Testing 236: Holiday Stability!

I have also put my xbox/pc controller down wrong or dropped it and bad things happen lol.

Sometimes it will randomly trigger and I have to jump around or ctrl+alt+del out of the game for it to stop. I’ve destroyed some fancy/chiseled areas because of this.

I haven’t had the storage block issue, but I understand how that would cause serious issues — all those blocks floating/activated at the same time :open_mouth:

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Does the closed storage fix apply to shop stands too?

Doesn’t appear to, just let me do damage to one with stuff inside.

Before you put it down either go to the sanctum or select another item like grapples so this isn’t an issue.

In other words – play and equip your players responsibly when going AFK.

Mistakes happen but mistakes that result in people trying to change the game play aspect of something is either just laziness or a lack of responsibility on their part in making sure they don’t make mistakes. Carelessness is another word.

The storage break update that was done was smart on the Dev side because of how it effected things. I just don’t see how a “lock” on a beacon solves it. It is a management layer that is being added to an already complex system just because people can’t select another tool before they go AFK? Makes no sense.

This is a responsible player action! You get a golden tallow piece once they are released.


I’m sorry, I saw this, and I had to call BS.

To re-use Aenea’s situation example, when the door bell rings, I don’t care who you are, the priority should not be “oh, let me change my equipped tools and get to the Sanctum”, but rather “oh woah, who’s at the door, I gotta go see right now, forget the game!”
THAT’s the responsible thing to do.

I won’t ask for these changes myself because when I make such a mistake, I generally own it, but I wouldn’t be against the change either. I get where people are coming from, and I won’t call them “lazy” or “careless”. :confused:


I could be wrong, but I think the change came about because of the auto use bug thread here… though it has been discussed previously as well.

So while not changing tools before putting the controller down / going AFK is one cause, it is not the only cause for inadvertent destruction that “might” be prevented by the option to turn off damage in a beacon.


I’ve always wanted this as a beacon option. Would Also make using a fist weapon outside your home less annoying. Miss a shot- hole in the ground next to the spitter. Soil and grass need replacing. I live on t2 but cuttles would be even worse.


This option would be awesome. I have a 4 & 10 year old at home. So I can’t just switch or go to sanctum anytime I need to put my controller down because something happened or the 4 year old wakes up. Not everyone can just say oh wait let me sanctum or switch tools.


Instead of seeing it as a criticism of the blockade, look at it from the approach to improve the quality of life within our beacons.
It would be useful for public farm builders. We can use our own buildings without breaking anything.
Merchants could also protect their baskets from possible mistake, or hardware failure.


I get where people are coming from as well and I think all of us have made a mistake like this. The difference is pretty clear though - continued mistakes in this area isn’t the game’s fault.

Does this happen THAT often and are the people knocking at the door that important that they cannot wait 2 seconds?

If you go get water are you that close to dying that you can’t hold off for 2 seconds to change the tools?

Instead we should spend likely days worth of coding to put a protection into the game because people can’t take 2 seconds? I would call that is certainly more of a BS statement than my pushing back for people to play responsibly when going AFK!


I like the idea, I would like to congratulate the developers for this improvement with the stores, it would be great to take another step forward and allow us to have this option in the beacons.

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Well no sometimes with kids you can’t go oh hold up wait a min l can’t get to you screaming or crying at 1am because I got to make sure my toon doesn’t go ham on my builds cuz the button is pushed down. How about forget the doorbell “thing” and just think ANYTHING that may make you have to jump up and put the controller down.

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I wouldn’t say that it is the game’s fault, indeed.
But just because something isn’t a problem originating from the game iteself doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be changed.
If the majority of players feel like this could be a needed / appreciated change which would keep feelings of frustration away, then it sounds like a worthy change to me.

Let the devs decide. Unless you suddenly became an actual Boundless dev and I wasn’t aware of that, you are not going to code any of this.
If the devs feel like this deserves to be made, let them do it.


I imagine it would be less coding than the plot protection thing but we got now. Not a dev or coder so not 100% sure, but think it would be if strangers already can’t break your stuff

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Yes crazy things happen in the world. But I still don’t understand why a person is in their house or a workshop with a loaded weaponized tool? That makes no sense.

I get people using 1 shot tools in the wild and while mining and other things. But, why would you ever take a dangerous weapon like that into a completed workshop? That is just careless behavior. The only time that tool should be out is if you are building. And if you are building you should NEVER be around your storage and machines and stuff.

I look at it this way - I was outside cutting down a tree and I just decided to keep the chainsaw running as I walked into the house, drank some water, and set down the chainsaw to pick up my kid? Why do that?!

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Yes of course the Devs decide but people need to actually start thinking like a dev before they just go ask for something.


Ok. So you are mining an exo and warp home because inventory is full. You plan on just warping home and running back but mid loot drop something happens. Or not having a dangerous tool even a iron hammer or totem can do damage if takes you 5-10 mins to get back.



Look, I’ve had similar discussions in the past where I was kinda acting like you do here, trying too much to push back on some people’s needs/suggestions, thinking the devs should not spend time on it.

Then I took a Jess to the knee.

To me, the lesson was to not try to be the voice of the devs.
Since then, I’ve tried my best to focus on throwing suggestions to walls, see what sticks, while trying to make them doable enough. That’s the best we can/should be doing. I avoid as much as I can to judge other people’s suggestions.


Hence why we can have empty hands or grapples or worse case the Sanctum is your friend.

They try to do things in big bites like this and not small “tweaks” unless it really is an absolute need (like the stop storage breaking) or it is a very quick change. I don’t think it is a quick change or doesn’t fall into a must have value need for the Devs or they would have done this on previous requests. Hence why I am challenging people because to start thinking more like a dev.

Overall “mistakes” like this happen but they are very rare. If the Dev team does a full revamp of permissions to give us a variety of the things we all want then I can fully understand and would support them putting in a “lock build down” or something type permission switch for this use case. In that case it does make sense to add the feature because they are revamping permissions across the game.

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