Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

Another option is to factor in the price for a year of storage for every planet, and then they can guarantee each planet stays stored for a year.

Just an idea so that those who have to take a break from the game have a year to get back to the game and not lose their colors and terrain they finally got that they liked, if having to planet cycle.

It would certainly stink, if you were ranting a planet for a year or two, and then something happens and you’re unable to get game time for a while and then lose access to what may have been your dream planet, forever.

Right there are questions about this scattereed through al the sovereign planet threads, basically how long a world will be stored in a locked state before it’s deleted. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s 90 days or a year but people do need to know.

I just wanted to also point out that there will be circumstances when people know they will never want that planet again. If the user could indicate this or release the world in some way, it could save them a ton of resources storing data for unwanted worlds.


@EdWe and I tested this out by blacklisting me.

Stuff that was in beacons reclaim storage was saved. So existing items will be on that beacon that had it.

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All of my beacons where reclaimed correctly (including the correct amount of spark out of generators) except for one… i set up a forge and forged 2 sets of regen bombs and a smart stack of chisels with loot attraction. Everything was reclaimed but the bombs and chisels were unforged. When i last logged off they were still in the queue and there was plenty of time left of the planet for them to complete… but i guess in the absence of a player to trigger time simulation for the forge they never made it to the output :thinking:


So is it possible with current selection to have a desert planet with small jungle biomes mixed in? Or is that customization not available?

Right now it appears to just be a random generation, at least on test.

Abydos must wait then

I have been wondering more about the terrain generation myself.
Once the planet is generated it would seem so far that you are stuck with however the planet looks even if you don’t like the layout or style.

My own thoughts or ideas on this would be to let us re-roll or regenerate the looks of the planets terrain Maybe?

It would just really suck if i got a planet with single blocks of gleam or Other sparse block types i was wanting :thinking:
Or if wanted a certain type of looking tree etc.

I think when we 1st got the ability to reclaim, there were some issues with getting forged items back or something. (I didn’t want to lose any items so I warped back and forth like 30 times, manually moving all of my gear to my new place lol). Or maybe it was just used forged gear that had issues?

I wonder if it’s the same bug/issue?

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More discussion here.

To be honest it sounds unlikely at this stage.

Personally, and this is circumstantial, I’m more for affordability at this phase. I mean, I have my preferences, but if this is the difference between $5 worlds and $20 (just random made up numbers ofc :smirk:) worlds, I can deal with some wonky terrain.

I hope they eventually consider some sort of setup or up front fees that allow for deeper customization without increasing the monthly cost too much.


just started up on my sovereign world.
if there is anything anyone would like me to test etc than let me know.

seeing the lack of colour choice :frowning:…that will definitely be a deal breaker for me at the start.
(edit: even with the more extensive palette of active worlds, it is still a deal breaker)

access outside and down the hill of @Fante hub on Dand.


Keep in mind your color choices are based on the test world’s. Not the live world’s. So you’d have a lot more options when the update goes to live.

Your initial roll is random. And then you can choose any colors that have already been found, either in a permanent world or on another sovereign world.


Well the palette you’re seeing is based on colors available in test. It will be at least a little better in live as there are a great deal more worlds to begin with.


I’d be good with upfront fees for more customization so they can make some money off it. Since as it stands it seems like they won’t be making any money of the rental. At least goin off of what @Xaldafax said

Referring to what? Why wouldn’t they make money off rentals?

And that’s why I shouldn’t rush out a quuck game play session and post because I was eager to start cooking lunch :sweat_smile:

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If we are only paying the hosting fees why would they make any money? Hopefully they will make some bout i doubt it’ll be much. So more customization higher upfront fee sounds good to me. As long as after that the monthly fee is the same as every other type

Where is it confirmed that we would only pay hosting fees? You don’t think the devs are going to try to make any profit on rentals? What would be the point for them aside from the possibility of them bringing more players who will buy the game? I’d assume they’d want them for a more consistent revenue stream

More planets equal more cubits potentially being bought. And it was never confirmed. Just what @Xaldafax mentioned about it not likely to be much they’d make off of them because of the hosting fees and storage. And as he has conversations with them he’s more privy to stuff than we are.

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Colors in public are not that much better. It is still less than 35 colors for every type of rock. So if players are expecting 100 color choices they are not going to get it.