Sovereign and Creative Worlds now live!

yep but if people on the server was able to donate, then a person could create a website, and people could come to the server, and play.

@majorvex @james @Leahlemoncakes Hey, my world is there, I made a 2x8 creative bridge, made a token, went to my 2x8 creative bridge on Raxxa, place the token inside, but when I click on “Open Bridge”, it just closes the UI and opens it back-up half-a-second later. No error message. Would you know what’s going on with that?
I had difficulties opening a creative bridge to Party World too earlier today.
Does it… take time for the server to register that I placed a creative bridge or something?

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I don’t understand why this point wasn’t tested in advance. You offered a service and didn’t even make sure that you couldn’t provide it)

Titans? Nnnnnnah…

I could be wrong but I thought creative to creative used standard portals. And the 2x8 bridges are specifically to go from creative to survival world’s? Maybe try using a standard portal to go from creative-creative

What wasn’t tested? Sovereign and Creative worlds were even publicly tested.

No I know that, I’m trying to make a creative bridge from my creative world to my survival build on Raxxa.
I’m gonna go back to see if it works now.

i found this natural formation on my creative. maybe it had something to do with what crashed the other worlds. is theirs bigger than mine?


Can I block this from happening to my planets? I wanted to let some of them die off

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I think the ownership will change but not sure about this, so it wont be your business anymore. Even if someone extend it i mean if you didnt pay for it, No issue i think.

I think an ownership change would involve direct developer action based on an issue we had in test. If you want a planet to go away. you can always block all users if they are not on the planet or do not have a beacon on the planet then then cannot add time.

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I would hope this is the case.

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If I want to walk away from a planet for good, but the citizens want to pay to keep it, does it auto transfer to someone or do I need to notify staff of a transfer? If it’s automatic, what prevents someone from buying out ownership of other people’s planets?

From what I understand, other players can only add fuel, not take ownership. I guess as long as you don’t remove your original world control, and don’t let it expire it stays your planet?

There are def some good questions surrounding this scenario though. What if the planet enters the 2-weeks-till-expired period while someone is on vacation, and someone else adds keys/fuel? That would stink if the founder spent a lot of time & resources creating a hub, market, castles, etc…only to see that someone else took over.

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A world owner can currently only be changed by an admin.


So on a positive note. We had 301 steam players at one point in the last 24 hours. That is the first time since March 2019 we have had over 300 steam players. Hopefully the rentals will have permanently increased players and how much they play


Not yet that I know of because the server is local on the box. In the future, though, I’d expect that is an option. I just don’t know when they will put time towards local mode. The good news is that likely some of what was just done for private worlds will help the local ones since code can be leveraged.

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And that was because of the free weekend. This is the first time they reached these totals “organically” since Nov '18, just after launch.

Hopefully this will finally move the needle in a significant way.


Question in regards to color change on owned worlds. When you change your colors does it reset the world? I would like to know if my builds will go away when I change the colors?

No, and it does not affect player placed blocks color wise.


stop thinking about sovereigns as lootboxes! They’re literally supposed to be Private worlds. Not gem crates you open up and get disappointed about.