Testing 232: Closed Storage and Decorative Blocks!

they for sure will be used for decoration purpose :slight_smile:


I had the same feeling. While i am sure a barrel storage or the gleam vase (stylish gleam storage) or the plain rock storage would look better in some spots than other storages, i kept feeling more inclined to use the ornate ones only in my storage to save space. I might use the other storages around the house where storage isnt the main goal. Why not make them all the same capacity and make them equally as costly (avg cost of mats).

Edit: I understand that different tiers can serve players at different stages (beginner, advanced, etc) but maybe an avg crafting recipe can still be challenging to craft in big quantities (for advanced players) but still easy enough to craft in small quantities (for beginners)? @james

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I think I’m going to have to put all building on hold until this update goes live :slightly_smiling_face:


Say all the storage has the same capacity then players will then select the cheapest to craft.

So the cheapest to craft will be the only storage created.

Say all the storage then has the same crafting recipe then there will be no progression and nothing to aspire to and work towards.

As configured new players can easily craft the plain storage. They can then progress towards larger storage and optional more expensive material storage. There is some value in getting the mats for bigger storage.

Current players will be able to craft all of them on day-0. Its up to you if you select for design, capacity or cheapness.

Additional - players often ask for decorations for their builds. We could have provided a single storage crate here. But I thought it would be more efficient to deliver a range of decorations with the added advantage that they’re also all functional storage.


ofc we will use them as decos :slight_smile:
but if you mentioned decoration - any chance we can get other house decorations in futere? like beds, sofas, kitchen ovens etc?


Well, i cant help but think YES!!! To about 95% of this, especially coils :slight_smile:

Slightly soured by knowing i probably just lost 1-2.5mil in the value of all mu marble/mosaic etc i had made for my new shop…a price worth paying, but a hefty one lol

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Holy bloody moly, that’s great :open_mouth:


Please, please let this use gravel as the material to decide colour! Especially with your proposed new recipe of turning rocks into gravel this would open up many colours!

Tho I wouldn’t be averse to soils and sand be the deciding factor either, in fact, would be even more awesome if there are different recipes using different block types for the end result colour!
Like, one for sand, one for silty/clay, one for gravel. Since all 3 might be used in RL recipes for concrete (yes, I googled it already, hehe) I am assuming some or all are going to be in the recipe anyway…

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The absolute number of plots should not matter. The system should detect long plot noodles.
Which it does fine on the small scale, but fails to do on the larger scale.
When 1x40 plots is considered a “road” (respectively “long plot noodle” NOT “travel path”), then 10x400 should as well, same with 100x4000 and so on.

The problem with this is that settlements who dont have the usual natural grown blob shape (maybe a settlement following a coastline, etc) might lose their settlement status.


Thank you!


Could you go one step further and also add a recipe that turns gravel into sand? This would then allow more concrete colours too.


Wait! So you know what the recipe for concrete is going to be? Something you picked up in the API due to your website?? So it’s sand that determines the concrete colour, then I’m all for adding a recipe that turns gravel into sand indeed! 5 colours of concrete per planet to work with! Awesomesauce!

PS. I dislike the fact that the new forum software removes the quote when you quote a post completely, with short posts like yours I usually did that on purpose so it is noticeable that it’s a reply to you since even the new forum software does not always show it’s a reply to someone. Annoying, hope that the software gets an update in near future to allow for that…

Nope, I’m just making an assumption, as you use sand IRL to make concrete :joy:


The name for it in the give menu has sand in it. Like the mosaic has gravel in it. :male_detective:‍♂


IRL they can also use clay or gravel for it…

I googled it last night and there are different recipes, especially over the ages…

Ahh, good to know!

I was thinking Sand + Water + Bonding Agent, or maybe Sand + Water + Gravel + Bonding Agent.

What do you think??


Sweet. Can’t wait for this to go live. Thanks to the people who posted the recipes for us lowly PS4 players. Lol. Back to building I guess.


Okay, you guys have forced my hand. I’m coming back! Love the look of these new deco blocks, the storage, the engine changes, everything in this update basically. Really nice work, Devs! Thank you.

Guess I better jump in and start grinding some mats. See y’all later, you beautiful Oortians! :wink:

PS: (I was kinda already back. Occasionally jumping in and gathering/building in a sneaky, crazy-Oortian kinda way. hehe. :grin: )


Is the water buckets of water?

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