Show of hands, who "likes" the death penalty?

in EA 4deaths meant that all ya tools where gone its atleast better than that


haha and when you make mistake of carrying couple of stacks of diamond tools :man_facepalming: I always maxed out death penalty reduction while it was a thing :slight_smile:

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our 9 off each chisel :nerd_face: and ya to lazy to store stuff

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Yeah, current system is better than that, but the penalty is badly in need of a nerf. An hour per death that runs when you are AFK should be sufficient

I am fine with Death Penalty too.

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I think it’s good. As a new player im very glad I don’t have to experience the equipment degradation that previous Boundless versions had. That seemed very harsh, but this is good imo.


I don’t think sandbox mmo means what you think it means.

EvE for example is a sandbox mmo and death is VERY, VERY harsh there.

Sandbox MMOs are in opposition to Themepark MMOs. Sandboxes are unguided (no or few quests, players are not forced into a story and can carve their own path in the way they see fit) and Themeparks are very on-rails, force the player into a story (where the player is usually The One True Hero, nevermind the other 10000 players that are also playing as The One True Hero) and are in general more limited in what the player can do (picking a class at the start and being stuck with it forever, etc).

EvE online and Ultima Online would be representatives of the category of sandbox mmos (the most successful / famous ones so far) and WoW, FF14, SWTOR, GW2, etc. would be examples of Themepark MMO.

In pretty much every sandbox mmo death is very punishing (lose all inventory, lose xp, lose your ship and skills in EvE which can set you back months of real-life time, due to the way their skill system works) and so on. Those titles are also often pvp-heavy but thankfully we avoided that with Boundless. :smiley:

Final Edit, I promise :stuck_out_tongue:
I think the confusion exists mainly because ‘sandbox mmo’ has an entirely different meaning from ‘sandbox game’ (such as minecraft for example) and they have very little in common other than the lack of a guiding narrative.


It’s way more carebear than most MMOs. If you die you lose 50% xp for a little while so what? At least death penalty doesn’t stack. Now THAT would suck. I have let myself die many times just to get something I wanted. It’s not that bad at all. A very minor setback at worst.

If you die once, you might as well keep dying since the penalty does not stack. You already have a death penalty so who cares? Go die again and again!


I’d take this death penalty over minecrafts any day of the week. Sure it slows ya down a bit but it’s much more forgiving then waking up at base, losing a huge chunk of earned exp, and dropping all your stuff then having to trek back (if you can even find where you were) and getting it all back.


It’s not a timer. You get (for example) 5000xp penalty and so for the next 10000 xp you earn, 5000 goes towards paying the penalty, and the other 5000 goes towards leveling.
The number is a % of the experience needed to level up, so if level 30 to 31 takes 100000 xp, the penalty will be 10000, or something along those lines.

The value you need to ‘pay’ is cut in half if you take the death penalty reduction epic.

Edit: and of course, it’s important to mention that it does not stack. So if you die once or if you die 10 times in a row, it will still only cost 5000 xp.


Not read the rest of posts here, but frankly you’re not supposed to “like” the death penalty at all- it wouldn’t be a penalty if it was good or harmless. It serves a purpose and I feel it is a little lacking in its fulfillment of that purpose but the very existence of threads like this suggest otherwise.

You can’t always avoid dying sure, but with the penalty, at least now you try.


Gone are the days of taking a dive into lava to pick up a few floating Hard Coals. And that is a good thing. :slight_smile:


The current implementation of death penalty is very forgiving. I almost don’t mind them throughout my whole game time and the people who feels punished are those people who looks at higher level as a holy grail and needs to rush to it.

I don’t understand the mentality of some where when they die they go “Welp, curse this penalty. Gotta go back and grind some stones/ores to remove it”. Why not just proceed on doing what you want to do? Yes, it might not be that efficient but at least you’re progressing on the area you would like to and not getting annoyed by the penalty. Then after you had just removed the penalty, you die again then you go on rage “Great! Back to grinding exp. Didn’t do anything productive these past 2 hours because of this penalty!”. It feels like you are putting more penalty on yourselves than what the game imposes.

However though, I also agree that we have to balance some exp gain amongst professions. My main grief for now is how exp gain on gatherers are very slow. Woods aren’t as fast to farm as stones. Surfaces resources aren’t that abundant than ores. Plants don’t give exp… This is where I feel most punished. Being a gatherer means you are more exposed to dangerous mobs vs other professions combined with the lack of exp, you could potentially be on death penalty most of the time…(though this does not defer this alt from raking up resources :wink: )


This is how I feel too, I mean it does take a lil bit of time. But never more then 30 min if I’m staying busy. I always have a goal and working towards it which in turn give constant exp diminishing the debuff at a steady pace.

Only my hunter and miner die so it’s pretty easy to get rid of. I either kill a bunch of things, or mine for stuff I need. Pretty easy to deal with imo.


Yes, it does indeed refresh. That’s why I recommend to newer players to do their best to avoid that first death, but once that death happens, be as reckless as they want until they get back to a safe situation where they know they won’t be dying for a while, and only then actively work towards paying off the debt.

Dead once or dead 20 times makes no difference, and while in some unsafe situation (like gathering on the surface of t6 planets, for example) making any concerted effort to get rid of the penalty will just lead to frustration.


You know you can grapple that floating coal / diamond / roadrunner out of the lava right?..

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Of course, but in the days of negating all death penalties with a couple skill points, why bother? Might as well just jump in. :slight_smile:

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I think many people fear it going back to tool reduction so they say they love it. At lower levels its not bad, at higher levels it sucks and is literally half a day labor.

I just think the % shouldn’t scale so high at higher levels and I would be cool with it. no one is saying to have no penalty. It’s just scales wrong for higher levels.

This topic has like 8 threads on it all asking the same question


I’m finding it hard to understand why people think there should be no repercussions for death in the game… there should be punishment for dying. At least this one doesn’t hurt until you’ve died MULTIPLE TIMES back to back… (has happened to me) I feel like it is fair. At least is doesn’t kill your durability like it used to. I understand the lag deaths aren’t fair. (Of course they aren’t) but I’m mainly talking to people complaining about it in general. If the game is too easy, it will get boring.


I like it because its effect is entirely psychological, not because of fear of going back to durability loss.

You’re getting half the xp for a little while, but there’s no race to the finish line, no endgame raids so that a group can enter history (for about five minutes until everyone forgets about them) for being Server First to beat a boss. There’s no PVP to make one feel like one must grind it out or get corpse camped and t-bagged.

The game can be enjoyed at as leisurely a pace as one wants. Even the argument that “I must have more XP so I can craft things” is negated by interacting with the community. Can’t make bricks? Ask a crafter that can, I’m sure they’ll be happy to click the button for you in your machine in exchange for the sweet nectar of crafting xp. I know I would. :slight_smile:

If the penalty made you get zero experience until the debt is paid off, I might agree that it was harsh. A temporary reduction of the pace of leveling on the other hand, strikes a balance between being easy enough to shrug off when it happens, but undesirable enough that you would rather avoid it - which is the whole point.