Testing 240: Compactness and Shopping API!

yea thats what im thinking :frowning:
but its fine if I have to, i’ll have alot of other thing I can work on

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My plot placement has no methodology to it and I just place my plots as my natural creativity sees fit. I will be curious to see how the update deals with it. I’m sure it will be just fine. :smiley:

Can we at least include Z-axis density when factoring in compactness? A column 10 plots high should improve your score because it did cost plots.


@james if a great number of plots do need to be removed then a super charged beacon unplotter (or even better a new top down drag and erase/drop system) would be useful.
updated tools to go with updated policy

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I see many concerns here in that thread, i guess you should contact all people who will be affected at actual worlds to figure out with them a plan, how they will be able to prevent a struggle for their towns.
So you also can get ingame ideas, how to explain all others, what will not work in furture.

I am thinking the impact will not that much as @everyone think for the majority of us player. And the some special cases that are affected and did not made it for abusing plot reservations will get a clearing up much of the confusion.

@everone, always think about, this system is made for making things more fair and preventing abuse of the reservation system.

Pretty sure it does

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Lol I’m pretty sure people hate world roads and the system is designed to prevent them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


im all go for the new sysem, it just sucks to have put all the work into them but hey I’ll free up 5000+ plots xD


Yeah agreed that sucks. I’m glad you have a good outlook on things though :blush:


That would be nice and solve all the problems I have with the new system :smile:

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It does not take the z-axis into account, they check plot COLUMNS

It doesn’t. It views everything as columns. So how much you have up and down doesn’t matter. It does not make you beacon any more compact.

Think about it. A beacon 100 plots long(1 wide) but goes down or up 2 plots. Is that really compact?

Some people enjoy building roads for others, and I myself find some of those long roads on lava planets quite handy. They’re providing a utility for others.

It’s a shame a lot of well meaning players will be caught up in this, due to one or two individuals.


My settlement has grown slowly without a real plan. That’s been a fun part of the game for me. I have a main settlement beacon and beacons within this arrangement and adjacent to it. I’m almost certain that I will be flagged for having columns when my roads are pretty much contained within my settlement. I have built and expanded in good faith without intruding on others. I’m wondering if I should re-plot everything or tear everything down and restart elsewhere. Neither scenario sounds appealing to me. I can’t say for sure that I’m in violation because I don’t have access to this testing on PS4. It feels like a lot of good faith players are being inconvenienced because of a minority of troll players. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


James already explained that malls won’t be affected as long as they are completed. Compactness takes in consideration surrounding beacons.

I’d wait to do anything because of what James said.


Scenario 1: I don’t really know what happened on Biitula :joy:

I don’t know what happened on Bitula either, but it sounds like it must be an intriguing story, full of mystery, and colourful characters. Is there a storyteller author who could write it and post the story on the forum?
You would probably have to change the names, but you could be creative and borrow names like shire, Gondor, Mordor, Aragorn, sauron, Frodo…
I hope someone can do it!


You are right that I should wait. But I’m wondering if that also means that I should stop working on my settlement as well. I’m tempted to do just that but building is the main incentive for my other activities. Without building there is no purpose for me to hunt, gather, sell , or buy. I won’t make any drastic moves yet but I am looking at alternative places to move to if in case I do have to start over.

I did try 5 plot wide “road” because I have on live one building that has part with that.
I was able to plot it 57 plot length, so total plot count was 285 when system did stop me from continuing plotting under this beacon.

Below table of how compactness is decreasing if someone needs this information :smiley:

Click to see table
Length Compactness Rating Total Plots
20 69 100
25 54
30 42
31 40
32 37
33 35 Good 165
34 33 Good 170
35 31 Good 175
36 29
37 28 Good 185
38 26 Low 190
39 24 Low 195
40 22 Low 200
41 21
42 20 Low 210
43 18 Low 215
44 16 Low 220
45 14 Low 225
46 13 Critical 230
47 12
48 11
49 10
50 8
51 7 Critical
52 6 Critical 260
53 5 Critical 265
54 4 Critical 270
55 3 Critical 275
56 2 Critical 280
57 1 Critical 285

If you looked at data like this for widths of 1, 2, 3, and 4, you could come up with the goodness equation for rectangle width vs length.

It looks like it might be a rectangle where length is more than 10 times width is where it starts to turn bad, or “critical”