Should I continue selling forged gear?

One thing your poll did not go into is explicitly WHY those people didn’t like the forge… is it the point of entry to being able to forge, is it the learning curve, or is it something more obvious like not liking the RNG aspect. Stating a statistic without any of the actual reasons behind the answer given in the poll is inconclusive at best. Although, as you rightfully say - people have left, but we do not know the reason why… still inconclusive.

As to your claim that they should not be spending time on an aspect of the game that many people who are still playing do like, sounds very strange to me personally. Why would they not try and improve upon it by making the entry point much earlier in game and the learning curve at that earlier entry point less?

If you were to create a poll that covered every aspect of the game in the same way, such as mining, crafting, building, hunting etc. you would most likely get the same sort of metrics from those polls too. That doesn’t mean that they should drop development of all of those other aspects either.


If you make forging available to everyone by replicating similar crafting mechanics that is applied to other areas, then forging is no longer special.

I wouldn’t rely on polls tbh. Numbers and data is easily cherry picked. We can all pick a stat to support our cause.

It’s never been made clear to me why you believe everyone should be able to forge. I think too many mistake balance in a game for equality. They are not one and the same. You believe everyone should have equal access to forging. I don’t believe they should.

Yes you did, like 10times the last 3 days. ATLEAST!
Hence why im huffing and puffing.

Honestly, yeah, they might have more players stay in the game. Or they may not. But let’s just say that more people stay in the game because forging is dumbed down. So now everyone can forge. And more power creep falls into the game. And the higher tier planets are ravaged even more. And this obviously has an impact on T7/T8 worlds because it’s a progression system.

How is this better for the game in the long run if the devs now have to rebalance this clusterf*ck?

This is spot on with how I feel.
I enjoyed the game way more a year ago. Grind is now worse. Gems are harder to get (for me without access to forged tools) and there are so many small things that just don’t feel right.
I’m wondering how much longer I’ll be playing.


So then you think that it’s okay to make the problem even worse. We already know it’s a clusterfuck of a balance issue with high end forged tools. And by making forging accessible to everyone, we make the game balance even worse. LMAO. This is the worst logic ever.

But you just stated that you want forging accessible to everyone which is in contrast to the devs intention to nerf aspects of it. You’re contradicting yourself :slight_smile:

Not in this post dude, but youve said so several times in several different topics this week. You always bring it up! Give it a rest!

As much I would love to keep this up, I have work to do on a Friday. Perhaps @Tomir or @Stretchious can take over from here… :slight_smile:

Yes… No one understands you. Everyone else is at fault. Listhaug much.

Then without outright saying it, it is implied none-the-less.

Twice before, and now a third time is not loosely referencing this statistic, it is reinforcing it on as many posts as possible to make it tangible.

Referencing it at all, when even those who have replied, have not supplied a further statistic based reason as to why they don’t like it, is again trying to reinforce a statistic that is completely inconclusive.

I’m sorry but this…

… goes against what you were saying here…

… especially as they know the forge process is OP and not working as originally envisaged, and that they need to resolve the issues there first before any further progression system can be put in place. You don’t build up the player base further only to still have to change those systems for balance reasons.

Fixing issues with the forge progression system now, will give the game much better longevity overall because it is better balanced.

Not really no - which is why they were looking to lower the entry point into forging by reducing starting ingredient costs. I believe there is also still more work to do to make it more intuitive as to how to use the forge too.

I disagree - They’re entwined with each other intrinsically - it’s all balance. If everyone can easily achieve the same forged tools, it’s a balance issue. If the tools are over powered, it’s a balance issue.

Mammoth post - sorry!

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I’m interested in what people keep referring to as balance?

I seem to be resisting a rising tide, so I’m just trying to understand the other sides view.

Are high level forged items imbalanced because they give higher level players more than lower level players?

To this point, I’d say, before the freakout, you could buy a 3x3 tool for like 18k, which you could make in an hour or 2 as a new player selling rock. (Now everyone is hoarding so that’s not the case).

Are they imbalanced because they make it take less time to get resources?

I’m having trouble with this since even moderate size builds take me dozens of hours to gather for, even with AOE tools.

Are they imbalanced because the rate of resource gathering doesn’t match coin generation?

I think this may be the case, but I always thought this was because footfall needed to be fixed (or whatever other system introduced coin).

Any thoughts on this would help. I feel like I’m getting time crunched out of this game, so I’m trying to hold on.


The thought that the forge is one of the main factors for people leaving is redicolous. And youve complained about it so notoriously that people are fed up with it. Try to understand that. People know you dont want the forge and that you prefer standard recpie crafting and that you hate rng «its only for loot!!!» you say.
We know, and we are totally fed up to the brim with it.

If any tangible evidence comes up that proves that people quit because of the forge i will tatto you name…

(LOL why would people do that with a game that offers so much!?!? Quitting over one feature they dont like makes zero sense and you going out of your way to imply it over and over again is really anoyying)

My understanding on the imbalance with these 3x3 “god tools” is that they’re far too easy to attain - they’re supposed to be more unique, distinctive - not the norm (which is what they currently are).

Do we feel they are the norm because in EA before the forge the diamond tools were all 3x3? So now many of the EA players feel they should be able to have a 3x3 aoe tool without expending more effort than we do now with the forge?

Would love to talk a build with ya. But your account doesnt have a pm button for ya. Not sure if you disabled it or what. But could be a lil as to why you havent heard anything.

So you dont prefer standard mmo crafting over the forge? and wonderstuck is a wonderfull brave company sticking with and perfecting their own unique feature?

Possibly - but weren’t they only 3x1 in EA?

Plus they were only on 1 tool, but now we can pretty much apply it to anything… even a basic totem.

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I think the problem is that some of the community wants more of a role and mmo style of play on top of the creative and building part of the game driving an economy


Another part of the community which just wants soloable and non-scaling difficulty so their is no gradient in game, supporting more of a minecraft like game which supports more of s bartering system due to no scarcity of resources or value in items due to genuine need of purpose.

Both are valid styles of gameplay, but its an identity issue for the game and what the devs want the game to be…

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