Testing 17: Crafting and Dual Wielding

possibly, I haven’t played around with the machines yet^^

Use unrefined bone from animal drops. Don’t use fossilized bone or refined bone. That is what took me so long to figure out the recipe as well. Credit to @nevir.
P.s. it’s 2 sap and 2 bone per glue.


i see, 2 sap and 2 bones. had only 1 so i tought its not working

I would like a tabbed window with the different workplaces, its a lot of clicking between, and open/close windows.
Would like a close icon in the windows for the mouse to.
And that the ESC-button closed window, and not jump to system-meny.

And as suggested, move recepies from lover tier to higher. No more close window for to go to lover workbench to make some basic stuff.

Is eu-servers down?
I got only 2 us-server since the new patch.

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Hi everyone,

great to see such a huge update. Feels awesome to play with and now you really get a lot of feedback.

1) Controls
Current Version of Selecting items to one of the toolbars and switching through tools while not in inventory feels very akward indeed.
After I read the “q” and “alt” button press methods (and since I didn’t read closely) I intuitively tried this:
Pressing “q” and turn mousewheel to cycle left.
Pressing “alt” and turn mousewheel to cycle right.
Didn’t work like I hoped, so I needed to read again. haha but actually that would work great I think. call it method a)
Turning mouseweel without pressed key to switch both hands clockwise feels just right!

Method b) I had in mind is switch “alt” with “e”.
Pressing “q” and turn mousewheel to cycle left.
Pressing “e” and turn mousewheel to cycle right.
Turning wheel to cycle both

Method c) give us the chance to set key functions as we want by a key contol menu :wink: I don’t know how comprehensive this is planned.

2) UI (or how I could I describe this)
here I till now have just 3 issues. Could be updated soon.

  • still feels weird to produce something and not been able to see how much ressource i have. Seeing amount of inventory somewhere while selecting stuff you produce, would be nice.
  • the camera direction to the character when being on workbench is strange. Why not putting the camera in his back with view on the workbench and maybe looking at his moving hands (hand moving animation required).
  • there is no indicator that you created outputs on the workbench. There should be at least appear a number that indicates the amount of stuff you created 4 same blocks + 1 tool = indicated number = 5.

3) dual wielding
Is it just appearing to me like this because I didn’t try same tools in one hand, or are they not hitting simultaneously? They are just hitting one after each other. Means I have the same working speed as if I would use a tool in just one hand. Where is the benefit of dual wielding then?


You don’t have to swap your active item! With the old system you’d need to swing → switch → swing → switch

I don’t get it. Why do I have to swing and switch? Usually I am anyway just working on one block type for the moment.
Then I don’t have to switch something… or did I not get your intention?

If you cold swing both then everyone would just have two of the same thing all the time, boring!

Dual weilding where you effectively ‘are’ both though: light source / grapple one hand, block/weapon other hand etc


Of course I see synergies with grappling hook and other combinations. That’s out of question :slight_smile: sorry, I maybe should have defined the question more particularly.

The issue I was aiming for: If I have two hammers in my hands, I would expect to mine stone or ore in half of the time as with one hammer. And THAT is obviously not working at the moment. Probably a Miners specialization? Or Warriors, if you thing about 2 weapons…

at any game where is dual wielding system and you can shoot/swing with both mouse 1 and mouse 2 simultaneously makes me confused and i usually end up using only one hand. but its just me

Another bug found - steps to reproduce as follows:-

  1. Place an item in left hand equipped slot.
  2. Open crafting table.
  3. Place any other item in a crafting table ingredient slot.
  4. Select that crafting item ingredient and then swap/replace with the item equipped in your left hand.
  5. Exit crafting table, then hold Q.
  6. You will now have the swapped item equipped.

I think it should show an empty slot in the left hand, and not swap the item.

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I can’t search on, probably don’t find the right translation. What is sap and where do I get it from?

Its the juice inside trees, so it drop from trees (and leaves-cubes).

That’s why I didn’t have yet. It didn’t drop for me from trees. So I guess it’s from a certain kind?
Edit: it seems it can just come from “waxy leaves”

Someone already aquired glas or spark?

My first intention was getting out spark of gleam :smiley:
Or do I need further machinery like a generator to provide spark to machines in surrounding?

no idea how to acquire spark or craft glass, all i know that glass is made from furnace with sand and the unknown ingredient

yeah, figured out that too…

I by the way have some things to mention on us1

  • The distribution of animals is horrible. I just found a few around the capital. I ran one hour in diverse directions and didn’t find any creature. And we need them! Bones are essential for glue, as glue is essential for storage! Please give more animals :stuck_out_tongue:

  • found out that overlapping things enter the storage. Does not look so nice:

  • I can run an pepetuum mobile with waxy leaves. Gather some leaves and you get sap from them. Place them and mine them again, so sap comes out sometimes again. Means: to gather sap there is no need for me to run around and farm, after I got some leaves! I think that should not happen.

  • What I miss a bit when I farm ores are ore veins! Usually a gold digger is happy when he finds gold veins, because it is a huge amount of the rare ore in a small area. I think here and there it can be nice to find these. At the moment I just find random distributions.

  • it seems like there is no difference in iron and stone furnace (for materials I used to now).
    I used copper, iron, silver and gold with soft and medium coal in both furnaces in all combinations. it always takes 3 seconds to produce, whatever I use. Is that the intention?

  • ores and rifened materials should differ more clearly from each other. The color types are so similar, that I cannot differ them ingame and in inventory without scrolling with my mouse over it. Also when I mine ane ore, all seem to look the same way. But I guess, this is just not finalized yet.

By the way, against my critics: the new biomes are wonderful. love them! There are so nice shapes all around and the caves are really amazing!!


That´s how plants work in most games (e.g. Minecraft)…

Well, good point to improve and make a difference here.


Minecraft is a bad example^^ You either get the leaves or the saplings/apples. You can’t harvest leaves and have them drop apples at the same time. So no perpetuum mobile possible.

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