Please report all issues discovered in the Testing 23 release in this thread.
Was walking arround on TestUS1 for over half an hour through 4 different biomes (Plains, woods, jungle und icy mountains, some of them multiple times) but did not found A SINGLE ANIMAL or CREATURE … Are they so damn rare? ^^ … final location: 3 - 66 - 614 (in an snowy biome)
@olliepurkiss @oTBonEo ok that might be my issue I am looking at the coordinates in the menu and not the pop-up. Because the menu location is no where near correct. Thanks!
Try staying in one place for a while… they seem to come to you!
TestUS1 is down… I’ve just been dumped on Test 2… with the stuff in my inventory I had about 2 hours ago (I was carrying pretty much everything I had made, to join Havoks community)
@dave @luke-turbulenz there is a problem with the server again. maybe i did the crash. i was just canceling the ignious stones task in my crafting table. than shut down.
I’ve also been dumped on test 2 now
That doesn’t sound good D: I’ll avoid logging in for today
(If you do find any gleam on test 2 I’ll be very happy to make a trade with you guys shimmers the 9 pieces of gold in the air
i have no tools and no beacon for building a craftingtable. sry
Emergency warp does not help if deep in a cave.
That’s a stream falling from a melted pool of snow on the top level.
pls don’t fix those physics. I love that little touch of snow falling off leaves or corners .
Interface Scaling isn’t working…
next problem i have no craftingtable to make stones. so i cant craft a warp conduit. what can i do now. no beacon no stones no crafting tabel. bad situation.
Hum I just picked up my extractor and I can’t replace it. I’m still in the beacon, not near another machine, I try several place. But I haven’t the green (or white) square saying that I can place the item and as I’m clicking it’s like I aim nothing.
(If you don’t understand tell me I’m not english native speaker and could be a bit confusing sometimes )
Give me your coordinates, @oTBonEo. Maybe I can help.
We will look into this now and see if we can reproduce this.