Testing 240: Compactness and Shopping API!

just wanna say that honestly i don’t plot anything to harm players or interfere with what others are doing, but that being said i’m almost positive one of my major builds i’ve worked on will get caught by this. i have to be honest- for the time i’ve spent into it- i’d be super frustrated if it becomes a target of this rule system.

and yet again i’d like to point out that as a PS4 player i have no say in how the testing server goes- i couldn’t tell you if i think it’s actually fair or not. i’ll only know once i’m either way in trouble- or i’m not. if i am found to be in trouble, with the amount of time spent idk if i could justify to keep going if i’m somehow found in violation- that’d be pretty heartbreaking honestly


Please provide some details and I’ll look at it.

Obvious reminder that the only punishment is that the beacon temporarily receives 0 prestige.

Clearly when new rules are introduced then some prior activities will unknowingly and unintentionally break these rules. But I think we need to make progress. Suggestions that no rules should be changed are equivalent to no future updates coming to the game.


I do recognize that we need changes and changes can be painful. However, IMO this update sounds like it is designed mostly to help teach new players what is or isn’t good behavior - but wouldn’t do very much to combat trolls or bad behaviors that we have seen previously in game. And it will make a lot of people very upset.

I think it’s unrealistic to think that a system of rules are enough to stop trolls. Having even a part time GM is unavoidable as the game grows. And the game desperately needs a system of escalating bans for bad actors.

I also think that if the devs DO go ahead with this compactness change, they need to commit to spending a lot of time manually exempting existing builds that are not problematic.



need to take out “everyone” and replace with “majority”

who suggested that? I’m all for change but not one that punishes me and others unwittingly

having a front-of-shop customer relations type person would be useful in cases like this.


Am I mistaken but isn’t this update just gonna prevent people from:

  • Reserving 3 times the amount of land than they actually have plots?

  • Making massive footfall roads that dissected a planet with no regard to avoiding prime real estate?

  • People linking multiple builds around the same planet to boost their prestige (and in some cases forcing people to merge with long ass tentacle ‘road’ plots)?

Aren’t these good changes?

And if you are doing something legitimate (not troll-y), bring it up with the devs this post and they could make amendments, if valid. But if you do want to troll or grief with any of the above mentioned actions, tough? :thinking:


anyone doing this, absolutely, but I do believe anyone doing this as their main focus is in the very small minority

and as a general statement I do love this love this game and already missing it (only been a day and a bit :rofl:…went through my steam etc libraries and really couldn’t find anything that matched my boundless needs)


I think the bigger issue is that James seems to be implying this will NOT happen - that there will NOT be case by case moderation.

I don’t mean ccase by case moderation, I mean instead of freaking out, people need to bring up a situation now/before the update and then if its something they don’t want to discourage they could make changes to the way the plotting gets ‘flagged’.

^ this is a very important quote


I agree. Let’s “game this out” with scenarios.

Scenario 1: would this have prevented the disasters on Biitula? I don’t know that it would have.

Scenario 2: this will clearly impact roads in cities quite negatively. There needs to be a way to deal with this.

Scenario 3: ditto malls. All the mall and market owners are concerned.

Scenario 4: if people circumvent the system what will be the process? This leads me back to my earlier statements that moderators need an escalating system of temp bans leading to permabans if we truly want to do something about bad actors.

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Scenario 1: I don’t really know what happened on Biitula :joy:

Scenario 2: As a city is a big compact blob of plots, so I’m sure a road can come off of it long enough before it gets restricted

Scenario 3: they should be concerned as all they need to do is plot the empty shops (might not even have to do that)

Scenario 4: no idea :joy:


Well rip my world roads ;D
I have roads going around Lamblis and Refgar, From N to S and E to W.
They are plotted in a straight line x2 plots both ways.

To be honest I dont care about my prestige, I just like building and im fine with 0 prestige on my roads.
I just hope I dont have to unplot them

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scenario #2. will it harm a few existing structures in the 1st stage? most likely. but in the future it’ll encourage organic growth of cities and malls incorporating fresh ideas as time passes. I mean no offence (I can’t stress this enough) you can’t swing a dead wildstock and not hit an overly ambitious road network filled to 1/3 of its capacity that grows sad as the months pass. at first there’s not enough people to fill it, much later it is too outdated for anyone new to be interested in it


It is also important to note that people have already quit because of beacon abuse.

Threatening to quit is not productive. The system before was causing people to quit.

Dev’s do nothing : people leave because of plot abuse.
Dev’s offer a solution : people quit that dont like the solution.

It is still then better to do something.

I see a lot of posts worried about your specific plot. I have seen very little feedback on the new system to help guide the dev’s towards a better solution.

They are listening. Offer solutions! We are the community, we can help make this better.

So far my only feedback is the ratio seems too restrictive on smaller plots. Early in the game you dont get a lot of plots and may be branching out to claim a small area. I would like the ratio relaxed on plots smaller then 35 or 40. That way new players can setup as they need to and get a little area claimed.

Just my 2 c


Would give feedback if I could see my city with the new system. I can’t. And I can’t recreate it on testing or wherever, because I play on PS4. It’s hard to give feedback on something that I can’t try for myself or directly see how it is going to impact my settlement.

I think the new colors (blue and purple plots) to the beacon map maybe should have been implemented right away in the live universe so that ALL the players could have had an idea of how it all works and impacts their stuff


I’m hoping you mean tentacle :rofl:

But on a serious note (not directed at Ovis), my understanding of this update is to reduce the exploit of the beacon buffer system. City’s and Mall’s shouldn’t be affected because they are generally already compact in nature as they are made up of many beacons all pretty much connected.


I’m going to knock together a map viewer so that we can visualise the worlds and their plots. It’s a very valid point that everyone if flying blind. It’s better we can look at real world examples than expect players to recreate layouts on Testing.


I am getting an error trying to play in test. It is telling me the game servers are offline.

Edit: I can reach the production side without any issues but even after restarting steam, I am unable to get to test.

Wow. I didn’t even realise that lol, yes I meant tentacle… :joy:


^ that would be great and much appreciated by us lot for sure :ok_hand:


I think it would tho, a 2 wide road beacon not connected to anything else allows you to go as far as 25 plots, a 3 wide 35.

If it would be on a beacon that is otherwise considered compact and it’s big then it would obviously be able to extend further but not around the planet, it would also disallow the meandering plotting…

Not if the ‘holes’ are actually filled with other beacons from other players, the system takes neighbouring beacons into account.

Manual intervention I’m guessing?

What is more a problem is the oddly shaped plotting people have been doing up till now, or like @catfud several builds with meandering paths leading up to them…


Since this is meant to prevent such things one would figure they would need to be unplotted…

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