Testing 228: Window Panes and Lattice Frames!

I am on PS4.

Ah ok, I was just wondering because I’m on PC and after the farming update I had to go into the graphics settings in Boundless to bump up some of the settings because it had lowered many of them because of the extra levels of detail they had added. I don’t know if this is something the PS4 has.


I noticed the same. I resetted all my local settings and the game looked better afterwards.


Same here, although I still find the overall contrast too harsh and the new slider doesn’t really help for me because if I increase the brightness when I’m inside then it’s far too bright outside in the daytime and vice versa.


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Hmmm I thought it was just me.

Of course I tried mining with the starberry pies instead of persist, with a couple of cheap hammers. And ever since then (the day of that release) it seems like I run out of stamina so fast I’m not sure how I ever endured it for so long.

I sort of laughingly have wondered if it was a change in my perception due to the endless energy experience with the pie, or if the feature was subtly rebalanced to encourage less use of persisting foods and more use of the energy foods.

I mean to say, I wrote it off as paranoia - but if other people feel they’re having the same experience, it wouldn’t hurt for the devs to address this.

With regards to the lighting issue, this is a daily disappointment for me. It adds to the issues I have with storage and being interested/bothered to try and design areas to support higher throughput workflows. And it’s just annoying.

Useless for display, useless for color sorting. I’m not going to flood this thread with off topic screenshots but there are several in this thread showing that even in a 3x3 of cabinets surrounded with lanterns, you can’t even tell that there are blocks in the cabinet.

Very disappointed that there’s been no other feedback on, or even mention of, these issues. The color banding seems to have been dismissed with the statement that making the walls double thick should stop it but the vault pictured here is built into a mountain, there’s only one spot, less than 2 blocks, where the inner wall is exposed.

There’s an open access a couple plots away from the pictured cabinets and honestly there’s no way it’s acceptable that this is somehow casting a diffracted spectrum across these cabinets several plots away, or the others around the corner. As for the cabinets near the entryway …

Those are ashen gray cabinets with cold berry etc … from Houchus showing in the first three columns, and Galan rocks in the second three columns. To be honest I didn’t even realize the second three columns still had rock in them until I actually opened the cabinets. This is full daylight with me standing in the open door.

Max light forge effect and up very close:

The stamina issue is a big hit to my productivity and operating costs. But as I look towards trying to design some higher throughput working spaces and rebuilding my base in a less constricted area, the lighting issues are a constant source of frustration and disappointment.

Even going to white light on white cabinets doesn’t address the direct lighting issue. And as for having to double wall/ceiling every room and possibly not have doors or open entries into working and storage spaces to avoid the refraction effect - it doesn’t seem reasonable.

Hey the glass panes look great though!


Ahh yes and this is a good signifier that this has happened. Nope there is no deleting for us :frowning:

I agree completely with your reply. We still have some weird light distribution going on. In some cases it doesn’t flow natural at all. I keep talking about in voice chats to a lot of the long time players here about a beacon lighting controller to adjust (like a dimmer switch) the lighting level. ALSO, a forge tool that you can adjust the light source blocks individually on a scale from x to x. That would allow you not only to raise or lower the lighting throughout all plots on that beacon but to control the mood in particular areas much better.

@james & @lucadeltodecso

There’s probably a very good reason why it’s impossible to chisel away the dead centre part of a block with the new lattice chisel stuff, right?

Because I’ve been thinking about it and even though this is utterly fantastic and opens up so many new possibilities I would also love it if we could chisel away the middle part so we can place it on top or next to other blocks where it then appears to be smack next to it.
ie. middle part gone, the part that’s furthest away from a block it’s connected to, also gone, but the one that is the closest is still there. Hmm, kinda like door placement, could we place it to a certain side instead of smack in the middle? (ehh, tired, even to me this doesn’t sound all that clear).

What I mean is, a normal square chisel turns a normal block basically into a 2x2x2, with this it becomes a 3x3x3 and it would have been mighty nice if we could turn on/off any of those little pieces by itself…

If that would be added sometime then we can make little changes to walls, columns, add very small window sills, etc., etc. and make way more builds suddenly possible!

It’s basically why I made a post a while back about treating any block as a liquid, chisel away parts of block A, place block B INSIDE the chiseled away parts of block A. With this chisel such a thing would not be needed with the ultra thin lattice mode AND if it could be placed snug against another block…

Also, I noticed on Testing that you can leave just the dead centre part and with the bevel chisel it’s almost a nice dot, how about an umbris chisel that turns it into a perfect sphere instead??

Hmm, also, if we could chisel away any smaller parts of blocks, even like 9x9x9 we can add soooo much detail to things and can make nicer curved looking objects, like a parasol/umbrella :wink:


Release it!


Please return beauty game, bring color game ((


Man do I miss how bright things were. Now it’s just dark and gloomy. Still hoping they make more adjustments but I’m not holding my breath. At this point I just want to hear a “it’s 100% final nothing is changing” so I can go demolish all my builds


I have to be honest, I was really hoping to hear something different.

I noticed my typo in the quote. Thanks :blush:

And what are you hoping to hear?

I only hope that because I’m tired of waiting. I really don’t like how the game looks anymore so I want to just demo everything sell it all off and be done with it and maybe check back in a year from now.

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I am with u…I really don’t like the new lighting…i think it should be scrapped…it was so much better the way it was…not a fan…but still love the game and they are still doing a awesome job…


I really feel like it should be a super easy fix. Just make the slider do more then what it does. Instead of +4 make it up to +50. That way we can adjust it to what we prefer and it’s high enough that no one should need it at +50


I don’t know…I made a portal on norkya and put water flowing down the walls…it was blue. Now it’s pink like the planet and all blends in with each other there more wrong with just the slider…but I guess that’s the direction they want the game so just have to deal with it…


Yea I’m not a fan of the different colored water on the planets as well. But I guess you’re better than I am because I won’t deal with it. It’s a big enough aspect of the game I don’t like now so why should I keep playing something I no longer like. I don’t like farming but that doesn’t affect my game play. The brightness and color does tho.


What are you expecting them to say or do exactly? They’d said for over a year that lighting was being worked on because it wasn’t working in game properly. There are months and months of posts talking about how light reflected off of metamorphic rock and people just refused to use to build with because it reflected light so poorly.

They made the changes to fix that and now the complaint is it’s too dark? Because they fixed everything from being so danged reflective. I don’t see how there is an in between. If they attempt to lessen the change then we’re just going to see those old posts about meta rock being too bright and not matching their color again.


I know there was post about how lighting was reflecting off of meta. But I don’t recall any other issues with it. Oh and the chisel lighting that they decided to leave as is. But all light sources got dark. Colors got darker. Gem colors changed. Water colors changed. Those were never talked about. And I never built with meta because I don’t like meta so that aspect never affected me.

Also if I would have known from the start that colors and light may change I would have never started playing. I would have waited till it happened and then maybe just maybe I would have liked it.

Also I already said I want them to say things aren’t changing so I can destroy everything uninstall and check back in a year from now if the game is still around.

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