Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

If you are flagging us as ‘ungrateful players’ because we’re voicing concerns, please don’t.

Again, I’m not having issues with all of these emojis.
Remember me writting something like “I guess I could use the scroll emoji” or “we should look through the list of smilies and see which ones are working for everybody”? I just don’t wanna see some emojis that might be abused. If stuff like the ‘poop’ or ‘skull’ emoji goes through, we’ll see even more forum drama, and the people who voiced concerns will be like “told you so”.

SURE, we can report them. Doesn’t mean it’s automatically removed. Who has to clean the mess? The devs.

I see what you’re doing there, but eh, remember that I was arguing for a machine to allow the player to reduce the propabilities of some weather effects showing-up, even if that was to cost some fuel, like elemental shards.
I wouldn’t want the devs to actually add a “weather / fog” toggle.

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Actually, they weren’t already in game - The chat emojis are much, much smaller and were not able to scale with the size of the signs without distorting, so they started working on cleaning them so they could be scaled 2x before the distortion kicked in… now it looks like they have switched to SVG for rendering… which they had to implement as they did not have an SVG renderer already in place.

I think it’s safer to assume that Boundless themed emojis aren’t currently being worked on, in part because they would all now need to be created in SVG, and for the very reason you stated…

When I first heard about the ability to add emojis to signs being added to gleam club, I was thinking “Great! Another reason to buy-in to Gleam Club! It’s a good idea!”… but now… now that I’ve seen them in the game world, I honestly (and sadly) think the opposite… I dislike them because they don’t fit with the theme of the universe that has been so lovingly crafted.

They’re an overlap from the real world. They look out of place and, to me, just seem far too gimmicky in their current form.

As long as you are fine with all your arrow signs being blue…

Personally, I would like to have arrows that fit the style of Boundless - similar to the shaky, sketchy font that is used throughout the rest of the game. Or different type of arrows, so that they fit multiple build styles.


I’m not sure how complaining about not liking the emojis is voicing concerns. Complaining about things you dislike esthetically sounds pretty ungrateful. Now, mentioning the inclusion of the middle finger in the emojis is voicing a concern.

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Let me spell it out for you:
Our concern is that it’ll tarnish our immersion into boundless as a world, with the inclusion of real world emoji’s.

That’s a concern for us.

Did i mention it’s concerning?


I wish they would put the citizen language into emojies so we could write with it. That would be neat. Plus writable books, so I can make lore.

I really want to write lore. :pensive:


I agree with this, i always felt Boundless as a very elegant game, the standard emoji are not at all


Any idea on when the whole update will happen? I’m excited about fixing compactness and the beacon reclaiming!!!
Emojis are cool too :slight_smile:


what if someone else made them?


Well I’ve seen everything now!

I can’t believe you guys are losing your :poop: : thanks to some emojis.

Like could we ever enjoy anything without drama?


I have dreams about that lol


I’m sorry that’s a pipedream, a mere fantasy, sigh

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To everyone here take this as seriously as possible


Hmmm is it Ma Rainbow Dash on Ultima (^-^)




The wood (and I assume stone) signs look way more subdued/muted, and remind me somewhat of old school rpg signs you’d find on magic/item stores etc. Kind of cool and I think could fit in well in a lot of builds without being too loud.


Boundless is a sandbox, with something for everyone. There is no singular “style” that must be adhered to. If this was the case, we would not have the fun LED interactive blocks, candy totems, Gleambows, Oorty dolls, or other things that are pure fun. If it’s not your style, hopefully there are some things that are.
Let people have fun & enjoy themselves. It’s a game for fun & entertainment :wink:


Exactly what I was thinking, reminded me of classic RPGs, a wood one with drink and food would be great in my little dining area. :slight_smile:

And I might stick this one on a centraforge… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




Who designed these things?

But who designed the emojis?

Do you see the difference?

In the end, I have no reason to care, since I won’t use 95% of them myself. But if a poop-castle shows-up next to my place with a giant poop-emoji on it, better have a fire-suit handy because I’m gonna come right back here with a flame-thrower.


I do, and it’s fine imo. It’s fun. Some people will have fun with it or make use of them. People have been using them in chat already and asking for them on signs instead of having to waste so many characters trying to draw them with text. And James said:

BTW…people have already been creating huge Poo pixel art and naming their beacons/towns Poo this and Poo that :woman_shrugging:


Not being funny here, but isn’t the inclusion of a poo emoji just enabling more behaviour like that? :man_shrugging: