Testing 163 - Report issues here

Please report all issues discovered in Testing 163 in this thread.

We usually make an announcement on the forum when the game is updated, which includes release notes, fixed issues and known issues.[quote=“Arkefyre, post:220, topic:7336”]
Unable to place crafting table inside beacon. Tried to place down next to campfire, received error about needing to place within a beacon. Had to break campfire and craft a new one. May have been an issue with plot placement on my end, ex. which side of the campfire actually had plot ownership.

Don’t worry, we have a screenshot of this, so we’ll add it to our bug database.[quote=“Arkefyre, post:220, topic:7336”]
Unable to place crafting table inside beacon. Tried to place down next to campfire, received error about needing to place within a beacon. Had to break campfire and craft a new one. May have been an issue with plot placement on my end, ex. which side of the campfire actually had plot ownership.

It sounds like you were placing it outside a beacon. To check if you’re placing it within a beacon, focus on an area where you want to place it. If the highlight is green, that area is within a beacon. If it’s black, then it’s outside a beacon.[quote=“Arkefyre, post:220, topic:7336”]
“Bulk Craft” option is avaliable for timber, and the animation plays as if it is sending the recipe to the queue, but never produces anything. Doesn’t steal the trunk. Closed out of the crafting window and tried again, same result. “Craft 1” still works properly. note bulk option appears to be “avaliable” on all recipes, but does not function.

You need the necessary skill to Bulk Craft. We haven’t made it clear in this instance, so we’ll make a note of this to improve in a later update.

It looks like it’s missing some drop shadows, so we’ll add this to our bug database.[quote=“Arkefyre, post:220, topic:7336”]
believe I saw something addressing this earlier, but had some starberries, had a lot of trouble eating them.
note: was able to consume by holding left mouse for several seconds, and clicked right mouse button a couple times while doing so. Not sure if connected or coincidence.

You just need to hold down the appropriate mouse button to consume food correctly. To do it faster, you need the necessary skill.

That definitely looks unusual. We’ll take a look at it.

I logged in just now to find that my 2 weekly objectives are gone.

I had Weekly Gatherer and Weekly Explorer activated and I had completed 3/5 and 1/5 in them respectively. Today I was about to get the first to 4/5 and the latter to 2/5. I’ve been playing and doing them every day, so they’ve been active for 4 and 2 days now.

I saw them on the list while in sanctum but they disappeared with the progress after entering the world. They are both now available to activate from objective menu.

Similar to Daily Objectives, it’s likely that the timer had expired for the Weekly Objectives. Again, we are looking into ways to add more information to indicate how objectives are active for.

I just found it weird that a weekly one would only have 4 days clock.

There was so minor update (40 MB) - fix more like and I lost a progress in 2 weekly objectives. (I had both on 100+ and 200+ blocks out of 1000). Is it completely unavoidable when fixes are being pushed?

EDIT: just seen there are changes to GUI - they look nice and tidy

Ok, I can see objectives changed going towards the announced system. Off to explore them.

We will be adding an expiration timer for weekly and daily objectives in the UI in a future update.

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Daily Experience Bonus and Weekly Experience Bonus don’t work at the moment.

This attribute do not look so tempting, at least it is not negative.

And thanks for the exp-raise for objectives, now it roll on again :slight_smile:


yes - its super useful to be able to progress faster and test more :sunglasses:

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Craftman’s Desire doesn’t work if rocks used to complete it have been placed in crafting table before activating the objective. (Objective asks to craft 3 stones from rocks and place it in player’s inventory then. It only worked when I moved rocks from my inventory to crafting table and craft then. It didn’t work when I crafted from rocks placed in crafting table earlier).


  1. The objective disappears from the list after completing its first part.
  2. The center of screen message about completing appears, but top right message showing bar progression doesn’t.

The “Cooking Items” and “Smelting Ores” Crafting objectives do not seem to be working, unless they require some number of iterations and don’t have that listed. I made one piece of cooked meat and two iron bars, no go.

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When i did “Gatheres calling”, and should make a axe, it did not count if i took the axe from the craftingtable and put it in a existing smartstack with axes. I had to make one axe and put it inventory as a single object.


First objective works fine but second not so good. There said that you need to use sprint and the counter starts only after you jumped.

Descriptions of skills in these two left column are little broke. All ten!

When i change cache size, the game goes into windowed mode and the “Cache Reset” window appear, after i confirm it the game gose in some idle mode and does not respond to the keyboard and mouse at all, but it works (it does not freeze and not crashed)

“Building For The Future” Tier1 does not work. Increasing of the prestige does not count up.
“Weekly Experience Bonus” Tier1 does not work.
“Daily Experience Bonus” Tier1 does not work.
“Crafting Machine Maintenance” Tier1 does not work.
“Cooking Items” Tier1 does not work.
“Smelting Ores” Tier1 does not work.

You need to throw out some ‘Tool’ (not an Gem ‘Tool’), and the game will think that you are complete the first objective - Get an ‘Tool’ in these objectives:
“A Gatherer’s Calling” Tier 1. ‘Tool’ - axe
“Efficient Soil Gathering” Tier1. ‘Tool’ - shovel
“Gathering Sand” Tier1. ‘Tool’ - shovel

Building A Workbench objective: second step is completed even if you place all 4 pieces of the machine separately and they don’t create a working device.

Wildstock attacks are based on your proximity, if you get “too close” to them and they have time to play their full “warning” animation, they will then aggro on you.

Apparently wildstock are territorial now.

ah, i see and i’ve already test it. Not all of them attack, now i get it, passive Wildstock only with solid-color skin.