So what happened on Eresho

I never said its right, i just still dont get why ppl think of it as a bad thing, as also i dont know why ppl think they are showing their power…

Also they cant decide what an entire planet is… that is only the name… and also if you allign all of your plots to your guild, when you get in it still says your name (it says the name of the whole settlement too) but still…

I wouldnt either, but that wont last for long… just dont go to that specific mall
dont leave it any traffic or buyers… and you will see they will fall back when they realise they are not relevant…

Im sorry to say this but its not exploiting for power in any way… its just sad… if you have to show your power like that than its sad, i would let them, when i see them i would throw coins at them or items or whatever… since they are begging to be relevant…
Thats the problem with you (everyone, not you in particular), everyone gets the feeling of inferiority or whatever… its a freakin game enjoy it, and let those life sucking no life sociopaths have their own issues…


Just ignore them and dont let them have any profit off of you, you will see they will get bored and leave…


That’s the issue about starter planets, though; newer players don’t know this. They might not be aware that it’s good to ignore them. After all, I’m pretty sure the footfall pays well for them.
More or less, at least.

I’ve got a portal leading to RTG that leads to TNT, specifically to have a way to get there myself, and because new players use it very frequently to get to the hub.
My little 600k place gets maybe 600 coins per day total from FF, but I can imagine it’d be far more for a bigger place such as a widespread mall/path network.
If the FF makes it worth it, I sadly doubt they’d just pack up and leave.

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Ye that is a problem…

well i dont know much about your specific situation, but idk what to tell you… start plotting their shop spots lol

Naw man, that’s against terms of use, for one.

Well if they take urs, u take theirs :slight_smile: easy logic, and i dont see any breaking of terms there, since you are opening a shop :slight_smile:

Naw, ain’t about to stoop to their level just to get back at someone. That’d be petty, and pretty much ruin the point.

…plus I don’t have anywhere near enough plots to pull that off.

This makes more sense for a city. Close together. There was another post about a settlement book like a guild book that people used to define the city.

Cities do not span across large areas with roads connecting them. We don’t see New York be 100 miles away connected by a freeway. I never understood why that is allowed in Boundless.

The fuss is you should not have to do this. Prestige should NOT be the definition of top city, mayor, and other stuff. Prestige doesn’t work because the person with the most plots, most time, and most high level blocks wins. That is just a bad design. And who wants to sit there spending their whole day fighting by placing blocks down. Plus how do solo people compete with a group. It is just bad for the game.

The point isn’t to push people to build. The point is to push people to not fight, annex, and to be able to enjoy the game. People have been pushing back on it and the Devs are finally seeing the results of how many leave or cut back on their playing style because of it. They know it needs more work.


Well you dont have to do it, its totally up to you…

Also why shouldnt the player who gives the most be on top? i dont get this… but whatever im too lazy to talk about this anymore…

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A very long time ago… I used to own an active portal hub. It was a small settlement on raxxa. Then Bloodline Horizon (back then it was Golden Empire Raxxa) Made a beacon called “Raxxa Road” made to annex basically all the settlements within that path. Mine was a part of it. I followed and found many other annexed settlements. The road never even had a floor! This was before “Lake” was built and before plot buffers were a thing. Probably a reason why plot buffers are a thing now.

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Yeah I find the pop ups really annoying. I wish there was at least a way to turn them off

Especially since the pop ups prevent interacting with any objects for 3 seconds

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I feel like we are all little countries or civilizations…to be honest…much more than simple cities…in fact that is the way I think a lot of people seem to act…I know I know Xalda you will disagree, or explain why our perception is wrong, but just the same this is the way alot of people play…

There is but no one will like it… ever notice when a beacon is Unnamed? Nope, because it does not announce it. VERY imperfect but it works… though I fail to see why if you hit a key the message instantly goes off and play resumes!

Prestige is fine…

HOW do solo people blah blah blah???

I am viceroy of Biitula…My personal prestige is over 50+ Million on Biitula… and I am SOLO… I LOVE to Build, build build…

…so your saying SOLO players cannot compete with a group is PURELY FALSE.

If you work hard and dedicate yourself you can do anything in this game… you cannot expect everything to be fair…If you spend hours and hours mining, processing, etc…planning…implementing etc… and your blocks are WAY better than your neighbors? GOOD FOR YOU… You worked your ash-can off for it and deserve the ADVANTAGE you have.

As my football coach used to say: "Hard work, and dedication guarantee NOTHING, but a Lack of it DOES.


This isn’t about your “success.” You spend a lot of time reminding us all of your prestige numbers. The reality is any concerted effort by any group could easily wipe you or any person out.

Example: Let’s say a solo player can only put down 100 prestige a minute. A group of 2 people would be able to put 2 times that down. A group of 4 is 4 times. Even if you have 100 million a group of people could easily create that and wipe you out.

So that is the point. That is why the system is bad and means nothing because its based on a fundamental time time people equation. It doesn’t reward real work, skill, or real creation. It rewards “prestige spam and those with the most time.”


Honestly I could care less about prestige. I only object to the pop up. This forces prestige on people who don’t care about it. I think the text at the top of the screen is plenty bragging rights. I don’t want my play interrupted for 3 seconds every time I take a portal just to pump people’s egos.


Ulfric, ill just tell from my perspective. Maintaining a network with over 160 portals on all 50 planets is tedious work alone which take a lot of our time. + we have work and families and kids which takes even more time + we also want to build our bases or some private projects + ultima as a guild is focus not on prestige stacking but to build some nice builds that look nice, but this takes time. So dont get offended but when someone is telling me to stop crying im getting a lil angry. I dont have time or any urges to spam high prestige blocks only to get ahead of someone, cause this is stupid and childish… at least in my opinion.


I wouldn’t be sad if prestige were removed from the game. Then builds would be prestigious on the basis of being good builds and word of mouth instead of some BS system. Just remove viceroy. Or make it a monthly voting system with screenshots or something.


Instead of simple cities, maybe they behave like empires maybe? It will have to do something with how the game has been announced? Why not behave like capricious emperors if the goal that sells the game is to build an empire? I wonder if these situations would be reduced in the future if instead of advertising like this: Build an empire with friends. It will be announced like this: Build a great company with friends. An empire is imposed on the rest. A company has competitors and customers. Different concepts …

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Jonestown all over again? :joy:

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Yes if a concerted Group wanted to take Viceroy of a particular planet they could if they worked hard and dedicated themselves to it and yes they could outpace me. That being said there is a big difference between taking something and keeping it. Sure as long as the Concerta drupe remains United and dedicated to keeping that Viceroy they probably got it. But in the long run if that solo player keeps building and planning in the end the group will either split grow bored or move on. At the end of that day the likely conclusion will be that the solo player we’ll have one hell of a nice area to loot or even occupy.

Wipe me out though? Unless they find a way to demo buildings and roads How can you say that? Not being viceroy is not the end of my game world…all it would do is inspire me to BUILD BUILD BUILD.

As far as me mentioning my prestige it is because you literally just said that no solo can be successful under the system and that is just not true. Being successful is knowing the rules working hard to reach your goals and not giving because the going gets tough