Testing 194: Epic Skills, Skill Sets and the Exchange!

I would prefer if you could just talk for yourself and not generalise about everyone as if it’s fact. A lot of people have been playing Boundless for a long time and have put in huge amounts of time and effort to build up there characters and resources etc so I think it’s somewhat disingenuous to make this statement.

With too many restrictions how can it be played solo?
Why have you connected single players with trolling?
We all have our own opinions and play style/preferences and I think we should all understand and respect that. I don’t think anyone is saying that they want to start playing and then within a few days have a maxed out character that can do absolutely everything. People are more than willing to put the time and effort in to leveling up a character/s to be able to do most things alone or in groups. Even on the current live game you can’t have every single skill point maxed out, compromises have to be made. Personally I’m fine with that, I just hope that this new skill tree will allow solo players to continue to enjoy the game.