We’re getting close to launching the first prototype for Beacons, which means we’ll be able build villages much easier than we can now…
In that spirit, I hope you’ll save some of your claims and place a plot in…
#Supreme Toast Base
First things first, I need a location. I’m thinking somewhere quiet by the lake in Eisa? Who’s in?
(And if any of the other devs try to recruit you, just remember this will be THE place to be. We’ll have all the best builders (@nyuudles will be out chief architect) and well stocked shops.)
I’m definitely for building anywhere other than land,so that sounds amazing. But I also would love to see something large under water. Since its near a lake.
The first release of Beacons is going to be a test. You’re not going to have enough to cover a project as massive as Kovah alone.
I expect the best thing to do with Beacons 0.1 will be to claim some new space and build something cool in your plot, as opposed to trying to claim something you might have already built.