On November 22, 2:30 PM CST (20:30 UTC), the server will enter maintenance mode for an update. Approximate downtime 45 minutes.
Update Notes:
We will deploy a fix for a specific bug relating to incorrect prediction correction. While we can’t be sure this will fix everything, it’s likely the root cause of most issues being seen.
A few notes about the issue from Blake:
It would have started to manifest on or around November 16, maybe a day on either side
The bug would only show up on worlds that were spawned at the same time as the game launched back in September 2018
The bug was not explicitly related to latency (however, high latency would likely make it more noticeable faster)
The bug has also existed in the source base for around six years, i.e., back into Early Access times but would never have shown up before
The bug was in no way affected or improved via server restarts
Depending on what the server counts it is not that strange.
For example 32bit number and counting something in tenth seconds could be the explanation.
32 bit numbers can be max 2147483648 in positive direction. When something counts in tenth seconds like 10 ticks per second the number is reached in 6.8 years (2147483648 / 365 / 24 / 60 / 60 / 10)