I have seen lately some threads of players complaining about how they were treated by others. This is NOT about those specific incidents, or whose side I am on, but the fairness of how we see it.
Editing: This does not excuse the breaking of the rules, this is outside the area of saying the players names, insulting words, accusing them of lying or others against the COC. Just wanted to make that clear, if either one is doing that it is totally, completely Unacceptable, no matter who is right.
My son pointed out to me once that when I see or read something of how unfair someone is treated I jump to the belief that they are telling the truth. But, I don’t know all the facts and without knowing both sides, and the real truth of what is going on, not just that person’s version but both sides and removing the emotional aspects there is no way I can make a good judgement call on who is wrong an who is right.
We Here All Need to Step Back and See that the OP is Giving Only Their Side before we go and say, how unfair that person is, we need to do this or that.
A player who has a beef with someone will automatically make themselves look like the victim and the one who they are complaining about as the awful, mean, vicious player who is out to get them.
Sometimes it is true, other times it isn’t and until we know it all we need to stop jumping to conclusions that the OP is telling the truth and that the person being complained about is a jerk.
This isn’t because of a recent incident, but something that I have seen a lot since I joined the forum and it is getting worse. Who is blocking who, who is trying to destroy another player, who is griefing who and why. We don’t know all the facts.
We need to step back, give the benefit of the doubt. Here in the US it is innocent until proven guilty. We should have the same attitude here, no matter what country we are from.
(Removed the incident that I stated of how a co-worker of my husband was doing something that was harmful to children and he was seen as a great person, no one believed them until he confessed.)
These incidents are not as serious, as horrendous, but the same aspect of we don’t know who is telling the truth until all the facts are out, and that is for the developers to decide, not us. Don’t pass judgement until you know more, Please. Don’t go and state that so and so is not a nice person until you know positively they aren’t. Don’t ruin a persons income, how they are seen by others until you know for a fact they have done what was claimed by someone.
Removed the incident that I stated of how a co-worker of my husband was doing something that was harmful to children and he was seen as a great person, no one believed them until he confessed.