Say No to Pay To Win

yes ok… maybe i explain it in the wrong way? i meaning the fact that it has been debated at some point (should we buy extra slots of XYZ or not?* this is how i referr it, also sorry for calling you out @Jiivita you were only the example because when i watch you youtubes you have 1000s (it looks) of plots still available :wink:

And those vids are amazing btw


Sulferblade, I just want to say you are absolutely right. the naysayers are only mobbing you to defend their new corporate toy. This game IS pay to win.Worse than pay to win, it’s as Jim Sterling has said, fee to pay. For those who need catching up, fee to pay is when you pay for the game, usually for premium or near premium pricing, and then get a freemium styled economy where you can buy real in game advantages and/or content (non-cosmetic) using a bogus currency (cubits) that is paid for in real money. There are too many people here who just don’t get it, they just can’t see the world beyond their nose.

This game is a creativity toy, much like minecraft, forget all the in game play-pretend economics (which the “exchange” gives you a real tangible benefit), the real deal is all about the plots. just look at all the amazing structures that have been built by (sponsored) players and/or devs. just look at the massive creative potential there is to the game…except for you…you are limited to two plots per level which you can only earn through a ridiculous grind. granted the grind was nerfed, somewhat, but that’s only to ensure suckers, i mean customers, i mean players don’t leave enmass leaving the servers abandoned and this game just a dead space where no one wants to even spend the initial $40 entry fee. Point is, you have to grind, constantly for table scraps while others can enjoy the game to it’s fullest and most “boundless” potential just by opening their wallets.

I read your argument about the devs not wanting to push anyone away with a subscription. Whoever said that was giving you a copout. the real reason is subscriptions do push some players away but they simply don’t generate as much money while fee to pay games rake in millions upon millions, EA has even boasted making billions off of their FIFA fee-to-pay marketplace alone. whatever their reasoning, no one is going to tell you the honest truth, that the sole purpose is greed, patently obvious avarice. nothing more, nothing less and Square is all to eager to make this company destroy their own game for the hopes of getting the billions that “all the bravest” failed to make. It’s just greed. they don’t want our money, they want all of our money. As a live streamer who plays these sandbox games I want to love this game, but i can’t I can’t recommend it. I can’t even talk about this game without needing to discuss the blatant money grubbing demonstrated by sending you to their market place to collect your “rewards” just for leveling up. they shove that market place in everyone’s face knowing that overtime they will manipulate many, especially the “whales” into being curious enough to check out the shop or to push others to the point of breaking so that they spend their money to be able to do what minecraft and many other games allow players to do for free or at least for no extra charge. the people who disagree with you appear to all believe that pay to win is uniquely a pvp thing or are examining it under the lens of typical pay-to-win pvp. What they all miss is that this is a creativity toy the “win” is building that full size replica of the Roman Colosseum or, being able to produce more shop product for less. the coins in this game are worthless, the real currency is the cubits, which is bought with real currency. plots are purchaced using cubits, a set amount of cubits (30 [$0.30]), which consequently has given all plots a real money value. As such anyone can buy a singular plot, restricting all building above and/or below said plot, in the middle of someone else’s building project and then sell that plot to the player for real money in an out of game exchange. The devs can’t say much about this new surge of in-game real estate agents propping up since this was the very way the game was built and developed. the devs of course would prefer people trade plots using their “coin” play money even though the plots are worth real money and have actual demand-based value. and don’t expect the devs to do anything more than provide lip service, this new market makes them the money they want hand over fist as people buy up plots to sell for real money and other players, in turn buy more plots to acquire desirable plots or plots they intended to get through leveling but where snatched up by someone who paid to win.

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the thing is you don’t have to build huge structures - I have a small 3x3x2 shop in just the right spot to make coins and afford buying all the stuff that I have no time to grind for; I will never be a massive top top shop but I will have enough to be satisfied, and make in-game currency to keep playing with higher tier tools that I can’t craft myself;

It can take a year for me to be where I want to be in terms of machines and maybe to be able to build something that takes 200-300 plots, but that’s fine because building big is not winning in Boundless. There is no winning as such at all.
If I wanted to taste more of the higher tier stuff, i would join a larger group as this is a MMO so yeah, you are supposed to cooperate to be able to land enough resources and be able to craft all you want and keep 50 portals running.

So, if I decide to spend real money and buy more plots, I don’t win, because I will still need weeks or months to fill those plots with something meaningful. If I find even a small group of friends to play with we can then build and craft more sooner - no money spend. And no feeling that others have paid to win by buying more plots.

At the end of the day - all the big guilds that have accomplished so much thus far, did they win the game and made me lose the game because they were there first?
I think not. I haven’t even been to lvl 6 worlds and lvl 5 I visited a few times. I haven’t crafted so many things yet. And I’m far away from lvl 50 (while others have reached it quite long ago).
They haven’t won anything. My game is not over. They will do their thing to feel satisfied. I will do my thing and be happy as well.

EDIT: nice mini-necro btw lol


2? Great, cause of such nice simplifications we have even more problems.


exsample of why buying plots is not pay to win: I dropped 20 bucks to buy 80 plots. add that to the plots I already have… about 70 or 80 that’s a grand total of about 155 plots. I spent the last week gathering clay and stone for brick and a ridicules amount of coal to make the brick mix and fire it into bricks. still I havent made a dent in what I want to do there. I’ll be at it for months at this rate… and that’s not a bad thing. i should have just not bought the plots and instead gained them while i was gathering.
some people just don’t get it. :pensive:


-1 I dont think anything in the game is pay to win right now and hope that doesnt change.


While there is great benefit to ones pride to spit on anything that is paid these days, there might be a benefit to everyone from people who pay for plots and cosmetics. I’m not sure how do you imagine servers are run and developers are paid but it’s not from the Tooth fairy.


If people want to pay for plots, go for it. I have a combined 120 plots between two characters right now and am only using 80 because I don’t have enough stuff to build in the other plots. If someone wants to plot out a section of the world, go for it.

I’ll just mine under your plots and take your reserved ore, thank you :slight_smile:


This guy is a troll, probably one of the same ones that necro’s and old post to stir up this debate again to make it look more controversial than it really is.

New account with just one post to stir the pot? Let’s just move on guys, this troll isn’t as interesting as he thinks he is.


Unfortunatelly there is such streamer with such names. I would vote legit until proved otherwise. Not that I agree with him, but calling him a troll is a bit premature.


Its more than 2 though - sure its like that at first, but the higher level you are, the more cubits you earn - I can buy about 5-8 per level atm lol.


Whaat?! Proof please. Show me any such transaction…


Hi! I’m a bit confused about the math. So without spending a dime, at level 50+, you get 300 cubits per level (and can level infinitely, and anywhere between 150 to 250 cubits at lvl <50) and each plot a grand total of 30 cubits, doesn’t that add up to about 10 plots per level?

I’ve never bought cubits, and just on one alt, I have a build that is 100 plots large…and I’m only lvl 34 on that alt. From my personal experience so far, I don’t see that I will ever NEED to buy cubits to do anything. If I can gain plots indefinitely, even if only 10 at a time, I’m guessing between all 10 alts, I will have more than I even ever need. From what I’ve been doing so far, I just really don’t understand why everyone is starting the game and within an hour of gameplay buying a bunch of cubits that they ultimately don’t really need (I’m not saying you did, but that is the trend I’ve seen with a lot of players new and old).


Nothing to see here. Move on. Game is so far from P2W. Great work devs. Keep it up.


First off, your plots per level math is way off, it begins at 3.33 plots per level until level 10 then it start increasing, see Anichka93’s post. At level 5 you will have 14 plots and that should be enough to start with, you’ll be level 10 pretty soon.

I see that you are aping Jim Sterlings expressions. Wether or not you will buy cubits for plots depends on your playstyle. If "you don’t want the plots, you want all the plots"™ That’s cool, but are you going to do anything with them immediately? There is a limit on how useful plots are. You might want to gather some resources first to put in your beacon, then you might level, and then you get more plots.

You mention EA and there is one very important factor about EA’s business practices that this game just doesn’t have, the gambling. If you decide you want more plots to play around on, you buy them, you have them. There is no slot machine, aka “Loot Box”, that give you a random cosmetic/emote/whatever, a random amount of plots and some resources. I.E. There is no thrill in buying plots. There is also no skinner box that make you continously want to pump money into the game for progress either. In short, they are not abusing players compulsions to create “Whales”.

The worst move was making the rewards graphically resemble loot boxes, despite not having that mechanic. Loot boxes are controversial right now and will garner some knee jerk responses.



Pay to win plot argument is flawed if you don’t have time to build in them, you will lose prestige and make your plots easier to be taken into someone else’s settlement.

I have 500 plots, I’ve built in most of them. But since there not developed with varied resources and such so, my prestige isn’t high enough.

Still not pay to win. Plots won’t make you win the game.


Also for example I used 13x13 plots to preserve one area in its natural state, I’ve plotted below ground so all resources are available for picking to anyone. Is that a bad thing? I’d never do it if I had to “earn” plots through playing.


I do that in T5/6 worlds to stop people reserving diamond rich areas and preventing them from respawning. I usually reserve at about 60 alt.

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Didn’t the dev say resources if mined in an area won’t respawn in as high frequency the next time?

Aside from Gleam, I’m under the impression making a “mine shaft” is utterly useless now.


It’s always been like that, any resources such as gems, ores etc don’t just respawn exactly the same as gleam or trees etc … They are to all intent and purposes a moving target.

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