Tell me please, why are you so reluctant of giving Footfall coin

Numerous times now i have seen People complain About “footfall traps”.
I understand the Underlying mephit of the Statement i think.

But explain to me please, why is it a Problem for you to give footfall to a random plot, when it Costs you Nothing?

I understand, Phantom Shops or giant plotted malls with a shop in the middle suck. But greed is a common Thing among humans, sadly.

Personally, i dont care if any given plot i walk trough gets coin out of it. It doesnt cost me anything. And most of them are good walkways.
This should not be a discussion how to replace it or other Things. I am just curious About the mindset :slight_smile:
(Keep it civil please)


I don’t care who gets FF from me. But I could tell you the 15-20ish people who get it from me. Rarely does it ever go to anyone else but them. I also wouldn’t care if FF disappeared tho. I’d rather see the actual coin tap get improved over worry about FF. And the only reason I’m not a huge fan of “ff traps” is because we’ve been told by people who talk to the devs and fairly certain the devs themselves have said we are doing things that are passed what they designed it for. Kind of like the rock thing people used to do. The more “traps” the more likely we are going to see FF get adjusted.

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The player in any player driven economy needs to keep giants in check. If one or a small group of players are buying up all the stock, then shop keepers will ramp up their prices, and new players won’t be able to afford anything.


Ive always wondered this too. A lot of the time its mentioned in convos about there not being enough coin in the game generally too, which is extra odd as it has a flow on effect for everyone. Generating coin for others means everyone is buying/selling/trading more… its literally the base for the whole economy. Not sure why anyone would actively try to slow that.


And that driving prices thing up is a myth. Ive run large shops the whole time ive played the game, and it simply doesnt work like that. Whales buy in bulk occasionally, theyre not buying 10 of an item at a time every day, they buy 1000s to last them. If you sell out then jack your prices up, then daily customers stop and you then dont sell anything, and are just left waiting in the hope the whale comes back… in the meantime every other shop is cheaper, and the whale goes there next time.

Jacking up prices just doesnt work… unless you want to be “that expensive shop” with no customers.


This is such a surprise to me. I don’t care about it one bit. I also participated in Illuminaughty footfall co-op and made a weekly run there. Not all of the lot are shops but we are all there to be benefit from footfall.

I think this is not greedy but a petty mindset. Some people just don’t like to be trick (or what they consider as such) into something they don’t benefited themselves. They probably feel frustrated because it waste their time and they got nothing while the other party get footfall coins. They also feel privileged to complaint about it because they think they have the moral high ground to complain. Certainly, they could back it up because they don’t do such things.

Can anyone give an example of a footfall trap? I’m not sure everyone has the same idea of what it is. For me, if a place is not interesting and no purpose I’ll just make a mental note to not go at the same place again. I definitely never considered them footfall trap.


Personally idc who gets my footfall. I’ll even go out of my way to walk on someone’s plot alone in the wild. But like OP said some people will go out of their way to avoid walking on plots. Some people even want an option to completely opt out of giving/receiving footfall.


For me the whole point of footfall is that its supposed to reward players based on how well they build, granting them coin if people check out their awesome build, not just because they have a plot in a popular space, and especially not just for making plots for the sake of footfall cough footfall co-op cough.


In the case of the “evil shops luring people in” I think it’s about the annoyance and lost time. But that’s more the fault of the economy system than the shopkeeper imo.


Like Vansten said, footfall should be earned by building something impressive or useful, not by luring people into traps.


The kind of people that never get invited to family events.

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I have no problems either, I want to help folks and try to be nice when I’m in malls and, if I’m not in a hurry, will run in and out of at least some of the shops. My Oortian probably looks pretty drunk at times, running randomly this way and that. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lord has spoken.


@bucfanpaka I do the same thing :wink: Even if I’m in a hunt, I’ll go out of my way to go step on someone’s plots to give them ff lol

and there’s also this issue:


I’m actually not against the idea of footfall, I travel a lot and frequently veer a (short) ways off of my goal to cross someone’s plots. When I started I thought it was a great idea, and in principle I still do.


I’ve been subject to a lot of footfall traps, of course. And I’m not the type to call every build a footfall trap. But ESPECIALLY as a newer player trying to find places to sell items, or get items I needed and couldn’t acquire yet, I was often frustrated by people who had created obvious footfall traps.

With fewer players and more established markets, this is less of a problem than it used to be. As someone who spent hundreds of hours trying to get into the game during the december/january timeframe I can tell you that “bait shops” as I called them were a HUGE issue.

I also resent it when people create obstacles for the obvious purpose of “multiplying” footfall. I don’t want to call anyone out on the forum but to clarify some comments I’ve made recently, I know of at least two hubs which have 30 or more beacons just inside the portal area.

One of these hubs I love. It’s a decent setup and for all the size of it, it’s nearly full of active portals to ‘live’ builds or popular locations and being in a sunken pyramid shape, it feels nearly as small as a portal hub with so many portals can be. And if you know where you are going you can walk or grapple in a straight line to where you need to go.

The other I avoid. It’s sprawled out so far you can’t read the signs across the hub, but it’s just empty space. There are obstacles between some of the portals that serve little purpose but to make you walk across more beacons, or look into more “stalls” to find the portal you are looking for. Even if you know the location, you still have to traverse the obstacles.

The first hub I visit, often several times per day and sometimes on more than one avatar just in the course of my normal business. The second one, I’m sorry, I avoid it.

You nailed it on “waste their time”. I feel privileged to complain about people that use bait, like empty request baskets (this is now fixed by the devs THANK YOU) or shop stands with outrageous prices so they never look empty, or other tricks to lure people into their beacons.

I don’t do co-op mazes but don’t consider them a problem especially since you usually ahve to enter them on purpose. I might honestly ride a fun slide without even knowing or caring if it’s a footfall co-op.

Same for people who beacon around resources. I’ve done this myself in the past. I put a portal near a gleam field, created paths and things for people to grapple onto, etc … If I can see that someone has improved an area or made it easier for people to access a resource, I’m very happy to generate footfall in their “farm” even on the lowest level worlds. I do call this a farm and not a footfall trap.

I don’t know I guess that’s long winded but I feel like I’ve said a lot about footfall today and maybe it’s worth explaining. I do know people that go out of their way to avoid generating footfall for others, even if it means they’re inconveniencing themselves to do it. But personally, I’ve just come to feel that over the time period that I’ve been playing, footfall has led to more resentment and shenanigans than anything else.

Considering all of these things, together with the fact that there are now better coin generating systems in game, I’ve come to think we might wholly be better off without it.


When even the devs express their disappointment in what their selected mechanic has led to, it’s maybe time to look a little closer.

I know it can seem especially grinding if you feel you are categorized in with a group that’s getting a lot of negativity. But as you point out it’s a small and shrinking community. The solid people, those with good intentions or whatever do stand out.

I own shops. I own a (tiny) portal hub. I own two “farms” now. And I don’t think any of those things are inherently bad. Despite some people just being bitter jerks and calling every build a footfall trap, there are definitely 100% abusive practices and abusive people in game.



I have no issue with footfall traps on existing locations. What i take issue with is the cost of my time running through a maze or excessive distances to get to a shop. If your shop isnt making money, inconveniencing your customers isnt the way to improve.


Hopefully farming will reverse that chart.


Since you are pretty much calling me out specifically, (which I think goes against COC here…:wink:) I think it is important to note, the co-op’s, ironically are the least ff trappy places in the game. Lol. It is a CO-OP which means co-operation. If you have a plot there you have reason to go and you know why you’re going… when you go down a slide, you know why you’re on it… there is zero trap about it.

I don’t understand the elitist attitude that people have, whether it’s being upset that someone is earning a small bit of coin, or that there is a shape in the distant sky that you don’t like, so let’s openly trash it and it’s builder on the forum.

Perhaps there could be an option in the beacon that gives people the opportunity to NOT collect footfall on their beacons… that way all the footfall haters out there can opt out of receiving it… since it’s such a nasty dirty thing.

When the game released and I opened The Witches Brew, I had it beaconed on one toon. I looked at FF at that time, as just one more thing I sold. I put portals up in my shop so I could link to multiple places and attract more visitors as my sales and ff went up. I kept my shop stocked, my prices competitive (I do not undercut) and I added more portals to bring in more people.

Then the guild buffs came out and they “fixed” Footfall, which for me essentially killed footfall in my shop. I went from getting between 2k to 4K per day to getting less than 500. Actually, the first few days I literally got 1c per guest… Yet the out going coin to support the portals and the cost of running the shop didn’t go down… it was frustrating. At the same time the guild helixes came out and they are a huge sink of income.

We needed something else.

I have ADHD and I run around a lot when I have trouble staying focused. So, I thought about malls and how the people who have the halls make the footfall and the shop keepers only get it if you go in the shop… the co-ops were a combination of the two, by having the shops themselves be the halls in the malls. And as a co-op we give while we get… and people loved it. And I had a place to run my ADHD off.

Those who say FF was never intended to be what pays for the buffs… I say “who says?” I never read anything from the devs that says ff coin should not be used here. And, why not? Why can’t a guild have a co-op? It allows members to donate in a different way, but still donate and contribute and CO-OPERATE with one another for a collective cause. I think the community mindset is 100% Boundless in spirit.

Lastly, I do not get but a fraction of my income through FF. My shop has portals to everywhere, it’s always stocked, it’s built well, and it has been around since about 3 weeks after game released. That is why I have been successful in this game.

Lastly, let’s talk successful. At any given time I have about 300k in coin. I have never had a million coin at one time. Why? Because I reinvest every penny into my guild and shop. So, yes I make coin from footfall but it is literally a fraction of what I spend on my guild. And my co-ops are not and ever have been for my personal gain. It 100% goes to my guild.


I had no idea who owned the coop, not to mention multiple people running them, meaning I did no such thing.

The whole point is to generate footfall - that is, by definition, a footfall trap.

I already stated why its an issue in my previous response.

Nobody in their right mind would do this without some other incentive to do so.

I understand the point of a footcall co-op. That doesn’t mean I have to like them. I see people who partake of them as having earnt the coin without really having done anything except run for a few minutes. Regardless of what others think, there’s nothing that will change my mind on that.


Firstly, Footfall was clearly created for multiple reasons. What ever way you like it, there has to be a constant stream of “fresh coin” because as I stated in another post, people literally sit on millions of coin for no apparent reason other than boasting rights… If there wasn’t that way of generating coin from nothing, then the economy would fail. Yes we have the minting option, but let’s be frank, it doesn’t pay very well.

Secondly, why would you not want to help other people with FF? Doesn’t make sense that you would be selfish enough on a community game to not help your neighbor out… You have an active choice of where you go, if you’re so opposed to co-ops or slide there’s a simple answer. STAY AWAY FROM THEM.

But for real, why is this even created as an issue/debate. You should want to help the next player out in any way possible, after all, it’s no competition and we are all here to enjoy playing a very well made game?
