Ok so quistion any 1 figure out if colors are randomly generated regardless of atmosphere you choose or lol of planet?
I thought atmo color is the same for every planet of the same type. Eg. Lush, toxic, coal, etc?
I mean I buying another 10 sov. Planets for the lottery of mint grass does anything effect the way colors are spawned
Oooh, I see how I misread! Sorry. I think the choice does influence the color, but I haven’t read the files for that so I’ll leave the answer for someone more fit to give details.
I think I remember a dev post saying something like the gem planets have a chance to spawn any color block? But the chance (like black gleam) can be really small. That is part of the reason I like rolling gem planets… color lotto, haha (“Silk Yellow gleam!! This troll RNG… ”) Hehe.
So I should stick with rolling T6 planets I’m just wandering if the type of atmosphere matters like Toxic spawns greens and Frozen planets spawn blues something like that
On the gem worlds, I’ve seen it all over the place… like Chills often spawn pale palettes, but seen one really dark one as well. I don’t know if I have a large enough sample size to work with here (expecting some wisecracks from the peanut gallery here ) for it to be statistically significant, but just based on my results, if going for greens, I might go with Shocks, Toxics, and Blasts. But there might not be a type favoring there. Lush worlds do seem to spawn greens fairly often, but then, not sure if they have a chance to get that color you want - I just remember the comment about the gem ones having the chance to spawn any color.
K Summon 3 Toxics right now see what happens
I might throw a few new T5 gems out there myself for my Serp hub, maybe one of us will get lucky.
Edit: Just put 'em in!
- T1 Worlds its own Palette config
- T2 Worlds its own palette config
- T4 and T3 worlds Coal, metal, lush each their own palette configs
- T5 any gem worlds use the same palette config, Metal its own, Coal its own
- T6 any gem worlds use the same palette config, Metal its own, Coal its own
- T7 world Blink, Umbris, Rifht each their own palette configs
Which type of mint are you looking for and which grass ?
I’m looking For Mint Verdant Grass I got some on the color changing exo fell in with it I wanna make a majority of cookie Kingdom of it
I just got 3 different T6 I chose th3 biomes one all forest 1 all ice and 1 I never seen that biome before so I clicked it XD
To you remember which type the exo color changing was ?
D: no it was the last one we had dough most recent one id say
All 3 of the Color Cycling worlds have been T4 Lush worlds.
But keep in mind, the color cycling makes the colors (almost) 100% random. Their initial color palette has no bearing on what they can become.
Are you sure about this ?
Yes. There was a post from one of the devs that explained out it worked.
I assume this means all of the colors have their hue/sat/lum shifted by a consistent random factor every 2 minutes. To ensure every color is the same relative color to each other.
i think they use the base lush t4 profile that regenerate the base color overtime if i remember. But yeah i don’t remember what the dev said.
I’ll take the bait…really, @bucfanpaka if you roll any more planets we’ll need to start calling you Milky Way!
Anyways may have a bad news for you i looked at every profile, i couldn’t find any that would spot on Mint Grass, the closest are Lush T4 but there’s a lack of +25 point in saturation. Unless ther is some funcky color rounding i don’t see it happening.
Ok that is the difference between the default palette and exo changing one. In the default they do not randomize the sat and lum of the base color. So this explain why you got that color on the exo @BabyCookie