn’t to take things over, but building such a huge road across the planet is bound to cause some discord.
I don’t want anyone getting upset, myself included, but it would be nice if actual attempts were made to try to accomodate everyone rather than touting what will be done next to the road. And language aside, the language of emoji’s is universal so it appears that I’m being ridiculed for being upset by this road.
Yeah man, nobody wants anyone to leave. I really appreciate your opinion as well :). I get that swear words are swear words I’m just thinking if there was a little kid popping in the forums wondering what the 9 and a half inches meant and asking their parents it porvably wouldn’t play out well. We’re most likely all over 18 here so it’s chill.
and i agrred on the point and also disagreed… cant rem how it became a full discussion (my fault again i guess? :P)
sorry… but just trying to make examples of worst case scenarios always get taken out of context (when i am the one trying to create the best/worst anyway)
Lol, you don’t have to shut up at all. Everyone’s opinions mean something. And I don’t mind when you pop by mine for a chat - I even made you a sign to show you the way out next time