Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

I can see how that’d be fine for some, but I struggle with the existing palette in general, let alone being limited again further from the 255. It’s subjective so I tend to avoid criticising it, because it doesn’t seem fair, but I dislike many of the choices of colours in the 255. There are often times I see shades rendered in the game and wonder why anyone would ever want to look at them. It’s part of why I stopped playing - the game (for me, I’ll say that again) looks worse now that it did in EA.

I’d hoped rental planets would be a chance to get the world I want. Apparently not. Like you say, the offer satisfies you. Not me. Quite disappointed tbh, I’d been waiting on these to get stuck back in properly but enough design decisions are contrary to my own goals by now it’s probably just time to abandon hope.


Just wait for the final iteration of them. Who knows what will happen between now and going live and then later in terms of customization options (also if a dozen new colors appear on sovereign worlds spawned for first owners, then whoever gets next have more colors to chose from).
Then next type of rental worlds might be closer to your expectations.

I hope this current testing batch is only a beginning of something big that will offer a range of rental worlds to cater for different needs and tastes.


Yeah pretty much decided that if a color is too special to be one I can select for a rental then I will never buy it from a player store. If players want rare colors let them keep or use them. I will never go to exo stores or gleambow stores for anything ever. #all255


This game is about creativity after all. Why shouldn’t we have all the colors available and even readily available at that. I’m not 100% sure but the game has been released almost 2 years and we still haven’t seen some colors. What’s up with that?

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This is gonna make me sound like a broke record to many as I’ve said my piece in this thread and many others. But in case you haven’t seen any of those responses, It’s simply just the ideological difference of how the game should play. People (like me) feel that color rarity is good. That not everyone should get everything in the game. If an exo spawns with some special azure gleam I’ve been waiting for, I’m gonna go and get that azure gleam. If I don’t get enough for what I wanted it for, then I’d have to buy it at a premium price from other people or wait for it to spawn again.

I LIKE this system, as do other people who believe in color scarcity. You may fall in one camp or the other. Personally I think we shouldn’t have every block available to us. It’s NOT just a creative game. That’s only part of it. It’s also an MMO where people need a sense of progression and specialty. If everyone has the same colors that takes away what’s special about it to some people. I don’t want to build using the same oxide grey rock that everyone else uses. I wanna build using the special, rare, cerulean, rose, or azure colors that haven’t shown up ever or rarely at all. Because to me that’s what makes the game special. Id feel like there’s much less specialty to my builds if I had every color available to me.

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Personally I laugh at color rarity being a form
of progression to some people. I don’t see it as progression at all. We already have the ability to make all the blocks. The only thing different is the color. So it’s not giving me more xp. It’s not giving me any bonuses. In my case it wouldn’t be giving me more FF(as I build mainly for myself and most my builds see maybe 1k ff in a month), plus it’s not like it would up the amount per person anyway. My skills don’t progress further for having more colors. I mean I could go on but I’d be a broken record


Your sense of progression is different from mine. And maybe “progression” isn’t the right word to describe it. It’s not even progression that I crave it’s exclusivity. I want what others can’t or don’t have.

Sounds selfish but that’s the point of scarcity. It doesn’t make me feel like I’ve progressed further in the game, but it makes my build feel more special because I’d have colors that others don’t have. I’m not a great builder. I don’t have super creative skills. I don’t know when I’d use stark azure vs deep azure vs pure azure gleam or what colors they match up with best. But what I do know is if they spawn I’d be holding rare colors that other people don’t have access to. That alone makes my build feel more special. It’s a sense of progression in the sense that I have something that’s exclusive.

Now if they added other sense of exclusivity I’d be okay with colors being less rare. But as it’s stands theres not much in the game in terms of exclusive items so colors is the best I’ll get right now.

It’s not progression I crave, it’s exclusivity and wanting what others don’t or can’t have.

Yea I’ll just dip out from this. Nothing good can come from continuing this conversation now.


That’s fair. I try to facilitate healthy discussion on the subject and was just answering his question about why we have not seen all the colors.

I’ll also just leave this comment here of one of the devs basically confirming color scarcity is in fact their plan for this game going forward so we can put the whole argument to rest. We can argue it as much as we want but the point is that players do like it, and it’s the plan of the devs to leave it as such

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I saw his comment. And I don’t agree with doing things that way. And I’m not alone in that either. As we’ve seen with the discussions. But what the devs what is what the devs get. Lol

And I just can’t continue with the conversation because of your views. It’ll get ugly. Lol better for me to not comment towards it.


Yup, I don’t agree with that comment either. Artificial scarcity based on color doesn’t really help here. I’d be fine with it if other mechanics weren’t super-limited as they are now. See spray painting. Goo Farming is pointless for me because what I want to recolor cannot be recolored. Exos are pointless for me because of the “Lets keep worlds PRETTY algorithm”. Gleambow I cannot participate in because of my lack of decent hand-eye-coordination. … And so on.


I can agree with the fact that you should be able to re color what you want as a compromise.

Unfortunately colour scarcity is beginning to push me, and I know of a fair few others, away from the public universe. I don’t want creative… it’s not the same thing. I want to grind and put in the work and build, I just don’t want to have wait another 5 years to maybe have access to the colours I want, in the quantities I need to build with, to be able to do it.

Current feeling for me is… If there were a downloadable server where I could run my own universe with others, and not be restricted by colour scarcity, I would drop the live universe in a heartbeat.


Very well said.


This, so much this. I am in this same boat. I don’t want to just play in creative. I want the sense of accomplishment of “I gathered everything myself, I crafted everything myself, etc”. But with the way color scarcity is being pushed for, I’m afraid this entire subject is going to continue to splinter what little community we have.


Now I imagine you’d have a nice amount of people joining you if that were possible. Even if I had to start my character over I’d join. :sweat_smile:


I thought this was part of their plan to have this feature eventually

It is…but he specified not wanting it (see quote above). But if that’s the only option to play how he wants, that’s what he’ll do.

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I think a big issue around this is because some people in the community would not be happy at all if you could get all the colors. They’d say it would mess up the economy. Plus then the Goo advanced play would be sort of worthless. I am not sure how to change this perception both for the community and the Devs.

Old comment but props to havok

How often do people politely thank someone for correcting them on these forums?