Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued

How do I get there? (I feel like holding up a sign saying sorry i broke up with my adhd medication doctor, reconstructing coping mechanisms I haven’t needed for decades from scratch in progress)

On Steam’s Library, go into the properties for Boundless:

Select testing on this drop-down here, close this window and allow Steam to queue/download the updated data.

In the testing universe, the local universe stuff is located under the F1 debug menu (revealed by pressing F1).



oh my gosh people i thought i’d trid to do this so many times before, today it was easy! woooosh! so excited!

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Updated OP with details of Testing 249.3. Mainly improving the Local Universe experience.

Please note that the update includes a WIP main menu for selecting between the main MMO, shared universes and your local universe. The GUI is not functional and will only give you access to the main MMO. (In this case Testing.)

You still need to create a Local Universe via the DUI.


Hopefully all the spraying issues should be fixed now.


For those that are curious.

Screenshot 2021-01-28 081010

  • Oort Amalgam now provides 4 fuel per unit, up for the original 3.

Nice. Meteorite ichor getting some love… that’ll change up some things I bet.


Now we just need a constant stream of lucent exoworlds to actually get a constant source of meteorite ichor


Does all this gameplay changes will reflect on the mmo or is it specific to the local sandbox ?

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Isn’t compact oort going to be usable?
I can’t wait to fill all my portals with compact oort, I’m so excited. My least favorite part of the game is getting fixed!!!


Looks like it.

Also, notably, at 100 fuel per unit, it’s the same rough to fuel ratio as using shards if you’re doing mass craft. This means we just get a straight 100x multiplier on portal life span if nothing else gets tweaked.


I hope to god they don’t nerf it :pray::pray::pray:


Considering the math works out exactly the same to 13.88, repeating of course, fuel per rough oort, I think it’s very deliberate, and I am hopeful they will keep it.


IMO oort amalgam is still going to be made a LOT less after these changes than it is now. That is assuming everything currently on test in terms of EXP/skills hits live with no change to ichor drop rates. Compact oort allows you to fuel for a lot more time and that new brew is going to be very desirable.

You’re right about changing things up for sure. Lucent hunts will become a desirable thing.

If it helps your hopes any, it’s the exact same fuel consumption and you lose a notable amount of XP. So it already encourages a decrease in leveling.


Shall we start buying out all the Meteorite Ichor on BUTT? :smiley:


Updated OP with details of Testing 249.4. Mainly fixes.


If ichor would drop from some creatures it would be something more interesting.
When exo planets were released I did try some group hunts in lucent worlds. Those weren’t fun times for me and didn’t reward any way better. Used much more consumables than usually and rewards seem worse than T6 planets.

Nice to see compact oort as portal fuel :slight_smile:

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Can anyone help me test my server

[quote=“james, post:404, topic:53908, full:true”]
Updated OP with details of Testing 249.4. Mainly fixes.

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Yay!!! :grin: Thanks! :smiley:


I guess I don’t need those four chests of gleambow totems I made last time! :tada:

(I am happy for this change)