Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

I agree.
10 char

It sounds to me that blocks of Ash will replace the blocks of whatever build is expiring. For instance, if I built a huge tower made out of whatever materials, and that tower expired, as the plots were reclaimed, it would slowly become a tower of Ash in the exact same form with similar colors of Ash. Basically, your build expired and turned to ash.

It sounds really dang cool, actually. XD


I believe he is suggesting you let it mutate and mature to a sought after colour… then wait 4 weeks for it to self harvest with 100% seed return. So yeah I don’t really see this will be an issue, good luck to anyone with this master plan in mind.


Ok, that makes sense and really might be pretty awesome. Theoretically this then resembles a ruin of what was there before. Assuming it stays until a normal regen cycle happens you could re-plot some or all of it to preserve a build in a ruined state.


I would use it for the same thing myself :heart: especially when PoP comes

PoP = Player owned Planets

Awesome I allways find it such tedious work going back and forth this would be alot more easy


Exactly!! If you ever found someone’s beacon that had expired, but hadn’t yet regenerated, it could make for a cool monument to plot.

I’m afraid this would defeat the purpose of the whole thing being a safety net for people who have a beacon fuel mishap.

Otherwhise, this feature should be great.

I hope the devs could at the same time figure out how to add a display in a beacon’s tooltip for the actual date of expiration of the fuel.


Havent done alot of farming so used it as an example beacause i’ve heard they dont have 100% seed maybe it was someting else :woman_shrugging:t4::man_shrugging:t4:

And this is explicitly an expected and desired use case - which is listed in the overview.

Correct - typo. The notes evolve during development.


No you are quite correct they do not have a 100% set up but it really would not be worth the trouble.

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Must have missed it but awesome :heart:

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Well interesting addition. As i was reading the details to the update started thinking! Oh could i just claim a bunch of land and reclaim all the blocks up into a cloud storage? Then i seen defining as non-natural and player blocks. Witch is fine i guess not plot reclaim mining for me.

Anyways. Can we just end up getting a cloud storage then to use at the cost of oort? We have portals that cost oort now. Just our extradimensional storage costs to open up? I say reasonable cost be the equivalent of a 1x2 portal and can be fueled the same. only issues is that this would virtually replace need for in world storage if cloud storage just holds tons more. If can be accessed so easy. So i guess perhaps a shard pull or even put cost? Ie:pull open up cost 50xshards. Then can cloud transfer into player normal inventory.

Any costs would only be for those who initiate the reclaim process prior to it naturally occurring upon running out of beacon fuel.

Aaaaaaah. Yeah, then OF COURSE, that’s totally different!

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After exceeding set storage limit, game could produce annoying popups to disrupt game play of course more frequently when capacity is used more :crazy_face:

Testing is now available for people to try. Please be aware of the following known issues.


I will also agree that a cost to removing beacons would mean I just do not remove them and they can remain and clutter various planets. If I have Gleam Club then my unwanted beacons will not expire so it is not even a matter of waiting a few weeks.

Even in the case another player brought up. If someone asked me to move one of my non-used builds, I would be willing to do it if I could just do it with no cost, but if it is going to cost me coin or cubits then I guess it stays.


Excellent! Didn’t like the idea of all that marble going to waste :slight_smile:

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I had a build on test and was able to easily reclaim it and get to the items from a new beacon.

Reclaimed beacon items in storage

Everything converted to ash which I guess will regen on the normal cycle.


Could this not potentially create ash colours we haven’t seen yet??