Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes!

after some hours of testing the new level & skill system I see now some problems or better to say I see one in my opinion gigantic problem

old level sytem testing 249
max. Level 50 180
XP for max. Level 3.304.900 164.226.900
XP for max. Level +1 200.000 2.744.000
Cubits for max Level Chest 300 300

If you was old level 854 and 2/3 you are new level 180 and if you was one off the rare level 1000 player you are new Level 191

in short
250 => 124
500 => 149
854,6 => 180
1000 => 191

but that is not the problem i mean :wink: that was only to show how level will changing

the problem is how we get new cubits for more plots and event items.

at the moment we get for every max level / every 200k xp a umbris coffer with 300 cubits
new in the testing it is like before for every max level a umbris chest BUT this max level chest now needs 2744k xp that means we need 13,72 times more xp for 300 cubits

200k xp => 300 cubits
2744k xp => 300 cubits
2744k / 200k => 13,72

how should a player get later cubits for cosmetic items and plots ?
how long should we farm xp just to get some new plots ?

solution for the problem would be:

  • more chest per level
  • change the system for the chest, like every 200k xp a chest
  • add bigger chest for higher level with more cubits

you need to make something or new player will leave the game if they cant build without farming xp long time

edit answer from james.

edit 2:
cubits increase from level 50 till 190 for each level for 5 cubits
that mean start at level 50 with 300 and end at 190 with 1000 cubits