Testing 234: Chiselable Glass!

But in all seriousness, I hope we get the home beacon thing


How about more then one face for the existing race first? :smile:


How about a face at least that doesn’t look like they are gonna hit you in like five seconds?


Yes I want 3 seconds or lower :rage:


Can the next update please update hunting @james? Just some kind of improvement like a new mob/weapon.


@james, does this mean that glass should be easier to see through when next to/underwater? I have had a look on testing but as far as I can tell it still looks the same.

Just stack 10 beacons together for all your alts. That’s what I did.

Another quick update from Testing this morning.
Now we can make real looking - :boundless: style - chiseled stained glass windows …
You are going to need a lot of EXO-materials though :+1::+1:
Enjoy your Sunday.



You can get an even better effect with the colored plain glass blocks
Colorful or one plain color - pick your choice :grinning:


Very nice, those look great!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1:

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Will we be able to slope-chisel glass…? =D


@Odeon And we’re still missing the stylish and ornate glass blocks ^^


Since there’s discussion about beacon stuff, here’s a few beacon-related things from my wishlist:

  1. Allow you to remove/disable your OWN permissions on beacons - for example making it so you cannot ‘build’ or ‘engineer’, to prevent you from damaging your own builds by accident. This would also mean that the owner of a resource farm won’t have to worry about breaking the walls/floor/etc as they make use of their own beacon. As owner you will always be able to add yourself back of course, but for extra safety that leads to the next item:

  2. Allow you to remotely access Beacon Control settings for your beacons - including permissions - via the Places -> Beacons menu. This means that even if you remove your build perms and then end up blocked from accessing your beacon, you can still add yourself back as needed. This will also make it far easier to add and remove people as needed, without having to run to each beacon individually.

  3. A Farming-specific one; create a “Farmer” role that is distinct from “Builder”. Farmers can place and break (harvest) plant-type blocks, but cannot damage other blocks. This permission would make it safer to be more social with farm builds - you don’t need to give full builder perms to let someone else work on your farm, and don’t have to worry about them breaking either the farm bed or associated parts of your build.

  4. As an extension of 3, add a ‘Guild Farmer’ role that does the same thing but on a guild level.

Hopefully none of these are too hard to add - it’s mostly just UI stuff - but I feel it would really help out in some cases.


Can you see through those? The pictures make it kinda look like gleam, instead of glass.

Its Chiseled glass in front of solid gleam. Which imo is fine because you cant exactly see through stained glass windows either, even though they let light through.


So…since there’s been no bug reports for this update on testing, we getting a release to live on Monday?



The blocks in the back are refined gleam;
the front webbing is chiseled glass - this is translucent.
The refined gleam blocks have to be replaced by the new
Ornate and Stylish glass blocks when they become available :call_me_hand::+1:

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So you’ve added another glass block, but instead of FIXING the recipe, you keep it the same as the panes thus making coloring the glass just the way one wants it impossible. Thanks.

I found a small one, maybe should have made separate post :man_shrugging:
but also want this released tout sweet