RIP New Springfield - Please give me Private Worlds

I do not want to start fresh only to get new neighbors again and having the same problem. Besides, moving planet is not as easy as that, as not all planets are the same and none of the higher tier worlds come close to the beauty of Antar VI (Opinionated question). Also, I spent 400 hrs building this town, farming materials and so forth. One does just not tear and rebuild just like that. Not when time is very limited.

I cannot pre plot as I do not have enough plots, as I mentioned in my rant. I would have if I had unlimited plots.

@Arkhainn Yeah, I may do that, still got 16 weeks of gleam club. But I just feel like it’s ruined for me.

People saying private worlds would ruin the game, I disagree. During my time with this game, I constantly see people asking for private worlds. But right now I will not be one mostly because of time but I am also not gonna play when I got time because I am discouraged to play and build when there is still a chance of private servers coming out.

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Let’s try an experiment then. I’ll go make a poll. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Go ahead. I know My view is an unpopular opinion based on the debates i have done in the past. As people seem to want as much control as possible. I don’t need a poll or you to tell me my opinion is unpopular.

It’s not that your opinion is unpopular, I just have a feeling that most people would let everyone visit their planets if they rented one.

And thats fine. But the fact still remains that the same people who create the problems we are talking about now, can use the Ability to control who can or can’t come on to a world to create different more serious problems. which is why i say its a power that no player should have.

And if it is really supposed to be apart of the main universe, then it should be Apart of the main universe and in my book that means anyone can look up in to the sky, aim their totem at it, and go to it.

Yep, that’s pretty much how I think most people would set up their planets. I would, anyway.

If you’re curious, here’s the poll. So far, like I predicted, anyone can visit the planets of those that voted.

dont Unbeacon…but rather make a new beacon (small area) adjacent to your town…dismantle expensive blocks, tech, and materials and store in the small beacon. Then delete the town’s beacon when finished. This way youll have a stock of materials for later to get you going.

then try mailing works wonders for me all week

I don’t have the heart to ask someone to remove their builds for me, especially since they have done no wrong doings. Besides, there will be someone else doing it instead cause I do not have the plots.

Hence why I want private worlds so that I can build in peace. I just want the option to build freely in this game without disturbing others or getting disturbed. Is that too much to ask from a game like this?

nope rented world are allready confirmed

Really? Damn, that gets my hopes up! Best news all day!

It’s been confirmed for a long time.

We just don’t know the ‘when’.

I started and built my place next to a lake because i enjoy the water just like you do. It initially was far from everyone but people found it and settled nearby. Believe it or not, one of them built an ugly purple bridge too haha but you know what? I just lived with it. That bridge is gone now due to regen. The other buildings are not but hey its an MMO and this is expected.
TL;DR live with it and enjoy the game as it is :smiley:

My son and I moved to Tana VII around a week, maybe a few days more after we started to play. We built on what I called a lake, but it was really a large section of the river that made it look that way because of the large hills and the curve of the river.
Anyhow, we had our bases built, I was just getting ready to put the finishing touches on it, the plants to decorate it.
Leave for the night, come back the next day to find out the settlement name had been changed, did some looking and someone had plotted long plots, like setting up for roads from our base to others, taking over them.
Long story short, a forced merge, we reported it; My nice looking ziggurat that I had spent weeks working on, tearing down, redoing, tearing another area down, buying plots because I needed them, I didn’t have enough. Cost me around between $10 to $20 for what I needed, so not a lot of money. But enough for my needs, plus I placed plots making a border that was empty but room for me to expand.

The base my son built, tall tower on the water, laid out plots for shops to be set up beside him for future players who might move there. We were ready to put a portal in, had our dream place built with plans to make it bigger in the future.
Destroyed, ruined, I actually cried, our name had been taken, the person had placed plots so we couldn’t expand, and the name was horrible. A big white tower had been started behind me and wide area cut toward the hill which was for a road.
We packed up, moved to Seggy (can’t spell the name) and I am happier there. We moved next to a already in place settlement, Exodus, we have a huge section of a river in front of us, my son built on the river another tower. I am working on my lighthouse on the river, have a dock with a dingy beside it, LOL. We have our beautiful view of water, across it a area with trees and flat land that I can “sit” and watch the goats and spitter run around on. Stand and look at the sky at night and see the stars and planets. We have hills around us, not as big as what is in my real home (live in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains, around 500 feet high most of them). The warden removed some plots so we can expand and have a section for a farm when they come out.
What seemed horrible, the ending of a dream became better for us.

You might have that too, heck, you could move to Exodus and build away from the settlement and probably not have to worry about others building around you, I’ll even help you plot off land so you can’t be taken over, have close to 2k cubits to buy plots now, I will remove them as you get plots to replace them. I’ll place them and give you permission to them and remove them when you want.

I know, a long post, but I wanted you to know you are not alone in such a event, and for us, it was a blessing in disguise. The person who did the forced merge had all the plots taken from him, we were given back our settlement and our name, but to me it would never be the same. I didn’t want to stay there.

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I am glad you found a new start elsewhere, but I do not want to move to another world. Antar VI is the only world that fits my color scheme, and the beauty of it is unmatched anywhere. Therefore I would gladly pay rent for a private world where I could choose the option to have Antar VI “Skin” on the world.

Understandable, for me the color of green is important. My husband and I once took a trip and was driving through a flat area that was for farming, tall golden grass everywhere, no trees in sight, no hills in sight. It was open, looked horrible, to us.

We went, if we were attacked in this country, where could you hide and shoot them from? Where are the hills that you can run in and not be seen, trees you can set traps from and climb up and shoot them? Felt wrong to me.
Now, for those who live in those areas, they wouldn’t like the hills I have in my area, there are valleys with some flat area for farmers, dairy farms, small cattle herds and lots of goats, LOL But it is mainly hills, we are surrounded by hills, beautiful green trees that are all colors in the fall, oranges, browns, copper, gold, yellow-greenish and the pines that are always green. It isn’t for everyone, but perfect for me and hubby.

I’m not sure about that… recently I had a discussion with James about developing a local install version of a world so that we would could run it ourselves and build there. I personally think that might be more popular.


I know of a few streamers that are holding off playing (or getting back into Boundless) until there are rented worlds available as they want to be able to build with their communities, without fear of infringement on territory etc.

If anything, I think that these will bring more people to the game as you will see streamers with communities banding together to explore, hunt and build, which is essentially free advertising which would help the game gain more traction. Boundless is supposed to be community-centric after all.


The argument saying that private server will ruin the community is not really true. Those who want to build a community and be part of one will stay together on public worlds. People like me, who play on public worlds but actively try to avoid big communities and other peoples builds are already not part of such communities, other than hunts, trading etc, which we would still do with our own private worlds. It really doesn’t change anything except that we don’t have to worry about said problems.

I can definitely understand and see how many streamers would favor this game much more if they were able to stream and play in peace without getting harassed by 12yo memers.


It moves the game away from having a persistent world and being an MMO. The thing that distinguishes it from other voxel games.

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