Testing 232: Closed Storage and Decorative Blocks!

ah cool was just asking cause my temple house still waiting on two black marble obelisks :smiley: can be anoying sometimes updates in that perspective we drained out the entire sunkentown plusminus 2000plot
out off a lake and when done week later liquidbreaker arrived :rofl:

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I’d imagine a lot people will be pissed if there is prestige changes with marble. I honestly don’t care though.

i will put those in my storage wall to show visitors i own them :pray:
“hoarder for life”


they will find other way’s i seen places with gazillion prestige and nothing prestige wise in view allready

Love what I am seeing. Great work guys, this is an exciting update! @james I feel the direct approch is is fine for the crafting of these new blocks. The only one that feels like it maybe should progress is the marble, since it looks like it is carved instead of just made with better bonding agent.

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Maybe some wax and workbench

@james I truly do love the update but there is a small point that puts a huge fork in my road for my massive colour storage which is located on Lasaina Cairns. You have made it so that mosaic a block which i need two different colours and i need the most of out of my build, these colours being warm red and oxide violet now oxide violet is easy to get but warm red on the other hand one would have to chisel change it from sedimentary rock to igneous rock. Now you have made it so that i can’t use igneous rock anymore and gravel doesn’t have any oxide violet or warm red colours on any of the current planets and now i have to either hope for an exo to spawn with these two colours on gravel or spray paint them seeing as you’ve now made it so that you can spray paint gravel, mosaic and marble.

Now you’re probably saying oh but you can just figure out a new colour scheme and replace all the current mosaic blocks with new colours and i could but that’s super annoying and i’ve just wasted over 1 million+ coins on current mosaics that I’ve already bought. Now i’m trying to get together all of these two coloured mosaics in large amounts before you drop this update live, but in short if i can’t then you’ve made it so that this build of mine will take even longer to build and even more costly and this colour storage is so massive you can call me insane for building it.


Direct sounds better.

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I agree but what i’ve learned from other mmos and slightly this one is people don’t like when their builds / characters / whatever get nerfed. Honestly prestige isn’t a huge thing for me but it sucks to spend a ton of time on something to have its value completely diminished in an update (From a time spent making blocks standpoint). This isn’t a game changer for me however.

I like the idea of them adding blocks but don’t care for the changes to the current end game blocks. The step process making something is actually more irritating than what we have currently. (ex. Rock > stones > refined rock > marble > deco marble) That is the annoying part of marble for me and I think @james even mentioned he wanted feedback about that. I would prefer the deco marble have the same requirements with maybe wax thrown in or something. Furthermore, the color of mosaic I need for my build is no longer attainable because of the switching the color from rocks to gravel unless I paint which I’m definitely not doing.


Is it possible to add a recycling machine that could take an existing item and upgrade it or use it to create another item? Or add this to the workbench in someway?

For example, we would still make marble the same way. We’d still make the new mosaic marble the same way. But, if I have old marble stock, I could put it into the recycler with another ingredient to upcycle it to something?


Nice Idea :+1::+1::+1: Recycling Sounds great


im really happy with this update :slight_smile:
finally some use for blocks im getting out of every exo, finally i ccan put to use tons of foliages and moulds and woods im hoarding from exos :slight_smile:

as for mosaics and marbles - please allow us to use ANY kind of refined stones for them, chisel changing stones are so time consumable and so annoying

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Popsicle boys

Yep - thanks!

I’m going to add a recipe for smashing rock into gravel. Then you’ll actually have 4 colours per world!

Not intended.

We do plan to allow all blocks to be spray tinted in the future. But I want to create some progression around this. Everyone can spray tint the basics, then need to progress for spraying sand, mould, etc. Watch this → <— space.


OMG yes please, the best thing ever


Yes, I’m saved!


Super cool, sure, but since it stacks with gems since forever I’m expecting them to be on T5 and higher.

Thing is tho, if you can’t yet go to a T5+ a portal is gonna be hard to get and to keep open. As others mentioned as doing as well my first 1x2 portal was made by buying the conduits and using the oort I gathered from runners on T3 planets. Besides, a 1x2 portal doesn’t need that many oort to begin with.

Oh wow! Awesome!!!

Now more blocks per can still, please :wink:

(anything more than one is already better!)


So as the marbles are now can be crafted with bonding agent instead of the ridiculous hard to get super enriched agent, can the players who crafted marbles previously get the materials back ? @james , many of us crafted like 50 stacks of marbles.

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Definitely a nice solution. It’s almost so obvious it’s a wonder nobody thought about it sooner.

The only thing I’m not keen on in this entire update is that the different storage options all take up the same space but have different capacities. I can’t help but feel most of the beautiful assets your art team has put together will go largely unused as people selectively use only the ‘best’ storage items.